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You and your team have been working on a project for several months and are about 50% complete. Today is July 1, 2022. When you

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You and your team have been working on a project for several months and are about 50% complete. Today is July 1, 2022. When you came into work this morning, your boss told you, that your project was being put on hold for the next three months and that work will resume on the project on September 2, 2022. What should you do? C] Update the status of all tasks as of today and then save and archive the project le. C] Update the progress of all tasks as of today and then save and archive the project le. C] Update the status of the project as of today and then reschedule the remaining work to begin again on September 2, 2022. C] Update the work as complete through July 1, 2022. Time phased tracking requires more effort on the part of the project manager and on the part of the team that provides the detailed tracking information. Usually, using Update tasks and recording percent complete is sufficient. Time phase tracking might be the best approach in all of the following circumstances EXCEPT for when: O Tasks are of very high interest to sponsors or other stakeholders O Tasks are of relative short durations where a single variance could put the schedule at risk You are managing a group of high risk tasks You are managing a simple project where tracking in great detail isn't so important.The Cost Table is a useful for examining costs in any task centric view. Below is a screen shot showing the Project Summary Task and the first couple of phases in a project. Fixed Fixed Cost Task Name Cost Accrual Total Cost Baseline Variance * Actual Remaining * 0 . Children's Book Schedule $0.00 Prorated 114,418.50 .86,227.50 28,191.00 .78,361.50 36,057.00 Editorial staff meeting $0.00 Prorated $2,223.00 $2,223.00 $0.00 $1,197.00 $1,026.00 15 Acquisition $0.00 Prorated $18,804.00 :18,804.00 $0.00 18,804.00 $0.00 16 Manuscript received $0.00 Prorated $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 Content edit $0.00 Prorated to ann on $6,300.00 $0.00 $6,300.00 $0.00 Cost Table Original art review $0.00 Prorated wu $8,364.00 $0.00 $8,364.00 $0.00 19 Author review of content edit $0.00 Prorated $4,140.00 $4,140.00 $0.00 $4,140.00 $0.00 20 Handoff to Editorial $0.00 Prorated $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 21 Editorial $0.00 Prorated $16,183.00 :16,183.00 $0.00 .16,183.00 $0.00 22 Organize manuscript for copyedit $0.00 Prorated $3,213.00 $3,213.00 $0.00 $3,213.00 $0.00 23 Copyedit $0.00 Prorated $8,460.00 $8,460.00 $0.00 $8,460.00 $0.00 24 Author review of copyedit $0.00 Prorated $900.00 $900.00 $0.00 $900.00 $0.00 25 Copyedit incorp $0.00 Prorated $3,610.00 $3,610.00 $0.00 $3,610.00 $0.00 26 Handoff to Production $0.00 Prorated $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Which of the following statements about project costs is false? Baseline cost represents the planned cost of the project at the time that the baseline was set. OThe current total cost value is the sum of the actual and remaining cost values. O Actual cost is the cost that has been incurred to date. The figures shown in the Project Statistics dialog box are different than the cost figures displayed on the Project Summary Task.The diagram below shows the Resource Sheet view with the Entry Table displayed. How is the information in the diagram sorted? Resource Name Group Max. Peak Std. Rate Ovt. Cost Work Luis Sousa Design 100% 100% $70.00/hr $0.00/hr $14,000.00 200 hrs A Dan Jump Design 50% 100% $75.50/hr $0.00/hr $7,134.75 94.5 hrs 5 Hany Morcos Editorial 100% 200% $38.75/hr $0.00/hr $15,788.75 401 hrs 3 Copyeditors Editorial 200% 200% $45.00/hr $0.00/hr $13,500.00 300 hrs Jane Dow Editorial 100% 100% $63.25/hr $0.00/hr $15,180.00 240 hrs Carole Poland Editorial 100% 100% $2,100.00/wk|$0.00/hr $11,182.50 213 hrs Jun Cao Editorial 100% 100% $42.00/hr $63.00/hr $546.00 13 hrs 10 Tad Orman Other 100% 100% $0.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 296 hrs 11 Travel Other 0% $3,500.00 12 Advance proofs Production 0 copies/day $15.00 $300.00 20 copies 9 Printing Service Production 100% 100% $0.