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business law legal environment
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Business Law Legal Environment
Belem "-'.IS born in Mexiro.. Her fatherlt'(t (or the ni1ed Statc,s to do fi1rmwork in 5.1 r:ime,n1 Whtn Belem wu nine. she .and her mother made• dangeroutt desen crossing Into the United Statld.
By 2013, • dcn.c_ns t Olesa llow,-d und0
TIiie VII of the Civil RlghtJ Act of 1964 b•n• dlKriminalion In pay and olher compensationb asedo n ract:,c ofor, rdigion, sex or nation.11or igin. And the Equal Pay Act of 1963 makes ii illegal
Suppo,.. )'Outc omp•nya llowHn1ployea to oc:h4>lv1
llc«-ucb: b there 11iU• gl•
Rcu.arch: Find II company that ha tried to t-rcate a corporat~ cultur~ thnt supports men or women In
Busine, plac< • high value on llniblllty and "avoilabillty• 0£ work,:u. Rul those qualilie, may unfoirly stress those ot boch ends of the salor)' S
Airbnb requires pott'ntin.l guots to we:: thdr actu;tl name~ and .strongly rccommtnds thir:y post;\ photo. A rtcent study indic.11n th.11 gut"sts. "';u, distinctJy African Amer~ic.1.nn amc;sa rt 16
Many scil.sonal. moi;1ly small busmcssrs, such as snfood procc5S()rs, amuscmtnl park:.. hotels.. and landscapers. clepend on the C'de-raHl -28 prngra.m. whld, gov·ems r.ireign !lllgran1• (except
F,mlnt.t lowyc, Vicki Schul12 writ,._. .. IVl1h tit< dr,Iint of cMI s0
Fnnce i tealc>uslys ocul••• modem, ond "Europ,-.n.·L ikt-elsewhere in Europe. it Is no1 uncommon ~os et wom.c..nsu nbathing nudt or topltss-a practi ~ that i banntd ln Dubai a.nd Qiltar. The
Rnc-arch~ Tide Vll pml«l.s 1hosc who m.a.l« da•ms agalnsl rctaliaHon for 1J1:uc-rtlng their rights. In 2016, the EE C po 1«1 hs nm anlir,taliation guidance in mor, th•n 18 years. Find out how
Al the-beginning of h i.s t~rm. Prcskknt Trump issu~d mu)Uplc-cxocut1\·e ordc:n. tempo-rarityb ann!J1gr e(ug.., from. . veralM U>li111-ma)onraltlylo nsa nd otlwrwlso" Il gh1enh1g oorbordet>."(a)
According to gloo, nrly 45.8 million p
In 2010, O.lifornJ .. dop,cd th< Transpattn site~ their ·cJTort5 to eradicate.~ slavery lllld trafficking in their din-ct supply chains.• In 20lS, the Uniccd Kingdom included simil.u-1>rovbicmisn
In wh•I some havt called 1be" (
Natlon11lyI, h omicide tttru& lie ading cau.seo f workpl:actf a1;;ali1liItns. 2 0 l 2, rnwork~cr.t were responsible for 49 homicide dc-atlu1 £ire;amu wuc the prinury wr.1pons.causing 367
B11yst11Mtct dkal Ct:nlt'r In Musa.C'huscUsi ldoptcd a policy requiring aJJ cmp!O)'«S 10 dther g
Amaz.o.n has lxcomc one o( the world's Jc.ading retailc~ but at "''hat cost~ In June 2011. an Am:uon .en1plO)ffc ontacted OSHA 10 rc:port that c--.1In1d a In a Penn~sylvan!• wanhous, h•d
In March 2016. fas1 food workrr.s In I 9 dtlrs comp1ained lo OSHA that at~ l.lcDon>ld''-th• hot oil. 11.. my grills.g rnli)'
In Cxtobor 2015 workers at Han>ae Vie1nam, • plant from which Niko ,ourceltyl ogo good$. w
OSHAh as r
TIM, Ntw York· 11mctstp ortcdI n 20I Sa n th< naU< alonb wln ... , r
In 1h• spring of ZOIS. on od pos1td lhroughou1 1hc London •ubway •> 1cm creatNI contro,·ersr, Da.lg~ to &oddJi tC~trys uppl-tn1en1&i.t showed a ,tty young, ,·t'.ry thin model in a bright
In Augwt 2015, Kim Kardashiapno ltd 10 ln,ragram "OMG. Hav< you bt;ud about this?'"' Pregnanl hrrsc-lr at the limt-, shr ~nt on 1.0 rnthusiaslk~Uy rc-commrnd to her l
