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Your client has received the Notice of Decision and written reasons from the Refugee Protection Division. The decision is negative and can be found below.

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Your client has received the Notice of Decision and written reasons from the Refugee Protection Division. The decision is negative and can be found below.

For this assignment, you will have to prpare a Notice of Appeal and a perfected Appellant's Record challenging the decision. ?You will have to prepre?three documents needed to challenge the decision on appeal:

?(1)?a Notice of Appeal

(2) written statement, and

(3) memorandum of argument?in accordance, respectively, with subsection 2(3) and paragraphs 3(3)(d) and 3(3)(g) of the?Refugee Appeal Division Rules.

Your client received the written decision on April 18, 2024.

RPD Decision Noor.pdf :-


[1] The claimant, Faizal Noor, is a citizen of Afghanistan. He claims refugee protection under ss 96 and 97 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (the "Act" or "IRPA").1 ALLEGATIONS2

[2] The claimant's allegations are fully set out in his Basis of Claim (BOC) narrative.

[3] The claimant is an interpreter from Afghanistan. He alleges a fear for his life because he is being threatened by the Taliban for working with the UNIDO.

[4] The claimant studied English at Kabul University. After graduation, he worked as a teacher at a high-school in Herat.

[5] Beginning in 2009, he worked as an interpreter for UNIDO - a UN organization promoting economic development in Afghanistan. As a requirement of his job, he had to relocate to Kabul. He also worked as an interpreter for the U.S. officials. In September 2020, he travelled to Qatar for two weeks to act as an interpreter in the peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government.

[6] In August 2021, when the Taliban took over Kabul, the claimant became fearful. He hid in a friend's apartment in another part of Kabul. He alleges that the borders were closed and he could not leave Afghanistan.

[7] On August 31, 2021, he alleges that some Taliban members came to his home where his wife and children were residing. The Taliban members called him a traitor for working with the infidels. They told the claimant's wife that he deserved death. [8] On September 15, 2021, the claimant fled to Pakistan with his family. He registered as a refugee there with the UNHCR. However, he alleges that he did not have any right to work or study. His daughters could not attend school.

[9] On September 30, 2023, he received a U.S. visa. A few days later, he was also granted a Canadian visitor's visa.

[10] On October 5, 2023 he travelled to the U.S. He then came to Canada on October 15, 2023.

[11] The claimant made a refugee claim on December 30, 2023. DETERMINATION 1 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, S.C. 2001, c. 27. 2 Exhibit 1 - Basis of Claim Narrative.

[12] For the reasons below, the panel finds the claimant is neither a Convention refugee under section 96 of the Act nor a person in need of protection under section 97. IDENTITY

[13] The claimant's identity was established by means of his testimony and his Afghani passport. ANALYSIS

[14] The determinative issue in this claim is subjective fear. Subjective Fear

[15] The subjective fear relates to the existence of a fear of harm in the mind of the claimant. The objective basis requires there be a valid basis for the fear.3 Both subjective fear and an objective basis for it are crucial elements for a claim to succeed. In Kamana, 4 Madam Justice Tremblay-Lamer held that the panel's finding that the claimant had not credibly established the subjective fear element was reasonable and: The lack of evidence going to the subjective element of the claim is a fatal flaw which in and of itself warrants dismissal of the claim, since both elements of the refugee definition - subjective and objective - must be met.

[16] In this case, I find that the claimant has failed to establish that he has a subjective fear of harm. Failure to claim in the United States

[17] The claimant travelled to the U.S. on October 5, 2023 and stayed there for 10 days.

[18] When the panel asked the claimant why he did not make a claim in the U.S., he replied that he had never been to the U.S. before and that he did not know anyone there. The claimant said that his plan was always to come to Canada to join his brother. He also explained that he had heard that it was more difficult to be accepted as a refugee in the U.S.