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 240 hrs 2 Color Setting Services Production 200% 100% $0.00/hr $0.00/hr $0.00 80 hrs By ID in Descending order and then by Cost in Descending order By Group in Ascending order and then by Max in Ascending order By Group in Ascending order and then by Work in Descending order By Cost in Descending order and then by Group in Ascending orderThe ABC company is undertaking many projects this year. Typically, each person in the company is working on 3-5 projects at any one time. A resource pool file has been established and all the projects in the company are using the resource pool file. What is the best view to see what each person is doing across all the projects, if none of the sharer projects are currently open. The only file that is open is the Resource Pool file. Resource Usage Task Entry O Levelling Gant Resource SheetAn interim plan is different than a baseline plan. In fact throughout your project you may want to save several interim plans without updating the baseline. At which of the following times is it appropriate to save a baseline instead of an interim plan. 0 At preset time intervals such as weekly or monthly 0 Just prior to entering a large number of actual values 0 At the conclusion of a major phase of work Q When major changes to the plan have rendered the current baseline invalid. eicenienniaicollegema Quizzes - 22M Test 2 x Time Limit: 1:30:00 Time Left:1:02:44 Mark lkpuri: Attempt 1 e 1' _ E 13 Listen II 1 2 Jun Cao has created a macro in their MS Project le. When running the macro. Jun : : : discovers that a change needs to be made. Jun would like to open the Visual Basic Editor to edit the macro. 4 s 6 : : : What are the steps to open the Visual Basic Editor? 7 S 9 __ __ __ O View tab, in the Macros group, click Macros, click the name of a macro and then : : : click Open Visual Basic Editor. 10 11 12 : L L O View tab. in the Macros group, click Macros, click the name of a macro and then i i i click Edit. 13 14 1s : : : 0 Task tab, in the Macros group, click Macros, click the name of a macro and then 16 17 13 click Edit. : : : O Vie p Listen le Macros group, click Macros, click Edit Macros, select macro you 19 2 21 would like to edit. Click 0k. J J -- 2f 23 2\" Question so (1 point) IE it Listen p l Your project is 'borrowing' team members from ve departments within your organization. You have set up your Resource sheet so you can see which resource Jun Cao has created a macro in their MS Project le. When running the macro, Jun discovers that a change needs to be made. Jun would like to open the Visual Basic Editor to edit the macro. What are the steps to open the Visual Basic Editor? 0 View tab, in the Macros group, click Macros, click the name of a macro and then click Open Visual Basic Editor. 0 View tab, in the Macros group, click Macros, click the name of a macro and then click Edit. 0 Task tab, in the Macros group, click Macros, click the name of a macro and then click Edit. 0 View tab, in the Macros group, click Macros, click Edit Macros. select macro you would like to edit. Click 0k. You work at a company where there are always 4-5 projects on the go. Each project manager assigns resources in their own project. It is difcult to tell which resources are overallocated and which resources have remaining availability. Which 1view could a project manager use to see which tasks each resource is assigned to within their own project. 0 |Guantt Chart View 0 Task Usage View 0 Resource Usage View 0 Resource Sheet View Gordon has been assigned to a task that takes 5d of duration. His boss thinks he can nish the task in 4 days, because he doesn't realize Gordon is also working on other tasks in that time period. He changes the duration to 4d and clicks OK. Gordon tells his boss that he is only available 50% of the available time. The boss changes the Units to 50% and clicks OK. What is the new duration? Tracking work by time period allows the project manager to perform a more detailed level of tracking; It is best to use time phased tracking except in which of the following circumstances? 0 When there is insufcient time and money to perform detailed tracking. 0 Tasks in which key stakeholders have a high interest level. 0 There are high risk tasks involved. 0 When you are tracking progress on near critical tasks. As a project manager, you suspect that you are currently over budget. You want to take a look at your project plan and determine which resources are most likely causing the cost variance. What is the easiest way to determine this. 0 Use the Resource Usage View and display the Cost details. 