What kind oflegol h•llrnge "ould each o( th ... itua1lon, give ,1.., to! R.,••rc:h, Find ou1 "h.i h•p~n«I 1n
In April 2.016.P rt1-r,rtlottM agadnc ~nnoun«!d th:it it would no longu t:i,kea ds.AlthoughI n the 1radltloMIp rint magoz,nloodl.' r
According to Pew Research, in 2011 the ph:mnaccutlcal indu.stry spent mor-c than S25 billion mark,Hng to ph)"l
Will shoppers p~)'m o~ for produc1st hat .n.rrm arketed as Sllilllinnblco, r rmnuiat,ured ln W.&.tfh' .u arc ~igm-d ~ith certain labor and soci.1.m1 taSUR':llltnls? Rn-cntly, 111,.JOr dothing
\\"hat rolt- should .ich,•tniscrs play in r,necling and ,upporting a n,ore lnclu we sod
In l•t• 2016 Kdloggs decided 10 •lop ad,-,,rtlslng on Breitb• bYJuj,rm rily.y ou art.s erving "P blj."'DlrJ nt >'""br', okfast tnbl
Th• nonproG1 ProPubllc. produ«• lnvligalJv, journ~li m In th• public int
In 1012, tl,e l'TC laid out revised "gr«n guid,s," rul for daims lhat • product or pn>CCSb$e nefits the l'm,ironmt?ntT. he.1irr uld state th:11a ny organization i~sulng gr~t'n ccrt!rtcatlormu ustb
Since 1999, more l65,000 pcoplt' ha,·e-died o( addiction to prcscnptlon drugs,uch ti Oxy-Conlln •nd l>,n:occ1J. n 2008. Cephalon. In,. pl
loshu• Brown,• Navy vc1er•n who lo,·ed technology and t•t1• lrnctor-trailcr mad< a left tum la !ront of him. The car railed to apply the brakes and Brown wu killed. the:A rstk nown
Poktmon GO-an ·•ug,n
DDT Is• ,bcop woy 10 dimlnalc lns«ts 1ha1 thr,.t
Anton Ydchln go10 111o fhi, ?015 lotp Grand
In 201~. GM =lled some 11.1 million v,hid,. sold ln the United ·.,u,. for defocrl,•c Ignition wlt
As: wr learned in this chapter. I.he FDA has llmircd resourct':s to police Am~ricaS food ,upply. In 2012, mon, thon 250 p«,plo In 2•1 •t•I< wor, sl J«.ncd by lmor1,J/J,.
Dlsco«rngedb y ln•dequ••• fed
Coniumers IUtdi dea.tins dUkeh ave raisc-dc oncerns about personal catc producu;om~h air•Ot.rcc: ompany Rc:t:Jn~d n\ore than 21.000 complcaintso r1 t-m>ltg ln 01herwl,e b
FltBlt users h3vt'.c ompl:1:lnedt hat th,: ac11\-it)1' rnc.ktrd 0t:s not monic.orh eartbeats
In 2016, custon1-erscomplainrd that 5.unsung Gab.x)• Nott 7 sm.artpbonn were bunting into Rames. Alrli.ocs bn.nncd th~m. What kin-ds of .1ctions might~ ta.ken against$Grll$ung?(b ) Research.: Find
Ac1rcsC, indy G•rd• won• small role In who, •h• wa, told would be an ad,-enture film~ In. ttad, 1hr prducrrs us«nu of Musl;ms. G.arda's \'Ukc w-u dubbed so that she app
Fifty.four ud•n.., boy> who esc•pod "°'''•tlon, d,.,,se, ;ind mllitl• allaek, in Dar•fur (ound r,,fuge in 1M Unltod Sm ... In 2003. they hmd their llfo tori lo • tap,i.otc:rYWw:'Wilh mm
While Copyrighl l,:w generally proteru ae:1tlw-no1 function:,1-creations.. ll does,pply 10 "pictorial. g,aphi . and, ulpturol worb" thot "'" b< ·,epantod fron, and""-'" independently of th• useful
Somr biot«h im'l"ntionJ,-ccll lines and bactuia, for r.xamplc-mu$t continuously rtplic:ate in order to be mainl-1.lned for any u,e. SomC'thlng :malogou.s to planting, w-,1erlng.a nd cull11·ollngls
Polill al camp;tlgns •tt notorious for robing IJ> ..,.u .. , (1) Whal l
You hnvl!j' ust oprnc-d a im.111ca ff aod bakay. One of >-ours pedahks is a chocolate-nut pir )'OU lra.rnN to bakr from )'OUT Kentucky grandmother, Susan. She learned it from eating ·ocrby Pie" at
Chen,• orm
A parody-• lloeraryo r arllnlc worlcl lut lmlloi.. the chorocoerlstisct yleo r an ,u1hor or II work (or ron1.c dforl or rldl ult-I 1t. cla»i UiUUplC" o( a falr u!e. Parodies arc con id
