You are member of an investigation team to research and report on the "true and fair status of the financial statements of a high profile international company and to critique on the opinion given in the "Independent Audit report" by this company's Auditor
You are member of an investigation team to research and report on the \"true and fair\" status of the financial statements of a high profile international company and to critique on the opinion giyen in the \"independent Audit report" try this company's Auditor. Reguired You need to investigate the facts of the case study and using the riskbased auditing approach, auditing concepts, auditing standards and case laws and other information which you haye learnt in this unit, such as: I! ASA 315 - identifying and Assessing the Risks ofMoterioi Misstotement through Understanding the Entityr and its Environment ASA 3201! - Moterio'iity in Pionning and Performing on Audit ASA 33S - The Auditor's Responses to Assessed Risks ASA 560 - Subsequent Events ASA SEE - Going Concern ASA FEE - Forming on Opinion and Reporting on o Finonsioi Report ASA J'GS - Modifications to the Opinion in the independent Auditor's Report ASA MS - Emphasis of Matter Paragraph and Other Matter Paragraphs in the independent Auditor's Report Ir APES Ila-Code ofEthies for ProfessionoiAeeountonts The aboye list is only illustratiye and your case study report is not required to address all the above mentioned topics. You can include other auditing standards coyered in this unit, as related to this company. You need to discuss the impact and relationship of the auditing standards so determined shore, in the context of auditing theories, concepts, regulations, practices and other topics which you have learnt in this unit, such as: I Business risir I Corporate Governance - Ethics and culture I Whistieoiowing I inherent and controi risks I Action by creditors, snarenoiders and reguiatory agencies I internai controi I Reporting ooiigation of auditors I Auditor's negiigence anor contributory negiigence Fine-n. 1 n; \"I - Auditors independence, duties and continuity - Aggressive accounting poiicies used in nanciai statement - Freud and misappropriations - Reguiatory bodies The above list is again illustrative only and your case study report is not required to address all the above mentioned auditing standards. You can include other topics of this unit as related to the company assigned to you for investigation. And then derive your conclusions and recommendations. Please use the Australian Standards of Auditing [ASA] even if they are NOT Australian companies, as they are based on Intemaonal Standards of Auditing [ISA] in order to derive your conclusions and recommendations