0 Display the Cost Table in the Task Sheet view. 0 Go to the Task Sheet view display the Work table and then sort the tasks by cost in descending order. 0 Go to the Resource Sheet View, display the Cost Table and then sort the resources by cost in descending order. You are tracking actual and remaining work for tasks and assignments with using the Task Usage view with the Work Table displayed. If the actual work value entered is greater than the planned work, what happens to the Remaining Work value? 0 Remaining Work is calculated as zero. 0 Remaining Work remains the same as it was before you entered the actual work value. 0 The hours of Remaining Work are split proportionally among all resources assigned to the task. 0 The Remaining Work value cannot be edited manually. The Resource Allocation View is a combination View that is comprised of two which two views. 0 Resource Usage view in top window; Levelling Gantt in bottom window 0 Resource Sheet in the top window; Resource Allocation View in the bottom window O Gantt Chart in top window; Task Form in the bottom window 0 Resource Usage View in top window; Resource Form View in the bottom window You are meeting with the Project Sponsor on Monday. He wants to get an overview of how your project is doing. Specically he wants to know how the 1} project is doing overall, 2] the status of costs pertaining to resources, and 3} whether we are meeting our milestones or not. Which 3 reports would you give him. 0 Project overview report, Resource cost overview report, Milestone report 0 Cost overview report, Project overview report, and Slipping Tasks report O Project overview report, Task cost overview report, Resource cost overview report 0 Project overview report, Task cost overview report, Milestone report. Project Manager John Evans is displaying the Network Diagram view of the project MS project file to the project sponsor. They decide that the node colour needs to be changed. Which dialog box do they need to access to change the appearance of the different types of nodes in the Network Diagram view? Data Template Definition Dialog Box O Box Styles Dialog Box O Project Information Dialog Box Text Styles Dialog BoxThe Resource Allocation View is a powerful combination view that allows vou to pinpoint on a time-phased basis, the hours an individual is scheduled to spend on tasks. In this view, the ______________ view is in the top pane and the _ view is in the bottom pane. 0 Resource Usage; Leveling Gantt 0 Resource Form: Leveling Gantt 0 Resource Usage; Resource Form 0 Leveling Gantt; Task Usage As a program manager you have three project managers reporting to you. All three project managers are encountering scheduling difculties because their projects are dependent on the completion of tasks in each others projects. You are going to hold a meeting with the three project managers to discuss the issues. How could you easil'jlF visualize the problem? 0 Insert Projects A, B, and C into a consolidated project le and then create the appropriate inter-project dependencies. Q Have each project manager make a list of the tasks which are impacting their schedule and then discuss how to modify the schedules. 0 Project Manager A and Project Manager B can consolidate their projects and then discuss the dependencies with Project Manager C. 0 Create a resource pool le and have all three projects share common resources. Negative slack bars are used by project managers as an early warning system that let's them know well in advance if they are going to miss a key milestone date. Which diagram below represents the line in the bar styles dialog box that correctly defines negative slack bars. O |Negative slack 1 Task Finish Negative Slack Negative slack Task Start Negative Slack O Negative slack 1 Negative Slack Task Finish O Negative slack 1 Negative Slack Task Start ....In the project below, Jenny has been assigned more work than she can possibly do. The project manager was examining Jenny's workload and he leveled her work. In the diagram below, what do the a) the olive task bars represent, and b) the blue bars represent. November December Resource Name Cost Baseline Coat Details 10/07 19/14 10/21 19/28 11/71 11/25 12/02 1 . Jenny Chin $6,778.85 $0, Work 15h 11.25h 22 5h 48.75h 33.75h Identify client contact $576.92 so. Work Arrange initial client meeting $288. 46 50. Work Determine special logistic needs $865. 