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You may refer to the following brief outline in preparing your final deliverable. Title Page. Overview of the Company. Key Financial Highlights. Annual Reports. Competitive

You may refer to the following brief outline in preparing your final deliverable.

  1. Title Page.
  2. Overview of the Company.
  3. Key Financial Highlights.
    1. Annual Reports.
    2. Competitive Standing.
    3. Financial Analysis (Horizontal, Vertical, Ratio).
  4. International Trade & Risks.
  5. SWOT.
  6. Conclusion & Recommendation (as an investment, acquisition, expansion or sale).
  7. References.
  8. Target (Preferred but it can be another publicly traded company)
image text in transcribed FINANCIAL ANALYSIS- INSTRUCTIONS Hi Everyone, Please download and save this document for your reference. For your Unit 3- Assignment 2 and Unit 6Assignment 2, please follow these instructions: You want to choose a publicly traded company. (Note: Be sure to have your public company chosen by the end of Unit 1). Be sure that it is large enough so it contains a lot of easily found financial information. I recommend using Yahoo's financial web site at . You will write your Final Analysis paper that includes the following: Executive Summary: Introduce your company and its current status.. How are they performing? Are they profitable? Are they gaining or losing market share? Have they introduced new products?, etc. SWOT Analysis: Please include a comprehensive SWOT analysis about your chosen company. You should include 4-5 items under each heading (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, and Opportunities). Recommendations & Justifications: You will use the Recommendations below (or make up some of your own) and justify whether the firm should go along with the recommendation. Concluding thoughts: include what the potential is for your chosen company if they are able to execute your recommendations and the ramifications if they do not. Your Unit 3- Assignment 2 will consist of completing the Executive Summary and SWOT Analysis. For your Unit 6- Assignment 2 you will complete the Recommendations & Justifications and Concluding thoughts. As a financial consultant, what recommendations would you propose to current company management based on your findings? This added value content should include conclusions and recommendations for the firm going forward (as if you were a consultant for the firm). Adding value means having detailed conclusions and recommendations. Having detailed RECOMMENDATIONS and being able to JUSTIFY them are VERY IMPORTANT! Typical recommendations and conclusions that you will probably use include: Should the firm increase capital expenditures to increase competitiveness? Should the firm increase growth by acquiring other companies for synergies or grow internally? Should the firm risk increasing their leverage (debt) to increase earnings and return on capital or keep the leverage the same (or even decrease it?) Should the firm increase/decrease marketing spending? Should the firm increase/decrease R&D spending? How should they go about controlling costs including labor, health care, and pension liabilities? (GM and Ford need help in this department). There are many more recommendations you can offer. (Note: feel free to add more recommendations or change some of the ones above that fit your chosen company. Note that you want a minimum of at least 6 recommendations.) Feel free to be creative. If you make these recommendations, you want to list WHAT the recommendation is and JUSTIFY WHY the firm should embrace it (and how it benefits the firm). You are the chief financial consultant so you have full rein to make any recommendations. Feel free to use reference and be sure to cite them (APA) format if you do. References are not required though as the paper could be written entirely in your own words. I listed 6 common recommendations above and they are included in your Final Paper template. Feel free to use these and/or make up some of your own. The key is that you want to JUSTIFY any recommendation that you make. For example, if you recommend that a company should increase their capital expenditures, then justify why. Common justifications could that they need to increase capital expenditure to support their R&D spending, to expand domestic operations, or to expand internationally. You want to support your recommendations with thorough justifications. If you use references, then be sure to cite them using APA formatting. The format of your paper could be to list each Recommendation and Justify each one like below: Recommendation #1: Should the firm increase capital expenditures to increase competitiveness? Justification: Yes because to remain competitive, they need to invest in technologies to keep up with their main competitors. They also plan to expand internationally, so investing into these new markets and the learning curve involve will involve spending at least ? billion dollars. etc, etc, etc. Recommendation #2: Should the firm increase growth by acquiring other companies for synergies or grow internally? Justification: I feel that my company should grow internally. Due to my industry, acquiring a competitor involves integrating a different culture into our firm. Also, the companies are selling for such a high premium currently that it odes not justify buying our competitors. Finally, since our stock price is down currently and interest rates are high, it would be very expensive to borrow to finance the purchase. etc, etc, etc. When you complete your Final Analysis paper then please submit it privately to me for grading. So for u03a2, your Executive Summary needs to be 250 words minimum and for your SWOT Analysis you should have 4-5 items listed under each area (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, and Opportunities). For u06a2, your \"Recommendations & Justifications\" need to be a minimum of 1,000 words and concluding thoughts should be 250 words minimum. Lets have fun with the assignment and learn a lot about your chosen company! Regards, Michael Blagg FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: TEMPLATE NAME: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: SWOT ANALYSIS: RECOMMENDATIONS AND JUSTIFICATIONS: 1. RECOMMENDATION #1: Should the firm increase their capital expenditures to increase competitiveness? This will almost always be true but what segments of the business get the most capital allocated to them and why? 2. RECOMMENDATION #2: Should the firm increase growth by acquiring other companies for synergies or grow internally? Do they have the infrastructure to grow internally? If they get acquired by a competitor, how will the merger be integrated in regards to culture, overlapping businesses, etc. 3. RECOMMENDATION #3: Should the firm risk increasing their leverage (debt) to increase earnings and return on capital or keep the leverage the same (or even decrease it). If so, why and by how much. 4. RECOMMENDATION #4: Should they increase marketing spending? If so, by how much and where should it be allocated. Should online marketing spending and international marketing increase by more than print ads? Justify any additional spending that is recommended. 5. RECOMMENDATION #5: Should the firm increase/decrease R&D spending? If so, by how much. At what level do you feel your chose firm would be spending too much on R&D. 6. RECOMMENDATION #6: How should they go about controlling costs including labor, health care, and pension liabilities? (GM and Ford need help in this department). 7. RECOMMENDATION #7: Should the firm expand overseas? If so, which markets should be focused on first and why? CONCLUDING THOUGHTS ON THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHOSEN COMPANY FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:ECONET WIRELESS ZIMBABWE Financial analysis: Econet wireless Zimbabwe Student's name University affiliation 1 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:ECONET WIRELESS ZIMBABWE 2 Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Executive summary: Econet was founded by in 1993 by Strive Masiyiwa; Econet wireless is Zimbabwe's dominant operator with over 9 million subscribers. It represents over 65.3% of the mobile market. As Econet continues to invest in huge capacity, Zimbabwe's penetration rate has increased from 74% in 2012 to the current 106%. Econet wireless Zimbabwe holding ltd, (EWZ) is a public limited company, on the Zimbabwe stock exchange; it is a subsidiary of a privately held international group known as Econet wireless global, which is registered in Mauritius. Table 1.1 Financials summary for Econet wireless Zimbabwe limited Statement of income extract Period ending 28 feb 11 Revenues 493,491,226 Attributable 140,445,946 29 feb 12 611,115,533 165,734,128 28 feb 13 695,791,000 139,593,000 28 feb 14 752,678,000 119,282,000 28 feb 15 746,183,000 70,258,000 PAT Statement of financial position extract AS AT 28 feb 11 Shareholders funds 286,637,496 Net interest bearing 231,701,996 29 feb 12 379,945,907 148,345,546 28 feb 13 489,405,000 186,340,934 28 feb 14 599,795,000 156,669,000 28 feb 15 660,771,000 146,771,000 debt Cash on hand Interest bearing debt Net current assets 100,792,971 249,138,517 -43,774,333 78,230,000 264,570,934 41,225,014 71,331,000 228,000,000 -94,546,000 95,239,000 248,000,000 -48,420,000 34,690,685 248,392,681 -1,923,122 According to the table above Econet has not been performing poorly in the last 5 years of which their profits have been increasing as years goes by except the year 2015 where there was decline in revenue from 752,678,000 to 746,183,000. According to potraz, 2015 Econets market share marginally dropped from 57% to 56.8%. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:ECONET WIRELESS ZIMBABWE 3 Econet wireless has introduced a new product in the market, it has launched tap and go payment system called Ecocash ta! That will enable customers to buy from merchants without using cash; it has being launched to promote a cashless society where one does not have to carry cash to purchase goods. With this new payment system there will be reduction in theft and reduces bulkiness. Ecocash uses technology called near field communication which enables their clients to tap their cell phones against a merchant or vendor device and the value of the transaction will be automatically deducted from the clients Ecocach account. SWOT Analysis Strength Economies of scale is the cost advantages that qmobile noir z4 obtains due to size. The greater the volume the greater the advantage, this makes the entity to have a short term positive income which adds value to the company. Man power- this leads to a decrease in costs, it also leads to an increase in profits at the company. Good quality- good quality will have a long term positive impact on this entity, which adds its value. Innovative culture which helps testing to produce unique products and services that meet their customers' needs, with innovative culture it will lead to increase in profit for the company. Enjoying what they do, this has a long term positive impact on the entity as the employees love what they are doing thus will work without being bored which adds value to the entity. Weakness No lunch program- the company does not offer lunch to their employees which some of them may view like they are not being appreciated enough. Weak brand- the qmobile noir z4 can't charge the same prices for goods and services as their competitors because consumers don't value the brand, this will have a short term negative impact on this entity. