Refer to the data for 1200 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (CALCIUM). One hundred patients received the medicine


Refer to the data for 1200 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (CALCIUM). One hundred patients received the medicine at each dose level. Suppose you are a medical researchers wishing to gain insight into the nature of the relationship between dose level of prednisolone and total body calcium.

Select a simple random sample of three patients from each dose level group and do the following.

(a) Use the total number of pairs of observations to obtain the least-squares equation describing the relationship between dose level (the independent variable) and total body calcium.

(b) Draw a scatter diagram of the data and plot the equation.

(c) Compute r and test for significance at the .05 level. Find the p value.

(d) Compare your results with those of your classmates.

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