38 So. Work Determine construction schedule 5432.69 50. Work 11.25h RESOURCE USAGE Determine estimated occupancy date $288.46 So. Work 3.75h 3.75h Determine estimated relocation date $288.46 so. Work 7.5h Determine novber of photocopiers $288. 46 Ca. Work 7.5h Establish electrical telecom & network specs. $1,442.31 60. Work 15h 22.Sh Define security requirement $1,442.31 co. Work 7.5h 18.75h 11.25h Establish adjacenty requirements $865. 38 Fo. Work 7.5h 15h Talk Leveling November December Name Leveling Delay Can Split 10/14 10/21 TIME 12702 Identify client contact O edays Yes Arrange initial client meeting 0 edays Yes ughnuts[12 Eclair] Determine special logistic needs 0 edays Yes any Chin(50%] Determine construction schedule 0 edays Yes Vince Baker, Mary Gordon[50%]_Jenny Chin[40%] 15 Determine estimated occupancy date O edays Yes Jenny Chin[50%],Mary Gordon[50%] Determine estimated relocation date 0 edays Yes Jenny Chin[50%].Mary Gordon(50%] 20 Determine number of photcopiers 2 edays Yes Jenny Chin 21 Establish electrical, telecom & network specs. 7 edays Yes Jenny Chin Jenny Chin(50%] C. C. C NG GANTT 24 Define security requirements 3 edays No 25 Establish adjacenty requirements O edays Yes Jenny Chin(50%] Oa) pre leveling Gantt b) post leveling Gantt O a) post leveling Gantt, b) how much Jenny's work is to be advanced Oa) how much Jenny's work is delayed, b) post leveling Gantt ( a) post leveling Gantt, b) pre leveling GanttProject managers generally look for variances that can have an adverse effect on a project, such as a variance that pushes out the nish date of the project. The best way to look at this kind of variance is: 0 Use the Tracking Gantt View and display the Variance table 0 Use the Gantt chart View and display the Work table 0 Use the Task Sheet View and display the Work table 0 Use the Gantt chart view and disolav the Entrv table The Red Project, Blue Project, and Green Projects are all connected to a resource pool le. The Program Manager has created a Master Project le and Inserted all three subprojects into it. Task 5 in the Red Project must be completed before Task 7 in the Blue Project can start, so the program manager created a FS link between the two tasks in the two projects. He saved and closed all the les, including the Resource Pool le. When the Blue Project manager opens his le the next day, he notices a new gray task bar in his Gantt chart. Which of the following statements about this ghost task is false? 0 There is no corresponding ghost task in the Red Project indicating that there is an external successor. O The task no longer exists in the Red project le. 0 If you Double Click on the ghost task in the Blue Project, it will open up the Red Project, to allow you to see the predecessor task. 0 In the Predecessor column beside Task 7 in the Blue project, there is an unusual predecessor: Red Project\\5FS Your sponsor is concerned about the lack of scheduling exibility in your project. Many of the tasks are on the critical path and hence these tasks don't have any oat or free oat. The sponsor has asked to see a listing showing the amount of Float and Free Float for each task in the project. Which view and table lets you quickly access this information? [w There are three types of resources that can be assigned in projects: Work, Material, and Cost resources. _ _____________ and ______________ resources represent Direct Costs that are directly attributable to a task or work package, while ____________ _ resources represent Indirect Costs that cover items like contingency, insurance, and travel costs that are not directly attributable to a single task. Blank # 2 a, Blank # 3 ,5}, When you are working with multiple projects, a can help you see how resources are used across the various projects. The plans that are connected to the resource pool file are called files. Blank # 1 Blank # 2PROJECT OVERVIEW % COMPLETE Status for all top-level tasks. To see the status for subtasks, click on the chart and update the outline level in the Field List. 10096 10046 10 APR '23 12 JAN '24 90% * COMPLETE 70% 60%% 54% 60% 50% 40% Project Overview 10%% MILESTONES DUE Editorial Acquisition Editorial Design and Colorprep Book Milestones that are coming soon. PROJECT OVERVIEW staff Production and printing launch prep Name Finish meeting Send proofed pages to Production 07 Oct 23 LATE TASKS Send proofed pages to Production 06 Nov 23 Tasks that are past due. Start Finish Duration " Complete Franurce Names Send proofed pages 02 Oct '23 02 Oct '23 0 days Hany