Your assignment is as follows: A skydiving competition is comprised of the following: Each team has 5 members (4 point skydivers and a cameraman) Each meet has a maximum of 10 skydives Each skydive has a maximum of 5 maneuvers to perform in repetition in 35 seconds, but the number of maneuvers can vary. These maneuvers are taken from a dive pool comprised of the following: There are 16 Random formations labeled A-Q that are worth 1 point There are 22 block sequences labeled 1-22 that are worth 2 points A skydive is randomly generated with a maximum of 5 maneuvers per dive and with a minimum of three maneuvers. There are some combinations, however, that are illegal since the rules state that the only way to have a 6 point skydive is by using three blocks. This means, looking at the dive pool, that at least 1 random must appear in any other round except this 6 point round. So a dive with all blocks has 6 points and all others have 5 points. A dive with all randoms is equally valid, however, and will be worth 5 points, Notice there is no formation labeled I (the letter). The issue is that you have to think about how you construct the skydives, as certain combinations may come up invalid during the selection process In competition, each sequence you pick is repeated as many times as possible within 35 seconds from when your feet leave the airplane. There are 10 rounds in a full competition meet. Your program must Generate the skydives for the meet using the above rules for a 10 round meet. Produce a listing of the dives by round. It can be formatted any way you want but it must contain both the letter and the number corresponding to the formation, and the FULL NAME of the formation. Just make sure it is clearly printed on the screen