Rogers Sugar Inc. is headquartered in Vancouver, but has operations in Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. The company is the largest producer of refined sugar in Canada and also packages and markets sugar products. Exhibits 10-14A to C contain extracts from the companys 2013 annual report.
a. For the year ended September 28, 2013, determine Rogers total income tax expense. Also, determine how much of this was for current tax and how much was related to deferred taxes.
b. Rogers reported income taxes recoverable and income taxes payable on its statement of financial position. Quantify those amounts and explain how it would be possible to have a recoverable amount and a payable amount at the same time. Hint: These are the companys consolidated financial statements.
c. Rogers also reported deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities on its statement of financial position. Of the $26,799 in deferred tax liabilities, $23,463 related to property, plant, and equipment. Given that significant deferred tax liabilities exist, what do we know about how the companys depreciation expense related to its property, plant, and equipment compares with the capital cost allowance being claimed on these assets for tax purposes?
Transcribed Image Text:
ROGERS SUGAR INC.'S 2013 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION CHUBIT 10-14A CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION September 28, September 29, Trade and other recelvables (note 7) Prepaid expenses 128,543 Property, plant and equipment (note 10) Derivative financial instruments (note 9) Equity Revolving credit facility (note 15) Trade and other payables (note 18) 7.922 Derlvative financial instruments (note 9) Finance lease obligations (note 18) Convertible unsecured subordinated debentures (note 20) 105,857 Share capital (note 21) Equity portion of convertible unsecured subordinated debentures (note 20 ,188 Commitments (notes 23 and 24) ROGERS SUGAR INC. S 2013 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION EXHIBIT 10-14A CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION September 28, September 29, Trade and other receivables (note 7) Derivative financial instruments (note 9) 128,543 Property, plant and equipment (note 10) Intangible assets (note 11) Other assets (note 12) Derivative financial Instruments (note 9) Trade and other payables (note 16) Finance lease obligations (note 18) Revolving credit faclity (note 15) Provisions (note 17) 105,857 Share capital (note 21) Equity portion of convertible unsecured subordinated debentures (note 20) 1,188 Commitments (notes 23 and 24)