"You will have to make your own copy of this Google Sheets file to your own Google Drive by clicking on File" then "Woks a copy" Legend: "Any cell colored yellow indicates that you here to input your date! "Any cell colored blue indicates a calculation that is already done for you Data Table 1 Path Radius va. Inverse Charge Path Radius (cm) vs. Inverse Charge 1/q (1/e) 200 kum/ calculated slope = 10.0 "you still have 100 my Hope from graph . m - $ amu 4.007: "you still have Amount of Path Diameter |Inverse Charge. Run Charge, q 017 (/e) (cm) 1.00 5.3 0.33 0.25 09 - 0.20 20 0.17 1.8 Data Table Z Path Radius vs. Charge Speed calculated slope . 5.oot-02 "you s Charge Speed (km/s) vs. Path Radius (cm) 00 mt lope from graph - 5.186-02 . - 90318-4 + 00219 3.60% "you still have to ah Run Path Charge Speed Path Radius 200.0 (cm) (km/s) (cm) 250.0 125 50.0 275.0 100.0 150.0 21.0 200.0 25.0 250.0 12.5 275.0 Charge Spend Amvig Data Table 3 Path Radius va. Inverse Magnetic Field calculated slope - 1.00E+03 "you stil have Inverse Field Strength (1/mT) vs. Path Radius (cm) 200 km/ lope from proph " 1.051+03 X error . 5.00% "you stil have to Path Radius Held Path Diameter (1/mT) 100 Run Strength, B Inverse Field rength, 1/B (cm) (1/ml) 1 20.9 1.00E-02 14.0 6.676-03 7.0 W N - 200 10.4 5,006-03 5.2 4.00E-03 3.336-03 286E-03 6002-05 Data Table 4 Path Radius vs. Charge's Mass calculated slope - 5.00E-01 "you stil how to 200 km/ lope from groph = 4.946-01 Charge's Mass (amu) vs. Path Radius (cm) 400 mI 1.2076 -you stil have to show Run Charge's mass Path Rodius (amy) B G 1. Why was the elapsed time not needed for this lab? What do you think this could have been used for? Please try to guess and explain your answer. 2. Are there any y-intercepts to your linear graphs? Should there be ones? What would happen if any of the factors in the formula for cyclotron motion were zero? Please explain your answer. 3. What would have happened to your data if you changed the direction of the magnetic field? You may also try this out in the sim by changing the direction of the magnetic field from 'X' [into the screen, away from you] to " [out of the screen, towards you]. Please explain what you observe or what you predict would happen. 4. What would have happened to your data if you changed the sign of the charge from positive to negative? You may also try this out in the sim by clicking on 'Charge is...'. Please explain what you observe or what you predict would happen. 5. How can this type of motion be used to determine the sign of charged particles? Please explain your