Marcos to Production Enter page 10 Out '25 16 Oct 23 i days Jane Dow, Dani corrections and index Cover design 17 Oct '23 23 Oct '23 5 days Luis Sousa Proof and review 24 Oct '25 06 Nov 23 10 days Hany Marcos Create mockup 24 Oct '23 02 Nov 23 1.5 days Luis Sousa, Harry Looking at the Project Overview report above, which items (phases) are currently in progress? Blank # 1 A/ Blank # 2 A/Task 10 Jan '21 17 Jan 21 24 Join Mode . Task Name Duration Finish T WT F S S M T W T F S SM T WTFSSM # MANAGEMENT 12 days? Mon 04/01/2 Tue 19/01/21 42% * PLANS AND PERMITS 5 days Mon 04/01/2 Fri 08/01/21 100% Complete kitchen drawings 3 days Mon 04/01/21 Wed 06/01/21 100% Obtain permit 2 days Thu 07/01/21 Fri 08/01/21 3 10 hollow milestone Plans and permits complete 0 days Fri 09/01/21 Fri 08/01/21 4 #0bru . PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTS 7 days? Mon 11/01/2 Tus 19/01/21 19% Negotiate contract with electrician 5 days Mon 11/01/21 Ful 15/01/21 5 Negotiate contract with HVAC installers 1 day? Mon 12/01/21 Man 18/01/21 7 Negotiate contracts with plumber 1 day? Tue 19/01/21 Tue 19/01/21 8 0% 10 Contracts complete D days Tue 19/01/21 Tue 19/01/21 9 # 19/01 Looking at Task 10 in the above diagram, the hollow milestone represents the and the solid milestone represents the Blank # 1 A Blank # 2Carple Poland Bh Ansign launch fir Schedule author Kickoff book low Channel Soleagr. JUSTin Work Distribute ofvon Work Work Content cur Work Marioff to Faita Work Work Work Assign launch team ment Carole Poland Jun Cro Carsin Poland Kickoff book launch mort Channel Sales pry Distribute advance copies Dedmid LEVELING GANTT Maturicript received Coment edit Handoff to Editorial Dedmad Carole is an excellent resource and as a result, project managers are always assigning a lot of tasks to her. Her available time is often insufficient to do all of the work assigned to her, meaning she is usually overallocated. Her boss is using the diagram below to help him decide how to lighten her load. Which view is this?In this table, what is the total value of the Cost resources? Fixed Ineed Cost Task Name . Variance . Herraining . Resource Names . Children's Book $0.DO Prorated $114,918.50 $114,918.50 50.DD $72,249.50 $42,663.00 Schedule Acquisition 50.00 Prorated 50.00 $6,612.00 Manuscript received Prompted $580 00 50.30 $530 09 $5.00 Insurance[$300.08] 10/04 Content edit 50 0 56,300.80 56,490 00 50.00 Carole Poland Carole Poland Original art review 58.364 00 $8,314.00 54,182 00 $4,182.00 Hany Marcos, Jane Do Hany Marcos, Jane Dow Author review of Prompted 54,140.20 $4, 140.00 $1,710 00 $2,430.00 Ted Ornan, Tad Orman, Copyeditors conbent edit Copyeditor Cost ResourceYou missed a couple of key milestones in your project. This isn't good! Another project manager showed you how to create negative slack bars in your Gantt chart that would warn you in advance, if you were going to miss a milestone. This solution is working ne in your current project, but you want the negative slack bars to show up in all future projects. To do this, you need to use the ______________ to copy the Gantt chart view from your current project into the ______________ le. Task 5 'Author review of content edit' shows an Actual cost of $1,710 and a Remaining cost of $2,430. When the work is 100% complete on this task, what will be the Remaining cost for the Acquisitions phase? Fixed Fixed Cost Tank Name COST . Variance + flerraining . Resource Names May . Children's Book Prorated $114,918.50 $114,918.50 $0.DD $72,249.50 $42,669.00 Schedule Remaining cost . Arquisition 50.30 Prorated $12,692 00 $6.612.09 Manuscript received Prompted $500.po $590.00 $400 09 50.00 Insurance[$300.09] 10/04 Content edit Prompted 56.300.80 56,390.00 $6,330 09 $8.DO Carole Poland Carole Poland Original art review 50.00 Prompted 58.35400 $8,814.00 50 00 $4, 187 09 $4,183.00 Hany Marcos, Jane Do Hany Morees, Jane Dow Author review of Prompted 54,140.DO $4 140.00 $1,710 00 $2,485.00 Tad Orman, Tad Orman, Copyeditors conbent edit Copyeditor Oo $6,612 O $ 4,182 $2,430The baseline is a record of what you expect the plan to look like at one point in time. Which of the following is not an option for keeping an accurate baseline. 0 Updating the baseline only for selected tasks 0 Updating progress on current tasks. 0 Creating a second or subsequent baseline, known as re-baselining the plan. 0 Updating the baseline for the entire plan

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