Consider an economy with three types of individuals, differing only with respect to their preferences for monuments.
Consider an economy with three types of individuals, differing only with respect to their preferences for monuments. Individuals of the first type get a fixed benefit of 100 from the mere existence of monuments, whatever their number. Individuals of the second and third type get benefits according to BII = 200 + 30M – 1.5M2 and BIII = 150 +90M – 4.5M2, where Mdenotes the number of monuments in the city. Assume that there are 50 people of each type. Monuments cost $3,600 each to build. How many monuments should be built?
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I believe everyone should try to be strong at logic and have good reading habit. Because If you possess these two skills, no matter what difficult situation is, you will definitely find a perfect solution out of it. While logical ability gives you to understand complex problems and concepts quite easily, reading habit gives you an open mind and holistic approach to see much bigger picture.
So guys, I always try to explain any concept keeping these two points in my mind. So that you will never forget any more importantly get bored.
Last but not the least, I am finance enthusiast. Big fan of Warren buffet for long term focus investing approach. On the same side derivatives is the segment I possess expertise.
If you have any finacne related doubt, do reach me out.