You and a friend at ELAC complete your Associate of Arts Degrees for Transfer (AD-T), then transfer and complete 4-year university degrees, and both go on to graduate school. Your friend becomes a scientist and you become an attorney. [Choose a fellow ELAC STUDENT FRIEND and use their name, and YOUR OWN NAME, to complete this assignment. | Your friend managed a local drug store during college (e.g., Rite-A1d/Walgreens/CVS). After completing graduate degrees in chemistry and biology your friend starts a pharmaceuticals research and development company in Los Angeles and has retained you as her/his new start up company's business VNI After completing your Law School degree (in the future), you start your own law firm and work through your first year in business experiencing the typical financial challenges that all new businesses face. You spend great time and effort working long hours, to build your client base, while doing all legal work available for practically any client who hires (and pays) you. Your ELAC friend remembers you from ELAC as diligent and hardworking and hires you as their business attorney. You want to do a good job for your friend, to keep the pharmaceuticals company as your major client while your firm, and the company grow more successful. (Doing a good job will also impact your grade on this assignment and for the class 50 points). Your ELAC friend/classmate 1s the pharmaceuticals business client. You are their business' attorney. CLIENT BUSINESS NAME (Help your client start) Your client's company will be named \"[ YOUR FRIEND'S LAST NAME] BIOMEDESIGN, [business form designation e.g., Corp, LLC, Ltd., etc].\" CLIENT GOALS (Help your client achieve their goals) Your client's business goals are to build a thriving research company that will advance society through science, and to become very wealthy. CLIENT INTERESTS AND CONCERNS (Protect and promote your client's endeavors) * Right now, the client is just starting their business with very little capital and no assets other than those of the owner (your friend's intellect, savings, and creditworthiness). * The client wants to start business right away because the client has been offered paid short-term \"contract work * The client wants to start business right away because the client has been offered paid short-term \"contract work manufacturing for other companies. They are just waiting on you to get them safely started. * The client is willing to do immediate paid short-term \"contract work to keep the business going for now. However, the client will need to raise significant investment capital ($100 million+) to realize his/her long-term growth vision. * In the future, the client wants to \"go BIG\" and turn the company into a global multibillion-dollar business (consider IPOs on publicly traded securities/stock exchanges). * The client does not mind \"sharing\" a portion of ownership in the business (equity shares) in the future if it is necessary to grow the business. * The client believes if he/she is the one taking all the start-up risks (the entreprencurial risks), then he/she should always have the largest share of rewards from business success. * Ultimately, the client wants the option to \"cash out\" and retire wealthy. However, after \"retired,\" he/she may want to continue active involvement in research to stay busy (he/she 1S not sure at this point)