The New York Y•nkee, hold• r,glSlorod tndemark In the phra e "The Hou,e Iha
What ar lhc primary market ro,cos favoring th.o growth of bcnef11 corporalions?AppendixLO1
How are traditional corp,grations and benefil corporations similar?WhtH are the marn dJfferences betwee:n them?AppendixLO1
The euthors mention ihet benefit corPQreit£ons must use an independent t.hlrdpartv cerHficf!tion proces.s to demonstrate director perform1u,ce. B t..eb. located In the Phllodelphlo suburbs, Is one
Forbes Msga.z.ine named Exxon Mobil ·Green Company of the Year'" in 2009 for it.s focuii: on ni,tural gas tu opposed to coal). However, in the same veer.Exxon Mobile wn lobbying heavily against the
Milton Friedman. in his well-known 1970 article. "'The Socfal Responsibility of Businen Is 10 Increase Its Profits.'" wrote: "ITJhe executive Is an agenl s.erving •the interests of his principal
Research: Find out If your s:tate has J>3$"$Btde gislalion for 8 Corps {http;Jibeneflt· :~ ~~~;,::~•:::~·~~:/~~~a:~6~H:::6•.:~~;~,.~I:~~;i~t~j~?~~ ~~:~:o::: :~:~::;by B L8b7 How does It sorvo
1. Analyu 1h1s scC'.nario from tht' .!itandpoml of law and of C'thic.s~ For yran.Dr. F.ddingfitld, • licensed ph)"idan, hod been 1he Hurteyfrunilydoclor. When 1-turky booam• dangerouslyI ll.
Lrslk lkndu, professor of I.awa l yrncusr: Univcnicy1 b11Sw ritten about thetthic of arc :md how it might l'l':frn.mct. he J;awo f nq;Hgence.l ruttad of 1hr traditional tort.standard thal me:a ures
Wrhtr imd in,-tstlgai.h'tj ourn.tlist Ptttr t.-traashs: u pointed ou1 tht-dcva.n~tJOnc aused b)' the. pursuit o( oiJ rc.scrvti In the dr, 1rloping ~"Orld. IJ1 Nig(:ria, throughout some:30 ynrs nr oil
l',rl lfh < flnanci•l ttform lcgicd bu1 op
Plotob•ll.,,,d li,.i 1her ul,rso(1he id.,.,Is ocll 1he lowliestn >en,b,,ro f 1h01s ociety w•s p,3,d.I n th< Uniled Stoles In 1980,C EO cornpmadon w;u:Q tJruattd U>b t -tl lil'Of:d'j1 ato (
There lilfcm any diff~ttnl ways in wh1dl liLrgcc o.rporil.tionas n lnilUl:!:n«t' he political S)·St~m:(a) Rc\·otvlngdoor: lndus.try repr1?:Senlallvbee:sc ome regulator~ and via versa..(b) Dlr
Corporations also JnOuen« politi
Tht l'ive 111e1f1o r 1heir roles 11t1h e Dttp,..,,.ttr Horizon explosion that kill«! I l workd with the company", disaster rtsponse Ll'am. but thilt vcrdic1 was Ovcr1urnc-df. a·cntually he ~C'd
ln Augu!it 2016, Arl70n.l bcc.amc the Ont in the-a~llion to pass a * of lndcpt:ndent Buslnt!$.SSt atus.• allowing. but not r,:,qu.Jringi.n. deptndmt contnc:tol'$ to sign a Jta1emen1
Reui.11t.rl ha1 ff1)' on software 10 1ra.clcth e Oow o cw1omcti han: bttn etlliciud fut u ing that da1a.l o sched.ult"t hclr tn1ploy«-s in unn·t.n and unpttdkt.tble w.t)"', Rrsponding to publi
The: FLSA c-.Umpl (ron, ib mfoimurn wagt/m.a.x1munah oun la",), people wbo pro•vldt' •(oaup.a.nionshipk rvi(rs· (b.abrsiucn) ffld those who lh"Cin u.h omt' whtre they care for the elderly, ill,
hould NCAA pla)>ers be ti1Jow't.-tdo organiu and b.a.rgainc o11rctin•-JyDro )--OU~ t'any dlfl',.,.nc.. b
Wl,en lcphen Morri• •nd K
Domestic workers who de-an houst" and cart- for childrt:n, th~ e-ldcrty, and disabled In private homes nrc a:mongt he mQ.Spt oorly pald Amcrl,r;an 'M-' me 9S pn-cent o then, are won~n:4 6
Which of th< followEng .ho11ld be trr.alod •• cmploi•«• pml«ted by Fl.SA minimum i.tra:gloaeW $:(a)P eople who write and post rfview~ o loc.:abl usines~c5f or the onllne·ervice, YELP!
