you will be completing a personal leadership development plan. This will be a high-level plan but I want you to take a serious look at your skills and think about how you could improve in the future.
1. Less is More. Focus on no more than rwo to three development areas. A thorough assessment of the leader's contexr and basiness goals will help prioritite the mest important aneas for development. As goals are accomplishod, new ones can always be addind, ber ir ean be de-motirating and ineffective to spread a keader's development focus too thin across maltiple goals. 2. Use SMART Guidelines. Goals should be Specific, Measurakle, Actionable, Realistic, and Timely. Although crafting goals that meet each of these requirements can feel bundensome, the payoff will fir exced the upfront effort. Qualitative indicaters aleng with sppropriase business metrics should be used when specifying how leader brhavior change is no be measared. 3. Link Activities to Individual, Team, and Organization Needs. Development plans should identify how the leader, seam, and organizarion will benefir from enhanced leadership capabiliry in the targeted areas. Leader beluwior has ripple effecs throughout the organisation. Focus on the link berween personal duage and leaderahip effiectivenose. 4. Activate Strengths. The importance of leveraging stonghts to maximize pocential and performance has become more relevant in leaderihip development. Sometimes leaden minimize their strengths or fail to fully apply then in their roles. It can be helpful to identify at least one key strength that has high importance given the business contrar, in addirion to identifying development gaps. 5. Identify the Business Context. Foctus on the intersection berween a leader's development needs and what the business nende are now and in the fature. Highlightiog the real and immediate buxiness context helps both the leader and the organization achicve their gouls. 6. Use the 70-20-10 Rule. Research indicates that people develop most through experiences (705), next through people or key relationahips (205), and Lath through formaliaed chassroom training or education experiences (10\%). Weight development plan activities with experiential activities - those that actually engage rhe leader in news bnader, or deeper experiences. 7. Live the Plan. Good plans are ones that live and boeathe racher than collect duse on a sholf. Revisit the plan quartecly, ausess progress against goals, and revise strategies in light of cursent business conditions and leadership challenges. Make changes as needed to ensure that the focus of the plan will drive short-term results and long-term learning 8. Balance Support and Challenge. Einsuring sufficient sousces of suppore for the leader (i.e., peers, resources, manager support) will allow the leader to eake on more challenges. Activities thould dhallenge a leader to behave in new was and ahoold case the leader to be somewhar uncomfortable-indicating appropriate stretch-but not overwhelming 9. Get Feedback from Colleagues. Feedlick from managers, peers, and colleagues can be helpful upfront to build sapport for development efforts, help refine focas, and generate creative ideas for development. As strategies are implemented, enliuting feedlhack from stakeholders to assess development can reinforce progress and deepen relarionahips. 10. Measure Progress. Establish meanures to craluate the plan on a regular basis and track progress toward goals. Leadess follow through on their developenent plans mech more when ochers are informed abour the goals and the leader is required no commanicave progress updares or guther ongoing feedback from key stakcholders. Following is a development plan template that contains the key components necessary for succes You will find sample development plans throughour the guide. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline LEADERSEIP DEVELORMEKT PUK & \multirow{3}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l} \& Tipli Less is More. \\ \& Tip 2 Uhe SMART \\ Guidelines. \end{tabular}} \\ \hline Deveioputer Gen & \\ \hline Goal: & \\ \hline Desired Outcanes - results I wast to see frem developing this seill & \multirow[b]{2}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l} Tip 3: Link \\ Activities to \\ Individual, Team \\ and Ortanization \\ Needs. \end{tabular}} \\ \hline \begin{tabular}{l} Solf: \\ Team: \\ Orgarization: \end{tabular} & \\ \hline Sell-Understandity - shengthe that I can buld an and development needs I can addras & \multirow{5}{*}{\begin{tabular}{l} 6. Tip 4: Activate \\ Stengths. \\ \& Tip 5: Lentify the \\ Business Concex: \end{tabular}} \\ \hline \begin{tabular}{l} Strengths: \\ Development Meeds: \end{tabular} & \\ \hline Business Content - chaleness in my tuniness envitoment that ngaire this sill & \\ \hline & \\ \hline stretcpuent acnons & \\ \hline \begin{tabular}{l} AWAKEN (Activities for gaining personal insight into ny impact as a leader) \\ - \end{tabular} & \\ \hline \begin{tabular}{l} ALISN (Actions for connecting ny leadership development goals with my basiness \\ outeones) \\ . \\ . \end{tabular} & \\ \hline \begin{tabular}{l} ACCELERTE (Experiences, people, and education that will provide new concepts, skills. \\ and knowledge) \\ - \end{tabular} & \\ \hline Development success Factoks & \\ \hline Timeline: Within the next sir muntls & \& Tip 7, Live the plan. \\ \hline \begin{tabular}{l} Support Keeded: (Who and what I nend to elfectively implenint my plan): \\ - \end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}{l} Tip 8s Balance \\ Support and \\ Challenges. \end{tabular} \\ \hline \begin{tabular}{l} Indicators of Succetss: \\ . \end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}{l} - Tip 9: Ger feedback \\ from Colleagues. \\ o Tip 10- Measure \\ Progress. \end{tabular} \\ \hline \end{tabular}