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:ECONET WIRELESS ZIMBABWE 4 Cost- weak cost structure which means trace Medias costs are high compared to their competitors cost. Government-increasing tax rates discourage the company from investing more, which the heavy tax subtracts the entity's value. Slow services which leads to decrease in profits. Opportunities New products can help qmobile noirz4 to expand their business and diversity their customer base, this will lead to increased profits. Using IPAD which will reduce cost associated with distribution of content via paper products, it helps companies escape hustles of computer and small mobile screens. New markets that are expanding their business and diversify their portfolio of products and services that is by international expansion. Emerging markets- fast growing regions of the world that enable IICA to quickly expand. New services that will ease way of operating like sending cash via mobicash, or clients will be able to borrow loans through the mobile money system. Threats Change in tastes- qmobile noir z4 clients may prefer to change to tastes, this will lead to increase in tastes. International competition- they are numerous and difficult to combat because they have many competitive advantages that give them an advantage over qmobile noir z4 example consumers may prefer Samsung, I phone or even Microsoft windows phone. Virus affecting facebook- users complain of virus spread via facebook mail which subtracts entity's value. The mails are sometimes posted on users firewalls. Global slowdown- it hurts as products sell in Zimbabwe's currency which sometimes experience the worst decline in commodity prices Customers are not used to a suite of applications Recommendations and justifications Recommendation #1: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:ECONET WIRELESS ZIMBABWE 5 Should the firm increase their capital expenditures to increase competitiveness? What segment of the business get the most capital allocated to them and why? Justification: no the firm seeks to cut costs from both international and local suppliers as part of the groups cost cutting measures, according to Mboweni, 2015 the company was forced to lower their prices by 40%, and if the suppliers won't cut their own prices, they will go out of business, also the company had to cut its capital expenditure program by 25% for the current financial year. He added that Econet was a strong company which had the capacity to weather any storm and has carefully analyzed the prevailing economic environment. According to Mboweni, 2015 most funds are allocated to their new project called the Muzinda hub which is Zimbabwe's first entrepreneurship and innovation hub, this is because the project is set to train 10 000 school leavers in computer skills. Recommendation #2: Should the firm increase growing by synergies? How will the merge be intergrated in regards to culture, overlapping business? Justification: yes they should form synergies of which they have already done so, Econet has selected Ericson to be their sole supplier for its own network. This merging will allow Econet's reliable mobile services to be faster to their clients and reduce time-to-market for new attractive services. According to Fernandes,2014 the Group CTO of Econet says: \"We have chosen our trusted longterm partner Ericsson to accompany us on this journey and look forward to the ability to launch new products and quality services to our customers.\" Recommendation #3 Should the firm risks increasing their leverage to increase earnings and return on capital or keep the leverage the same? If so why and by how much? FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:ECONET WIRELESS ZIMBABWE 6 Justification: The firm should reduce its debt from $265 to $228 million, this is because Econet will be focusing on investing, innovation and creating of value going forward as a way of sustainably growing its business. Recommendation #4 Why has Econets market remaining bearish? Justification: Econet (Market cap US$520,7m, rating buy, TP US$0,56) despite short term head wings bode well for solid earnings growth in the medium to long term and it is believed the stock was oversold. Recommendation #5 Should the firm increase/decrease marketing R and D spending? If so by how much? At what level are they spending too much on R and D? Justification: The firm should decrease its marketing expenditure by 18%, which is art of the company's cost-cutting rationalization. They are spending too much on research and development to customers who are reported to be using expensive bundles meant for emergency calls in their general calls which can be viewed as part of its failure. Recommendation #6 How should they go about controlling costs including labor and healthcare ? Justification: They should embrace using of IPAD among employees to reduce paper work which also saves on production of papers thus going green and improving on the environment at the same time. In health care the company should have a fixed rate of medical cover to prevent over charging in hospital bills or overspending on medication whenever an employee becomes sick, this will regulate the healthcare cost. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS:ECONET WIRELESS ZIMBABWE 7 Recommendation #7 Should the firm expand overseas? If so, which markets should be focused on first and why? Justification: Yes the firm should expand overseas to expand its market, it should expand its market first at South Africa as its head office is based in South Africa, by expanding to this area it will enable Zimbabweans who have Econet wireless at South Africa to be able to send money home directly through Ecocash. Concluding thoughts on the feature of Econet Econet will continue to leverage on its business, products and strength of its brand to retain and grow the volume of its subscribers, revenue generation will remain its main priority, the business will also try to retain value in local communications industry. There need to be policies which are supportive to allow local companies to grow their capacity. Econet has also intensified its cost optimization efforts in order to remain viable in its deflationary economic environment. The company will also continue to introduce new innovations that address the needs of its customers and also diversify its sources of revenue. The business have established strategies to thrive in the face of new technological development, as the communication industry has been constantly experiencing drama on its very nature. The company will have to stop further employment despite unemployment rate in Zimbabwe to cut on capital expenditure

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