The sign of an even permutation is + 1 and the sign of an odd permutation is
The sign of an even permutation is + 1 and the sign of an odd permutation is -1. Observe that the map sgnn : Sn → {l, -1} defined by sgnn(σ) = sign of σ is a homomorphism of Sn onto the multiplicative group { 1, -1}. What is the kernel? Compare with Example 13.3.
Data from example 13.3
13.3 Example: Let Sn be the symmetric group on n letters, and let ∅ : Sn → Z2 be defined by
Show that ∅ is a homomorphism.
Solution: We must show that ∅(σµ) = ∅(σ) +∅(µ)for all choices of a,µ ∈ Sn. Note that the operation on the right-hand side of this equation is written additively since it takes place in the group Z2. Verifying this equation amounts to checking just four cases:
σ odd and µ odd,
σ odd and µ even,
σ even and µ odd,
σ even and µ even.
Checking the first case, if σ and µ can both be written as a product of an odd number of transpositions, then σµ can be written as the product of an even number of transpositions. Thus ∅(σµ)= 0 and ∅(σ) + ∅(µ)= 1 + 1 = 0 in Z2. The other cases can be checked similarly.
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