Should widocutncnled lmm;gr-,n1,b e allo"'
In ept
A m.ajorityof states hn~ passedw lnt o11rccalle"dR ight to Work Laws: In (act. th~lows ollow emplo)'«• lo benefi, from union·negoti•t«I p•y raise nnd b
In ept
A m.ajorityof states hn~ passedw lnt o11rccalle"dR ight to Work Laws: In (act. th~lows ollow emplo)'«• lo benefi, from union·negoti•t«I p•y raise nnd b
Assume that Davis draws a check on Dallas Bank, payable to the order of Perkins; that Perkins indorses it to Cooper; that Cooper deposits it to her account in Houston Bank; that Houston Bank presents
Jones, a food wholesaler whose company has an account with City Bank in New York City, is traveling in California on business.He finds a particularly attractive offer and decides to buy a carload of
Advanced Alloys, Inc., issued a check in the amount of $2,500 to Sergeant Steel Corporation. The check was presented for payment fourteen months later to the Chase Manhattan Bank, which made payment
On Tuesday, June 11, Siniscalchi issued a $200 check on the drawee, Valley Bank. On Saturday morning, June 15, the check was cashed. This transaction, as well as others taking place on that Saturday
Morvarid Kashanchi and her sister, Firoyeh Paydar, held a savings account with Texas Commerce Medical Bank. An unauthorized withdrawal of $4,900 from the account was allegedly made by means of a
During a period of almost two years, Great Lakes Higher Education Corp. (Great Lakes), a not-for-profit student loan servicer, issued 224 student loan checks totaling $273,152.88.The checks were
Perry employed Alice to sell a parcel of real estate at a fixed price without knowledge that David had previously employed Alice to purchase the same property for him. Perry gave Alice no discretion
Palmer made a valid contract with Ames under which Ames was to sell Palmer’s goods on commission from January 1 to June 30.Ames made satisfactory sales up to May 15 and was about to close an
Timothy retains Cynthia, an attorney, to bring a lawsuit upon a valid claim against Vincent. Recently enacted legislation has shortened the statute of limitations for this type of legal
Morris is a salesperson for Acme, Inc., a manufacturer of household appliances. Morris receives a commission on all sales made and no further compensation. He drives his own automobile, pays his own
Sierra Pacific Industries purchased various areas of timber and six other pieces of real property, including a ten-acre parcel on which five duplexes and two single-family units were located. Sierra
Hunter Farms contracted with Petrolia Grain & Feed Company, a Canadian company, to purchase a large supply of the farm herbicide Sencor from Petrolia for resale. Petrolia learned from the U.S.
Danny Del Pilar sustained injuries when his car collided with a delivery van painted yellow—the widely-recognized DHL color—and displaying the DHL name and logo. The truck was driven by a driver
Alice was Peter’s traveling salesperson and was authorized to collect accounts. Before the agreed termination of the agency, Peter wrongfully discharged Alice. Peter did not notify anyone of
Stan sold goods to Bill in good faith, believing him to be a principal.Bill in fact was acting as agent for Nancy and within the scope of his authority. The goods were charged to Bill, and on his
Green Grocery Company employed Jones as its manager and gave her authority to purchase supplies and goods for resale.Jones had conducted business for several years with Brown Distributing Company,
Helper, a delivery boy for Gunn, delivered two heavy packages of groceries to Reed’s porch. As instructed by Gunn, Helper rang the bell to let Reed know the groceries had arrived. Mrs. Reed came to
Cook’s Department Store advertises that it maintains a barbershop in its store and that the shop is managed by Hunter, a Cook’s employee. Actually, Hunter is not an employee of the store but
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