write code for all parts in visual studios c sharp
CPRG 200 Lab Assignment 2 You may discuss your approach to solving this problem with other students, ar ask for advice if stuck, but ultimotely you should develop all the code on your own. You may use any code that you have previously developed or that was posted in this course. Objectives In this lab you will practice creating a class and collecting multiple class objects. You will also write unit tests for the class. Problem Description You were asked to create an application that processes electricity bills for multiple customers. For now, customers' data will be just stored in the application. In other words, each time the application executes, it will start from scratch. For each customer, electricity bill is calculated based on number of kWh as follows: - There is an administrative charge of \$12. - In addition, for each kWh used there a charge of $0.07. For each customer, the following data is stored: - AccountNo - an int value, - FirstName and LastName - string values, - Number of kWh used - a decimal number, and - Billamount - a decimal number. Your application will create and store multiple objects that contain customers' data. It will also keep track of the following statistics: - Number of customers processed, - Total number of kWh used, - Average bill amount Technical Requirements Your solution will contain three projects: 1. Class library CustomerData that contains class Customet that has the following members: - public properties for the customer's data listed above, - a constructor or constructors. - method CalculateCharge that calculates the charge amount for this customer according to the rules, and - ToStringl] method that returns a display string- 2. Windowsforms project that defines GUI with controls to enter new customer's data and to display data of all customers and required statistics. It should be well-organized and easy to use. When adding a new customer, user enters firstName and LastName and kWh used. All entries must be provided, and k Wh has to be a non-negative number. AccountNo can be either generated by the application or entered by the user. If it is entered by the user, the application should check for uniqueness. 1 All customers' data is displayed in a list box, and there are controls to display the required statistics. 3. UnitTest project that contains tests for method CaiculateCharge in class Customer At least 3 tests are present and all pass. General requirements Like in Lab 1, the look of the form is up to you, but professionalism and clarity/easiness to use will be a factor in marking. Required comments are the same as for Lab 1: - Top block comments on each code file that explains purpose of the module or class, date when created (at least month and year), and the author's name. - Each method has a comment that explains its purpose. - Each variable has a comment that explains its meaning. - Each group of statements that perform a single task has a comment that explains the task. Submit. Zip the entire folder with your application and submit to the appropriate Dropbox on D2L. The assignment must be submitted before the due date. Unless an important reason is provided, late penalty deductions of 3 points per day will be applied