wll_gmm:RMeMvsm Properly Iut'urmntiun hu'clmse prime iii180.000 First Yen: Reutfi'enr $42,280 First Tem- R.ent,-" Mouth. $3,523 Rmrtnl gut-db I'l'il'E 3.00\" PWPEVU' STOP-\"1 mt? -_1- .ma First Year lnstu'rume $2,200 First You: h-'Iail'lleumuz'e $21700 Expats? growth 2 40 Mm'ginal tax rate- 50.00% H'op-einr tax 9a. 235% Selling expense: {net tax deductible) \"P Camml Gums tax 96 0.00% Alternative AfterbTax Return. 2'6 5.40 Property Tax is calculated based on the BUY Property Value. Property Tm: and Interest are tax deductible. [nun Infonunliun MMI-to-vellie ratio 80% Lorin numwit $384,000 Interest rate 9.60% LDI'Il'i term (years) 30 Payments (per year} 12 Pl'epfo'ment Penalty, '36- 3.5:! Discount Paints 4.00 Discount Fees are eligible for tax deduction at the time epru-clmse {time o} eftlu'a property. Adequte cash is malleable for down pea-mam and payment ordiuemll fees. Prepturment Penalty 911E applied to the loan balance at the time of prepm'ment. Expecting to Sell the Property II EOY: 2 Break-Even Reutftfenr fur Year 1 3.12.250 W After-TMIBR. "o mmidedtoa decimal places: 'P Dec-131011 {RENT BUY. GRINDIFFERENU: ? Monthly Mortgage Paynwnt Alumni debt service (payment) Down Payment Discount Fee Charge After-Tex Discount Fee Charge E uih' [Iweshnent Loan Amortization: End of year Payment Balance Interest P'rindpnl Property value Property taxes Insurmce Maintenance Principal and Interest Cash Onlows before taxes Pmperty taxes [meanest Lon ll Amortization: End of year Payment Bamee Interest P'Jmcipal Property value Pmperty taxes lnsumce Mainlemmce Prindpa] and Interest Cash Onl'aws before taxes Property taxes Intelest Total tax deductions Tax savings After tax rust of owning Rents Incremental AT CF, Operating Sales price Salljng Costs Mortgage balance Prepayment Penalty Benet from sale {own - rent) Year Sold 2 Incremental AT CF, Owning Decision (RENT, BUT. DR INDIFF'ERENI'}: ? an-- IE. AT] R1196