[19] I find the claimant's explanation unreasonable. The claimant worked with the U.S. government as an interpreter in Afghanistan. He was also granted a visitor's visa to the U.S. - presumably as a reward for previous work as an interpreter. Due to his professional connections to the U.S., it made more sense to this panel that the claimant should claim asylum in the U.S. than Canada. 3 Rajudeen, Zahirdeen v. M.E.I. [F.C.A., no. A-1779-83], July 4, 1984 4 Kamana, Jimmy v. M.C.I. (F.C.T.D., IMM-5998-98, September 24, 1999

[20] Further, the claimant has submitted no evidence that an Afghan interpreter who worked with the U.S. government would have a lower chance of success in the U.S. than Canada.

[21] While it is true that he has a brother in Canada, I do not find this to be a strong enough reason to rebut the expectation that a refugee claimant is expected to seek asylum in the first safe country that he arrives at. I find that this is a classic case of asylum shopping.

[22] In Madoui, 5 an Algerian claimant failed to claim during 19 months in Italy. He had been told by friends that he had little, if any, chance of obtaining refugee status in Italy. Despite statistics in evidence showing that similar claims were rarely accepted, the Board was not satisfied that the subjective component had been met and the Court saw no error in the Board's assessment.

[23] In Mekideche, 6 when the Board asked why the claimant did not claim refugee status during his two years in Italy, he testified that it was because he believed that Algerian refugees would be denied and returned to Algeria. This belief was based on news reports that other European countries were not receptive to Algerian refugees. Noting that he travelled throughout Europe with false documentation before arriving in Canada, the Board stated that this was a risk that a person who feared persecution would not take. The Court found no error in the Board's conclusion that these two issues showed an absence of a subjective fear of persecution.

[24] In Leul7 at paragraphs 7 and 12, Mr. Justice Muldoon writes the following: One might observe that he passed through Amsterdam and that The Netherlands is a convention refugee signatory, but apparently he did not think to claim refugee status there. ...Just as I would not wish to send back to his country a person who stood in jeopardy of a reasonable chance of persecution, so I just do not wish to leave in Canada a person who isn't entitled to be here; a person who passed through a country which was a signatory to the convention and did not think to claim refugee status there.

[25] For the same reasons as Justice Muldoon in Leul, I find that the claimant's failure to claim in the U.S. demonstrates a lack of subjective fear. Delay in Claiming 5 Madoui, Nidhal Abderrah v. M.C.I. (F.C.T.D., no. IMM-660-96), Denault, October 25, 1996 6 Mekideche, Anouar v. M.C.I. (F.C.T.D., no. IMM-2269-96), Wetston, December 9, 1996 7 Leul v. Canada (Secretary of State), [1994] FCJ No. 833 (QL) as quoted in Gilgorri, 2006 FC 559 (CanLII) and Martinez Zapata, 2011 FC 156 (CanLII)

[26] The claimant arrived in Canada on October 15, 2023. However, he did not make a claim until December 30, 2023. In fact, when he came to Canada, he told the Canada Border Services Agency officers that he was a genuine visitor here to see his brother.

[27] When the panel asked why he did not claim refugee status at the border, the claimant explained that he was not sure of the refugee process. He testified that he was scared that if he made a refugee claim, he would not be allowed into Canada. He wanted to find counsel and seek legal advice before making a refugee claim.

[28] I find this explanation questionable given that he is well-educated, has previous experience travelling abroad, speaks English and could have easily conducted research into making a refugee claim at the Canadian border.

[29] When asked why he waited over two months after arriving in Canada to make a refugee claim, the claimant testified that he was not in a hurry to do so because he had a valid visitor's status in Canada. He testified that he was sick for a while after arriving in Canada and that he took time to find counsel that he could trust with his refugee claim.

[30] As pointed out in James C. Hathaway. The Law of Refugee Status (Toronto: Butterworths, 1991), at page 53, "the Convention establishes [in Article 31(1)] an obligation on refugees to 'present themselves without delay to the authorities and show good cause for their illegal entry or presence.' It seems right, therefore, to inquire into the circumstances of any protracted postponement of a refugee claim as a means of evaluating the sincerity of the claimant's need for protection. ... Where there is no reasonable excuse for the delay, an inference of evasion going to credibility is often warranted."

