The total steam demand of a plant over the period of an hour is 6,000 kg, but instantaneous demand fluctuates from 4.000 to 10.000 kg hr-1. Steady boiler operation at 6.000 kg hr~1 is accommodated by inclusion of an accumulator, essential ly a tank containing mostly saturated liquid water that "floats on the line" between the boiler and the plant- The boiler produces saturated steam at 1.000 kPa, and the plant operates with steam at 700 kPa. A control valve regulates the steam pressure upstream from the accumulator and a second control valve regulates the pressure downstream from the accumulator. When steam demand is less than boiler output, steam flows into and is largely condensed by liquid residing in the accumulator, in the process increasing the pressure to values greater than 700 kPa. When steam demand is greater than boiler output, water in the accumulator vaporizes and steam flows out, thus reducing the pressure to values less than 1.000 kPa, W hat accumulator volume is required for this service if no more thai 95% of its volume should be occupied by liquid?