The Middle Man When people want to buy goods from the local community seen on local ads or from their cell phone apps; many do not understand the potential dangers that are involved. Too many times we have heard horror stories of someone being robbed at gun point or even killed for something as simple as a pair of shoes. There are currently no services out there in the market to help this current ongoing issue. Why risk your life and risk your hard earned money being stolen when you can hire a third party to handle the whole transaction? A deal you believe too good to pass up, let The Middle Man pick up and ensure a smooth and safe transaction. The Middle Man is a third party between a buyer and seller. More specifically this service will attend to apps such as Offer Up and Let go. This business will also attend to websites such as Craigslist and Back Page where there is a market place in the community between buyers and seller. The Middle Man is a safe and secure alternative to purchase a good with someone else within the community. This service is responsible for the pick-up of the product and the buyer can either have it delivered for an additional fee or they would be able to pick it up at one of our convenient locations. No matter the size of the product involved, The Middle man will be able to pick up and ensure a safe and positive transaction. The typical Middle Man employee will be armed and act almost as a security guard. They will never have any cash on hand to minimize the potential of a robbery or any dangerous situations. Transactions will be completed via internet and never with cash. All Payments are done electronically to ensure the safety of the buyer, seller and the third party (The Middle Man). The Middle Man service acts as a safe way to purchase a product without the risks of being robbed or possibly killed. In order to use The Middle Man service, both the buyer and the seller are required to set up means of online payment. The payment of the buyer would be held in escrow for the seller. An escrow is a financial arrangement where a third party (The Middle Man) holds and regulates payment of the funds required for two parties involved in a given transaction. It helps make transactions more secure by keeping the payment in a secured escrow account which is only released when all of the terms of an agreement are met as overseen by The Middle Man. So once the employee of The Middle Man has picked up and verified the product, the service would release the payment of the buyer into the seller's account. All terms of the transactions are to be completed beforehand. The buyer then chooses whether they will want to pick up the product at one of our convenient locations or have it delivered to a location of their choice for an additional fee. Again all payments are held in escrow even for The Middle Man until terms of the agreement have been fulfilled. This convenient business plan not only ensures safety to all parties, but it also ensures that the product is in perfect condition and not broken or damaged. There have been multiple instances in which individuals have bought products online or through apps such as Offer Up, Let Go, Craigslist, etc., just to get home and realize that the product does not work or is damaged. This business allows for the peace-of-mind that if the transaction of the escrow was completed it is because the product was in the condition that the selling terms stated.
The following is what I need done: Begin to formulate your design or service. For sure include the following in your next submission.
a. Solidify the name
b. Solidify your client/end user/target market.
c. Solidify the description of the project
d. Discuss why you selected this one and the challenges your will need to overcome.