You are required to design and develop an application in this assessment activity and submit it with a report. Description of the activity In this assessment activity, you are required to: Write an algorithm and create a flowchart on how the program works. . . . Write a program in PHP using an array to translated words Write an algorithm for the Pig Latin translator Design a flowchart showing how the system works Use appropriate PHP language syntax to write the program . . Use appropriate comments in program . Describe the functions of the program Write the program in PHP fulfilling all the specification You need to submit your report with all the output of the test case to the assessor/ trainer in a word file. You will also need to create a PHP file so the assessor can check the program. Your trainer/assessor will review the requirements and identify design specifications, programming standards and guidelines according to task requirements. In this assessment task you must develop the algorithms and programs taking into consideration the following requirements: Introduction regarding the Pig Latin translator Design an algorithm in response to basic program specifications using mathematical formulae Develop application to meet program specification Confirm application meets initial specifications Provide information about using the translator Algorithm and flow chart of the Pig Translator . Description of the number of string manipulation functions that are applied on the program Correct, concise and error free grammatical sentences Identify design specifications, programming standards and guidelines according to task requirements Apply basic language syntax rules Create code using language data types, operators and expressions Apply variables and variable scope Use program library functions Clarify the meaning of code using commenting techniques