Your taskis to analyze Puyol Corp.'s reorgantzation plan. Puyol Corp. has reported losses for the past three years and has finally dedded to file for bankruptcy. You know that the compar has preferred stock A that has a par value of $116.50, pays a dividend of $7 per share, and that there are 1,400,000 shares of this dass outstanding. Preferred stock 8 is Callable at $160, has 70.000 stares ounstanding, and pays a dividend of $11.50 per share. The company's common stock has a par value of $2.00 and has 7,000,000 shares outstanding You have also collected the following data from the compary's finandal statements: Puydy dedions hase agreed to a valuritary reorgenization plan with the following setbements: - Cach share of preferred stodk A will be exchanget for one thare of preferred stock C with a par value of s30. as that pays a dividend ot 52.80 per thare, plus one 94 subordinsted income debentwe that carres a par value of 577.67. - Each stave of prefered stock A will be exdanged for one stare of preferred stock C wath a par value of 536.83 that pays a fividend of 52.00 per share, plus one 9$5 subordinated income debenture that carres a par value of s77.67. - Preferred stock B tiat pays a dividend of 511.50 per share will be setuled with cash at a call price of $160. assed on the informatoon you have, calculate and tili in the values in the pro-forma financal staternents of fyyol corp. far the reorganzation plan. Your taskis to analyze Puyol Corp.'s reorgantzation plan. Puyol Corp. has reported losses for the past three years and has finally dedded to file for bankruptcy. You know that the compar has preferred stock A that has a par value of $116.50, pays a dividend of $7 per share, and that there are 1,400,000 shares of this dass outstanding. Preferred stock 8 is Callable at $160, has 70.000 stares ounstanding, and pays a dividend of $11.50 per share. The company's common stock has a par value of $2.00 and has 7,000,000 shares outstanding You have also collected the following data from the compary's finandal statements: Puydy dedions hase agreed to a valuritary reorgenization plan with the following setbements: - Cach share of preferred stodk A will be exchanget for one thare of preferred stock C with a par value of s30. as that pays a dividend ot 52.80 per thare, plus one 94 subordinsted income debentwe that carres a par value of 577.67. - Each stave of prefered stock A will be exdanged for one stare of preferred stock C wath a par value of 536.83 that pays a fividend of 52.00 per share, plus one 9$5 subordinated income debenture that carres a par value of s77.67. - Preferred stock B tiat pays a dividend of 511.50 per share will be setuled with cash at a call price of $160. assed on the informatoon you have, calculate and tili in the values in the pro-forma financal staternents of fyyol corp. far the reorganzation plan