[31] Accordingly, I find that his actions demonstrate a lack of subjective fear. It is a well-established principle that a refugee claimant must claim asylum at the first available opportunity. I find that his failure to claim at the border and the two and a half month delay unreasonable.


[32] For the foregoing reasons, the panel determines that the claimant is neither a Convention refugee under section 96 of the IRPA nor a person in need of protection under paragraph 97(1)(a). The panel therefore rejects his claim for refugee protection

In preparing your client's appeal, you may rely on all exhibits that were provided inAssignment 2.; Consolidated List of Documents

Document NumberDescriptionComments
1Basis of Claim narrative;
2Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, "National Documentation Packages - Afghanistan", (January 31, 2024), online.?;
3Claimant's Documentary Evidence;
4Country Conditions Evidence;

Basis of Claim Narrative of Faizal Noor

1. I was born on January 27, 1984 in Herat, Afghanistan. I am a citizen of Afghanistan and no other country.

2. I have a wife, Marjan Noor. I have two daughters, Zahra and Shamila, who are twelve and ten years old respectively. My family are currently living at a refugee camp in Pakistan.

3. I am afraid to return to Afghanistan because the Taliban views me as a traitor for working with foreign organizations and the U.S. government.

4. I graduated from Kabul university in 2018. After graduation, I worked as a high-school teacher in Herat.

5. In 2019, I got a job as an interpreter for UNIDO, a UN agency that promotes economic development in Afghanistan. Our family moved to Kabul for this job.

6. My duties included accompanying the UNIDO workers when they travelled to various towns across Afghanistan. I interpreted for them when they spoke with the locals. It was a dangerous job as there were attacks and bombings on UN workers. Thankfully, I was never personally attacked in this job.

7. In September, 2020, there were peace talks held between the Afghan government and the Taliban held in Doha, Qatar. I was hired as an interpreter by the U.S. government who paid for my travel there. They also helped me get a passport. I was there for about two weeks and came back to Kabul.

8. I continued to work as an interpreter for UNIDO and the U.S. government upon my return to Afghanistan.

9. On August 15, 2021, the Taliban took over Kabul and the Afghan government fell. The next day, I immediately left my apartment and went to a friend's apartment in another part of Kabul. I knew that I would be a target because I worked with foreigners. I told my wife to withdraw my daughters from school and keep them home. I was not sure what else to do. The borders were closed and I could not leave Afghanistan.

10.On August 31, 2021, some Taliban members came to my apartment. They demanded that I turn myself in. They accused me of working with the infidels and called me a traitor. They said that I deserve death. My wife told them that she did not know where I was and she had not seen me for several weeks. The Taliban members told my wife that they will return. When I heard about this, I knew that I had to leave Afghanistan.

11.The border between Afghanistan and Pakistan reopened on September 15, 2021. On October 10, 2021, my family and I travelled by car to Pakistan.

12.We registered as refugees in Pakistan with the UNHCR, but our case never made any progress. We lived at a refugee camp, but we were not allowed to work or study in Pakistan.

13.On September 30, 2023, I was granted a visitor's visa to the U.S. On October 2, 2023, I was also granted a Canadian visitor's visa. I spoke to my brother Mustafa who has been living in Canada to seek his advice. He recommended that I come to Canada. He said that he could help me resettle in Canada.

14.Unfortunately, there were no flights available from where I was to Canada. So I took a flight to the US on October 5, 2023. I stayed at a hotel in Washington D.C for ten days. On October 15, 2023, I came to Canada through Niagara Falls on a bus.

15.I was not sure how to make a refugee claim in Canada. So I told the border officials that I was visiting Canada to see my brother who lived in Toronto. I was worried that if I told them the truth, they might prevent me from entering Canada. 16.After arriving in Canada, I researched how to make a refugee claim. I made my claim online on December 30, 2023.

17.I am currently residing in Toronto with my brother.

On April 22, 2024, your client tells you that his sister was approached by the Taliban in Herat. Your client gave you a letter written by his sister with a copy of her ID.?

