Stare at a piece of colored paper for 45 seconds or so. Then look at a plain
Stare at a piece of colored paper for 45 seconds or so. Then look at a plain white surface. The cones in your retina that are receptive to the color of the paper become fatigued (depleted of a light-sensing chemical that replenishes slowly), so you see an afterimage of the complementary color when you look at a white area. This is because the fatigued cones send a weaker signal to the brain. All the colors produce white, but all the colors minus one produce the complement to the missing color. Try it and see!
Fantastic news! We've Found the answer you've been seeking!
I am a highly enthusiastic person who likes to explain concepts in simplified language. Be it in my job role as a manager of 4 people or when I used to take classes for specially able kids at our university. I did this continuously for 3 years and my god, that was so fulfilling. Sometimes I've skipped my own classes just to teach these kids and help them get their fair share of opportunities, which they would have missed out on. This was the key driver for me during that time. But since I've joined my job I wasn't able to make time for my passion of teaching due to hectic schedules. But now I've made a commitment to teach for at least an hour a day.
I am highly proficient in school level math and science and reasonably good for college level. In addition to this I am especially interested in courses related to finance and economics. In quest to learn I recently gave the CFA level 1 in Dec 19, hopefully I'll clear it. Finger's crossed :)