Write a UML class diagram for the Student class. Make sure to include all class diagram information:
- Class Name
- Fields with data types and access modifiers
- Methods with return types, parameter names and data types, and access modifiers
Write a Use Case Diagram based upon the following specification for four use cases all of which are invoked by a Student:
A Students is able to register for a class which is then handled by the Registrar. A Student can also withdraw from a class which is then handled by the Registrar. A Student can choose to attend a class which is offered by a Teacher. A Student can also take an exam which is monitored by a Teacher.
H CIS 200 Lab 3 (Protected View) - Ward (Product Activation Failed ahmed fakh reddine 3 - 6 x File Herne Insert Design Layout References Mailings Review View Help Tell me what you want to do PROTECTED VIEW Be carefu files from the Intemet can contain viruses. Unless you need to edit, it's safer to stay in Protected View Enable Editing Winter 2120 Winter 2020 CIS 200 - LAB 3 Classes and UML Duc: 10 February 2020 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS Using separate source (Student and h er files a atna da torpresent students accoating to the following specifications use the method and attribute names as given here): The Studenth holder file you may not alter this file and yom nast sunit it with your code): #pragre once Pinclucesiostream> #include
using ramespace std; i. displays Destructor called for major major where c rise with the appropriate value i ets to Nood ii. Ses cedits to - Icons Sing Major i. LECULIL e const int Credits i EUILS Credits nisl vel getStatus i. mins both in major l eerence vil Manut i takes one string paneler ii. sets major ta parameter valse IL void setCrexits i. takes one int parameter il sets credit to meter value i vouwstatus i. take one in and our string parameter i ts both cryis a major to respective ter vales i sing display Student i. talos no Mameters ii sa sting 1 " uja. lave courpleted a cedat lust 2. where major > and are replied with the appropriate values 3. Mau Funct u s es in its owIL SOLUCelile Main. ) a. Declare a sigle sudent objects during detail ile illo Juve une majut "Computer Science i. Jo vlovce a value li ukolceda luxus ii. call the displayStudent from 51 object to print its data to screen h ectare a pedrar af 5 oberts of the student class i. Ask the user to put the l ocaud credit bouts for each student . Verify that the credit hours are >=0 ii. Use an iterator to call the displayStadent tunction for each s lent object in the vector after you have collected and set all of the input class Student private: string nafar: int credits; public: Student(string = 'General Studies", int c = 0); Studenti students s): Stucent(); cenat strine et Majordi const int gutCredits; const void gettatur(strings , int& e); void sets or string n); void setcreditaint ); void setstatus(string n, int c); string displaystudenti UML: CLASS AND USE CASE DIAGRAMS Write a UML dass diagram jar the Student class. Make sure to include all class diagram information: 1. Fields d ing b. edits: int 2. Methods na dirical ons may be created, 211 public 2. pu t erized constructor with intialized parameters i. sets major to General Studies cmtits ta 1 1. Note that these are both set in the prototype, but not in the cpo file 2. In tbe.cpp file you should be setting m or and medits to the input from the 1. Class Name 2. Ficles with latacs and access to its 3. Methods with return types, parter names and data types, and access modifiers Write a Use Case Diagram based upon the following specification for four use cases all of which are invoked by Stent " b. E. displays "Constructor has been called! cop constructor that performs a deep cafy sign the passed in cert's to the destructar A Shulents are ta teister for a ass vid is the land try the Registrar A Sment can also withdraw Lom a class which is then bandled by the Registrar. A Student can choose to attend a class wlach is offered by Teacher A Student can also take an exam which is mantarell a Teacher pret's Gelas c Page 1 of 2 654 words - + 78% ES A -- S Type here to search 3:47 PM 2/10/2020 H CIS 200 Lab 3 (Protected View) - Ward (Product Activation Failed ahmed fakh reddine 3 - 6 x File Herne Insert Design Layout References Mailings Review View Help Tell me what you want to do PROTECTED VIEW Be carefu files from the Intemet can contain viruses. Unless you need to edit, it's safer to stay in Protected View Enable Editing Winter 2120 Winter 2020 CIS 200 - LAB 3 Classes and UML Duc: 10 February 2020 PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS Using separate source (Student and h er files a atna da torpresent students accoating to the following specifications use the method and attribute names as given here): The Studenth holder file you may not alter this file and yom nast sunit it with your code): #pragre once Pinclucesiostream> #include using ramespace std; i. displays Destructor called for major major where c rise with the appropriate value i ets to Nood ii. Ses cedits to - Icons Sing Major i. LECULIL e const int Credits i EUILS Credits nisl vel getStatus i. mins both in major l eerence vil Manut i takes one string paneler ii. sets major ta parameter valse IL void setCrexits i. takes one int parameter il sets credit to meter value i vouwstatus i. take one in and our string parameter i ts both cryis a major to respective ter vales i sing display Student i. talos no Mameters ii sa sting 1 " uja. lave courpleted a cedat lust 2. where major > and are replied with the appropriate values 3. Mau Funct u s es in its owIL SOLUCelile Main. ) a. Declare a sigle sudent objects during detail ile illo Juve une majut "Computer Science i. Jo vlovce a value li ukolceda luxus ii. call the displayStudent from 51 object to print its data to screen h ectare a pedrar af 5 oberts of the student class i. Ask the user to put the l ocaud credit bouts for each student . Verify that the credit hours are >=0 ii. Use an iterator to call the displayStadent tunction for each s lent object in the vector after you have collected and set all of the input class Student private: string nafar: int credits; public: Student(string = 'General Studies", int c = 0); Studenti students s): Stucent(); cenat strine et Majordi const int gutCredits; const void gettatur(strings , int& e); void sets or string n); void setcreditaint ); void setstatus(string n, int c); string displaystudenti UML: CLASS AND USE CASE DIAGRAMS Write a UML dass diagram jar the Student class. Make sure to include all class diagram information: 1. Fields d ing b. edits: int 2. Methods na dirical ons may be created, 211 public 2. pu t erized constructor with intialized parameters i. sets major to General Studies cmtits ta 1 1. Note that these are both set in the prototype, but not in the cpo file 2. In tbe.cpp file you should be setting m or and medits to the input from the 1. Class Name 2. Ficles with latacs and access to its 3. Methods with return types, parter names and data types, and access modifiers Write a Use Case Diagram based upon the following specification for four use cases all of which are invoked by Stent " b. E. displays "Constructor has been called! cop constructor that performs a deep cafy sign the passed in cert's to the destructar A Shulents are ta teister for a ass vid is the land try the Registrar A Sment can also withdraw Lom a class which is then bandled by the Registrar. A Student can choose to attend a class wlach is offered by Teacher A Student can also take an exam which is mantarell a Teacher pret's Gelas c Page 1 of 2 654 words - + 78% ES A -- S Type here to search 3:47 PM 2/10/2020