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business and society ethics
Questions and Answers of
Business And Society Ethics
Explain the concept of environmental ethics.
Describe the NIMBY environmental problem.
Should businesses be concerned about the natural environment? Why or why not?
What is the natural environment?
Characterize two differing perspectives on these issues.
Recognize the causes of environmental problems.
Describe eight major natural environment issues.
Discuss why natural environment issues are complex.
Identify what comprises the natural environment.
What type of company would most need a product safety office? Explain.
Differentiate the doctrine of strict liability from the doctrine of absolute liability.What implications do these views have for the business community and for future products and services that might
Identify the eight dimensions of quality. Give an example of a product or service in which each of these characteristics is important.
Outline business’s responses to consumer stakeholders to include consumer affairs offices, product safety offices, total quality management (TQM) programs, and consumer satisfaction measurement
Enumerate and discuss the reasons for the growing concern about product liability and differentiate strict liability, absolute liability, and market share liability.
Explain the role and functions of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Food and Drug Administration.
Describe and discuss the two major product issues: quality and safety.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of regulation and self-regulation of advertising.
Describe the role and functions of the FTC.
Enumerate and discuss other product information issues that present problems for consumer stakeholders.
Identify the major abuses of advertising and discuss specific controversial advertising issues.
Chronicle the evolution of the consumer movement.
Recite the consumer’s Magna Carta and explain its meaning.
What type of campaign financing reform would you recommend?
Of the four major business-related changes that have occurred in the political environment over the past 25 years, which in your opinion has been most significant, and why?
Outline the principal strategic approaches to political activism that firms are employing.
Define coalitions and describe the critical role they now assume in corporate political involvement.
Explain the phenomenon of political action committees (PACs) in terms of their historical growth, the magnitude of their activity, and the arguments for and against them.
Differentiate among the different levels at which business lobbying occurs, and explain the lack of unity among the umbrella organizations.
Describe the evolution of corporate political participation.
Identify the four major changes that have shaped the current political environment of business.
The airline and trucking industries were cited as examples of problems with deregulation. What is the current mood of the country regarding deregulation?What evidence can you present to substantiate
Briefly explain how business and government represent a clash of ethical systems(belief systems). Go through the list of characteristics of each belief system in Figure 7–1. With which do you find
Describe major types of regulatory reform and their characteristics.
Provide a perspective on regulation versus deregulation along with accompanying trends.
Explain government regulation and identify the major reasons for regulation, the types of regulation, and issues arising out of regulation.
Identify and describe government’s nonregulatory influences, especially the concepts of industrial policy and privatization.
Appreciate the complex interactions among business, government, and the public.
Articulate a brief history of government’s role in its relationship with business.
Of DeGeorge’s seven moral guidelines, identify which single guideline you think is of most practical value for an MNC. Give a brief explanation of your choice.
Using Donaldson’s fundamental international rights, rank what you consider to be the top five of the ten rights. Explain your ranking.
Drawing on the notions of moral, amoral, and immoral management introduced in Chapter 4, categorize your impressions of (a) Nestlé, in the infant formula controversy and (b) Union Carbide in the
Enumerate seven moral guidelines for improving multinational corporations’ operations in the global sphere.
Discuss strategies for improving global ethics.
Recognize the major ethical challenges of operating in the multinational environment.
Explain the evolving role of and problems with multinational corporations in the global environment.
Identify and describe the four eras in the trend toward the internationalization of business.
A lively debate is going on in this country over the question of whether business ethics can or should be taught in business schools. Do you think business ethics can and should be taught? Be
From your personal experience, give two examples of ethical dilemmas in your personal life. Give two examples of ethical dilemmas you have experienced as a member of an organization.
Describe and explain actions or strategies that management may take to improve an organization’s ethical climate.
Identify the factors affecting an organization’s moral climate and provide examples of these factors at work.
Enumerate and discuss principles of personal ethical decision making and ethical tests.
Understand the different levels at which business ethics may be addressed.
