You will have to do the following for this assignment:
Create a project in Eclipse (or your IDE of choice) for this assignment
Complete the abstract class
Complete the Strength enumeration
Complete the WhiteBloodCell abstract class
Complete the Bacteria class
Complete the Neutrophil class
Complete the Lymphocyte class
Complete the Macrophage class
Download the Cytokine class
Download and run the to check your work
Download and run the to analyze your code
Step 2: Testing Your Code For Functionality and Elegance Once you have written your classes, you should download and run the unit tests to check for basic correctness. Afterwards, you should run your code on our bloodstream simulator to make sure it works properly when tested as a system.
Now that you've successfully completed and debugged your code, you can use your classes to simulate what might happen in a healthy and a sick patient by running
-C"O Securehrtps://cs.grmuedu ,kdobo @ Programming Project 1 1 m t you? br wt n some code to crea t vanus danes ut mo el =mactions between various en anes- hanan blood such as white blood ce s vt cconnduly coptng ths project, youll have met the ollowing goals ses, and bacteria You wil use object or ented programming to e lo e message pa an g between oh ects of vanou pes span.?" An ertandiang of unhenitance of pate, protected and public amrsbrutes and methods An understandang of enumerations (wluch we will learn about here for the first tume) An uderitandng of static elemuents of classes An understanding of the suver concept - An understanding of primutive arays m Java Dace you have completed thes project, Introduction you wll be ceady to take Assessment 4 You will be uploading and wsing your ontn code for Assesiet 4, so make sure to spend time commenting your code and making it clean and easy for you to work with On average, adult have about five liters of blood, whuch as composed of mostly plarma, a nd elmanating vaous kinds of pathogens, though compromused mmune systems it ss amportant to be able to understand the balance between the immune as well as several types of red and whste blood cells among other things In cells among other things In addition to serv ing the body's oxy gen and glycogen needs, our blood is alse respossible for localsning more effectively target our immune syatem How well our smmune system functions aganst particular pathogens depesds on may factors ncluling the mumber and ablity of our whuite blood cells to neutralize vanous ntraders For people woth system and these pathogems in order to treatments In thas progect, we will amempt to model a small part of the immune system ac at the same time can the immune vystem defeat all die gntruders, or is the patent at risk o mmmune systen functionality In thas projects, we wall use a few basic on tanous blood samples We ll be able to model and measare what happens when different ratios of different types of whute blood cells and pathogens exist in the blood f losing to the disease Although our models are going to be radimentary and lmuted m theu classes to explore relationships between vanious blood entitiers and thesr mate mpact on pabent health scope, there are various aticles and even booka devoted te more sophssticated modeling of ail below Once you've ?? itten one or more classes, you can-tem agamat oa tet an when all af your classes are completed, you can run them against a simulator we ve mine" to show how dese various entiues could interact in a human's bloodsteam You wall have to do the following for thus assigment Create a project in Eclipse (or your IDE of choice) for thss assignment . Complete the Ent ityava abstract class . Complete the Strength enumeration . Complete the whitoodCe11 abstract class . Complete the Bacteria class Complete the virus class . Complete the heutroghii class Complete the ynpnocyte class . Complete the ecrophage class Download the citasine clas Download and run the unitTests java to check your work Dowaload and run the sinulator Java to analyze your code check " Download and u The duagram below shows the relationship between vanous classes Bacteria 1250 PM vaoyzon enovo COVER TABLET