Consider a situation in which, through accident or ill-intention, all the spent nuclear fuel from a years
Consider a situation in which, through accident or ill-intention, all the spent nuclear fuel from a year’s operation of a 1 GWe light water reactor were uniformly distributed across one square kilometer of land 1000 years after the waste is sequestered. Using the information in the chapter, estimate the radiation exposure in Sv/year to an unprotected human on this land. For simplicity,assume that the activity is dominated by 241Am. (According to the effective dose (per hour) from a planar 241Am source of γradiation at a distance of one meter 1.9 x 10-4is for an activity (per unit area) of 1 MBq/m2.) How broad an area would be needed to reduce exposure below the level of background radiation from within the body (0.29 mSv/y)? Based on this calculation,estimate the area that could be rendered “unsafe/uninhabitable for children” ( 10 mSv/year) if all waste from 50 years of nuclear power (from light-water reactors) at 2 TWe were distributed uniformly on the surface 1000 years later.
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