Encoding variability in software. At the 2012 Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA) Forum, Oregon State University


Encoding variability in software. At the 2012 Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association (GPCA)

Forum, Oregon State University software engineers presented a paper on modeling and implementing variation in computer software. The researchers employed the compositional choice calculus (CCC)—a formal language for representing, generating, and organizing variation in tree-structured artifacts. The CCC language was compared to two other coding languages—the annotative choice calculus (ACC) and the computational feature algebra

(CFA). Their research revealed the following: any type of expression (e.g., plain expressions, dimension declarations, or lambda abstractions) found in either ACC or CFA can be found in CCC; plain expressions exist in both ACC and CFA; dimension declarations exist in ACC but not CFA;

lambda abstractions exist in CFA but not ACC. Based on this information, draw a Venn diagram that illustrates the relationships among the three languages. (Hint: An expression represents a sample point in the Venn diagram.)

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