Compare your motivations to behave ethically with those listed in Figure 4–10. Do the reasons given in that figure agree with your personal assessment? Discuss the similarities and differences
Identify and discuss the elements of moral judgment.
Describe Kohlberg’s three levels of developing moral judgment.
Recognize the challenges in making moral management actionable.
Identify and explain three models of management ethics.
Enumerate and discuss the four important ethics questions.
Explain the conventional approach to business ethics.
Provide a definition of business ethics and appreciate the complexities of making ethical judgments.
Describe how the public regards business ethics.
Choose any group of stakeholders listed in the stakeholder/responsibility matrix in Figure 3–11 and identify the four types of responsibilities the firm has to that stakeholder group.
Differentiate between primary and secondary social and nonsocial stakeholders in a corporate situation.
Identify and discuss the five major questions that capture the essence of stakeholder management.
Discuss the concept of stakeholder management.
Differentiate among the three values of the stakeholder model.
Differentiate among the production, managerial, and stakeholder views of the firm.
Define stake and stakeholder and describe the origins of these concepts.
Based on your understanding of corporate social responsibility as developed in this chapter, classify each of the seven criteria used by the Council on Economic?
Of the social responsiveness categories mentioned in the text, which set of categories do you find most useful in describing the responsiveness dimension?Explain.
Differentiate corporate social responsibility from corporate social responsiveness.Give an example of each.
In your view, what is the single strongest argument against the idea of corporate social responsibility? What is the single strongest argument in support of corporate social responsibility? Briefly
Identify and explain the four-part definition of corporate social responsibility.Provide several examples of each component of the definition. Identify and discuss some of the tensions among the
Describe the socially conscious investing movement.
Provide an overview of studies relating social performance to financial performance.
Elaborate on the concept of corporate social performance (CSP).
Differentiate between social responsibility and responsiveness.
Outline the pros and cons of the CSR issue.
Explain how corporate social responsibility (CSR) encompasses economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic components.
A few years ago, I worked for a health and fitness store in Queens, New York. We sold vitamins, weights, health food, exercise equipment, and clothing. I worked for a manager who showed a tendency to
Explain in your own words the social contract. Give an example of a shared understanding between you as a consumer or an employee and a firm with which you do business or for which you work.
Give an example of each of the four levels of power. Also, give an example of each of the spheres of business power.
Identify and explain the major factors in the social environment that create an atmosphere in which business criticism takes place and prospers.
What are the one greatest strength and the one greatest weakness of a pluralistic society? Do these characteristics work for or against business?
In discussions of business and society, why is there a tendency to focus on large rather than small- or medium-sized firms?
Identify the major themes of this book: the managerial approach, ethics, and stakeholder management.
Discuss the major criticisms of business and characterize business’s general response.
Explain how our pluralistic society has become a special-interest society.
Explain pluralism and identify its strengths and weaknesses.
Define business and society and their interrelationship.
Do you agree with the 11th U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that cleared Chiquita of any liability for the victims killed by the paramilitary group that Chiquita funded? Construct an ethical argument
Using each of the four methods of ethical reasoning (see Figure 5.6), was it ethical or not for Chiquita to pay the terrorist organization when payments were demanded in the early 2000s?
Should the U.S. ban against supporting terrorist groups, imposed after the September 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, be applied in this situation? Why or why not?
Should Chiquita be assessed a penalty that puts the firm out of business for their actions?
What would be the benefit to multinational corporations, such as CEMEX, Marks and Spencer, and Dow Corning, of participating in this effort? What distinctive contributions can social entrepreneurs
If you were a manager at Lumber Liquidators, what if anything would you do now, beyond what the company has already done?
If you were a consumer who had installed Lumber Liquidators laminate flooring in your home or business, what would you do now?
Do you think the government acted appropriately to protect consumers? What more can or should it have done?
Do you believe that lawsuits filed by consumer activists will help solve the problem of unsafe flooring?
In your opinion, who was most responsible for the fact that consumers were exposed to formaldehyde at levels that exceeded the safety limits established by California regulations?
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