You are the owner of the Airport Caf.You want to make a major cash expenditure (expansion and a completely new kitchen) in 12 months' time and you have researched the situation to help you make a knowledgeable decision.Your work has led you to make the following assumptions:
- You have obtained the history of airport passengers for the past 57 months
- The number customers at your Caf for the past 57 months
- The amount customers have spent in your Caf for the past 57 months
- The cost to operate your Caf for the past 57 months
Airport Passengers Customer Data Date Airport Date Cafe Customers Date Customer Passengers Spend Date Cafe Costs 1614.539 14,491 0101/13 5218.$20 2.159.800 13.180 $234 340 (401/13 $222 870 2915.918 0501713 12.297 0301/13 $260,156 05 01/13 $171 341 06/01 13 14.782 $285.135 0601/13 $159.779 07/01/13 3.177.100 0701/13 15.792 07/01/13 $264,315 07/01/13 5349.715 08/01713 1.419.595 14,668 $301991 0801/13 $214.839 1619 702 0901713 17.277 09 01/13 $234.530 10 01713 3 630 668 18.601 $381,962 1001/13 $261347 1,191 526 15.082 $262,141 1 1/01/13 $205 852 1201/13 3.249.428 1201713 1201/13 $341.214 1201/13 $257.169 1,971.484 15.234 $328, 74 01/01/14 5205465 02/01714 1 074 209 0701714 17,028 07/01/14 0101/14 $259 277 2,785 466 14,066 $285.985 0101/14 $255.120 0-/01/14 2.$15 361 0401/14 13,692 04/01/14 $273,445 0401/14 $159.474 0301/14 J.105 938 05/01714 14.024 03/01714 $180. 159 0501/14 $206.120 0601/14 3,139 059 0801714 18,7HM $415,995 01401/14 $280 493 07/01/14 3.150 355 07/0174 17,810 07/01714 $391317 0701/14 $276 491 08/01/14 3.612 886 03/01/14 14.979 $306491 0801/14 $219.513 0901/14 3.765 824 09/01/14 19.795 0701/14 $366.210 0901/14 5312178 10/01/14 3,771_842 1001714 20.449 10901714 $363,218 1001/14 $303405 1101/14 3,156 365 7/01714 18.303 $335,365 17/01/4 $301439 1301/14 3,490 100 1201/14 17.762 120171 $335.105 12/01/14 $217 430 01/01715 16.153 $337.071 01/01/15 $214.019 0301/15 J.167.124 0701/15 02/01715 $356,842 0201/15 3201579 0301715 2801 810 04/01715 $304.549 0101/15 $197.765 0-4/01/15 2.610.667 11.827 $194,474 OLOVIS SITESTO 05/01/15 1.129.205 05/01/15 14,902 0501/15 $285 657 0501/15 $276.914 06/01 15 09/01715 17.093 06/01/15 $330.171 06 01/15 $256.361 1547 804 07/01715 07/01713 $384,691 07/01/15 $231 390 0W/01/15 1,746 323 060/01/15 22.547 060/01/15 0201/15 $331 645 09/01/15 3.915 580 OPOLIS 17.205 $209,1 14 ON01/IS $275.137 10/01/15 3.917.884 1091/15 18.210 10 01/15 $411.528 1001/15 5255.530 I1/01/15 3.564,970 16,876 $345.664 11/01/15 $371.391 12/01/15 3602,435 1201/15 15.764 12/01/15 $319.194 1201/15 $207.913 OV/OU16 16.365 $306,143 01/01/16 5364,348 1.441.693 20.868 0701/16 $423.271 0201/16 5192665 3,211 600 15,784 $323 168 03/01/16 $214.387 0-01/16 2,998, 119 15.421 $354,618 0101/16 8351457 05/01/16 3,472,440 17.861 05/01/16 $359.560 0501/16 $365.503 0601/16 1.563.007 16.109 $313.394 0601/16 $270.109 07/01/16 3,820 570 21,466 07101/16 $369.128 0701/16 $318497 08/01/16 4.107.195 20 308 $348.359 0201/16 5289 207 4,354 403 0901/16 19.743 $374,512 0901/16 $130639 10/01/16 4.156 216 20901 10701/16 $416.853 1001/16 $191756 3,819 179 20,713 11/01/16 $465,467 11/01/16 $325.101 1201/16 3.844987 1201/16 17.948 1201/16 $135.164 1201/16 $361,130 01/01/17 3478 890 17.165 $213.190 01/01/17 5238.912 0701/17 1413,019 0201717 0201717 $326,814 0301/17 $236,438 01/01/17 3.104 637 15.067 $344,785 0101/17 $156.608 04/01/17 1964 477 0401/17 14,869 0407/17 $309 191 0401/17 $210 317 05/01/17 1,593 364 05/01/17 18.708 05/01/17 $376.874 0501/17 5317.108 06/01/17 0401/17 17.062 06/01/17 $396,540 0401/17 $278 134 07/01/17 1.213 016 0701/17 21.440 07/01/17 $358.TOT 07/01IT $275.601 4,146 797 18,849 $321,063 08 01/17 $253.130 09701/17 4.176.486 21.592 0901717 $294.370 0901/17 $248.752 10/01/17 4 147 059 1001/17 19.819 10701717 $379.065 10 01/17 $325 617 1/30/17 1 13017 16,212 11/30717 $137.055 11/30/17 $235.121