In a laboratory, two liquids, A and B, were found in a box labeled only "isomeric alkyl halides C5H11Br." You have been employed to deduce the structures of these compounds from the following data left in an accompanying laboratory notebook. Reaction of each compound with Mg in ether, followed by water, gives the same hydrocarbon. Compouncl A, when dissolved in warm ethanol, reacts to give an ethyl ether C and an acidic solution in a few minutes. Compound B reacts more slowly but eventually gives the same ether C and an acidic solution under the same conditions. Both acidic solutions, when tested with AgNO3, solution, give a light yellow precipitate of AgBr. Reaction of compound B with sodium ethoxide in ethanol gives two alkenes, one of which reacts with O,, then aqueous H2O2, to give acetone (CH3)2C===O as one product. Give the structures of compounds A, B, and C, and explain your reasoning.