Claimant's Documentary Evidence

1 Passport

2 Tezkira

3 US visitor's visa

4 Canadian visitor's visa

5 Diploma from University of Kabul

6 Letter from UNIDO confirming employment as interpreter

7 Letter from the United States Department of State confirming employment as interpreter 7

8 Proof of registration with the UNHCR in Pakistan

9 Itinerary from Pakistan to U.S.

10 Hotel booking in Washington D.C.

New Evidence

April 22, 2024

Dear Faizal Noor,

This is your sister, Marian. I hope you and your family are well. I wanted to inform you that yesterday, some Taliban members came to my home in Herat. They demanded that I tell them about your whereabouts. They called you a traitor and that you should be killed for helping the infidels. My husband told them that we did not know where you were. Thankfully, they did not cause any more trouble and left. I am afraid that if you return to Afghanistan, they will find you and kill you. Please do not return.


[signature] Marian Noor

****The letter arrived in a courier envelope from Afghanistan, Kabul. The letter was accompanied with a copy of Marian Noor's Tezkira (ID document). ***

You have been instructed to prepare

  1. a Notice of Appeal
  2. (2) written statement, and
  3. (3) memorandum of argument?in accordance, respectively, with subsection 2(3) and paragraphs 3(3)(d) and 3(3)(g) of the?Refugee Appeal Division Rules.

Understanding and complying with the specific rules applicable to these submissions is an important part of this assignment. As such, a simple checklist of the requirements is not provided here.

As you put together the assignment, be sure to review the applicable Refugee Appeal Division Rules. You may also find it useful to review the Immigration and Refugee Board's Appellant's Guide,as well as other information on the Board's website. The formatting and all other technicalities of the documents you submit should comply with those rules, as well as any other applicable regulations or policy instruments.

Your submissions must include:

  • The Notice of Appeal,which can can be found on the IRB website titled "Notice of Appeal Form"

ASSIGNMENT : tips and strategies

Step 1: Read the RPD reasons carefully?

?Rationale for refusal??One rationale or alternative findings?

?Step 2: Identify the errors in the RPD decision

Step 3: Decide if you will be submitting new evidence

?If so, what, and decide how it meets the test in s. 110(4) IRPA + case law (Singh & Raza)

?If so, can the RAD hold an oral hearing under s.110(6)? If so, should you request one??

Step 4: Start writing!

?Notice of Appeal?Written Statement?Memorandum of argument in accordance with the RAD Rules?Look at the model(s)?Review RAD case study Modules 7/8?Review best practices for RAD memos Module 7 (including CREAC structure)

Categories of errors at the RPD:-

image text in transcribedimage text in transcribedimage text in transcribedimage text in transcribed
. Groduate Diploma Queens Immigration and Citizenship Law Categories of errors at the RPD Procedural fairness * Right to be heard Right to notice, right to be present at a hearing, right to present evidence and make submissions Need not necessarily be the fault of the decision-maker * Right to an impartial decision-maker Reasonable apprehension of bias Findings not grounded in evidence * Misapprehension of evidence, ignoring evidence, speculation not based on evidence Graduate Diploma Queen's Immigration and Citizenship Law Common errors of law at the RPD What are unreasonable credibility findings? . Microscopic examination of minor omissions or contradictions . Requiring corroborating evidence violating presumption of truthfulness . Ignoring psychological evidence of witness's difficulties in testifying . Failure to put any contradictions or omissions to the client . Implausibility findings not based on evidence or based only on Canadian perspectiveGraduate Diploma Queens Immigration and Citizenship Law Common errors of law at the RPD Subjective Fear . Treating failure to claim, reavailment, delay in leaving, etc as fatal . Not providing a chance for the claimant to provide an explanation . Not considering the explanation State Protection . Operational vs. serious efforts . Approaching non-police organizations . Personally testing the SPGraduate Diploma Queen's Immigration and Citizenship Law Common Errors of law at the RPD IFA . Not considering the second prong . Stay in hiding . Conceal their ground of persecution IRB's guide on interpretation of caselaw . Good start to identify an error .

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