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survey of economics
Questions and Answers of
Survey Of Economics
10. Indicate the forms of urban bias in LDCs. Give examples of policies of urban bias (or rural bias) in your own country or another one you know well. Has such a policy bias hampered development?
9. What factors contribute to the high incidence of rural poverty among single female heads of households?
8. What factors contribute to the high incidence of rural poverty in LDCs?
7. Explain sub-Saharan Africa’s negative growth in food output per person between the early 1960s and the late 1990s.
6. Explain and compare India’s progress since the early 1950s in increasing average food output and reducing hunger to China’s progress.
5. What do you expect the trend in foodgrain output per capita and food consumption per capita to be in LDCs in the next decade? What LDC regions are most vulnerable in the next decade? What LDC
4. How does a peasant economy differ from that of a commercial farm economy?
3. Why is agricultural productivity in DCs so much higher than in LDCs?
2. In what ways does agriculture contribute to economic growth?
1. Give arguments in favor of LDCs concentrating their antipoverty programs in rural areas.
17. What conditions do you think are necessary for economic inequalities to contribute to war and political violence?
16. Is there a tradeoff between LDC policies seeking to reduce income inequality and those trying to stimulate growth? Does the tradeoff vary among different LDCs?
15. Discuss why LDC women have higher poverty rates than men. What LDC policies would reduce female poverty rates?
14. Which policies do you think are most effective in reducing poverty and income inequality in developing countries?
13. Why are cross-national income distribution data for different per-capita income levels at a given time inadequate for generalizing about income distribution changes with economic development over
12. Does the rising segment of the inverted U-shaped curve imply that the poor suffer from economic growth?
11. How do Irma Adelman and Cynthia Taft Morris show how economic growth in a dual economy explains the Kuznets curve?
10. Design a program for gathering information on poverty and income distribution for low-income countries (or a particular low-income country), indicate data and measures you would stress, and
9. What has happened to global income inequality since 1970?
8. What does Sen mean by the Gini approach, headcount approach, and incomegap approach to poverty? What are the advantages of using all three approaches to depict poverty as opposed to using only the
7. Is poverty synonymous with low well-being?
6. Which LDCs have the lowest poverty rates? The highest poverty rates? What are the reasons for differences in poverty rates?
5. Assess the reliability and validity of LDC statistics on poverty and income inequality.
How have poverty rates changed from 1820 to the present?
4. How much poverty is there in the world? In the developing world? By region?
3. What is meant by absolute poverty? To what extent is poverty culturally relative?What are some characteristics of absolute poverty? How close have poverty definitions been tied to food
2. What are the various dimensions of poverty other than low incomes?
1. What is the meaning of $1/day and $2/day poverty? What are the differences among the World Bank, Surjit Bhalla, and Xavier Sala-i-Martin in their views of poverty and inequality? Why do they have
20. Choose a country or world region. Which economic development theory best explains development in that country or region?
19. What were the weaknesses of the neoclassical theory of growth and development that gave rise to the new endogenous growth theory? How does the new growth theory address the neoclassical
18. How effective was Mankiw, Romer, and Weil’s modification in increasing the plausibility of neoclassical growth theory?
17. What is the neoclassical theory of economic development? Theory of economic growth? What are the policy implications of the neoclassical theory of development and growth? How effective have
16. How well does coordination failure or its overcoming explain the economic development of LDCs? Give examples.
15. How important are supply and demand indivisibilities in influencing LDC investment strategies?
14. How well does the Lewis–Fei–Ranis model explain Japan’s economic growth in the early part of the 20th century?
13. What is Lewis’s explanation for the expansion of the industrial capitalist sector?Why do critics think that the Lewis model overstates rural–urban migration and industrial expansion?
12. How are wages determined in the subsistence and capitalist sectors in the Lewis model?
11. What are some potential LDC vicious circles? How plausible are these as barriers to development?
10. For which country has dependence on Western capitalist economies been most costly? For which country has dependence on Western capitalist economies been most beneficial? On the basis of arguments
9. How does Andre Gunder Frank differ from Karl Marx in judging Western capitalism’s influence in Asia, Africa, and Latin America?
8. How valid is Baran’s theory in explaining the weaknesses of New-Deal-type regimes in LDCs?
7. How valid is Baran’s theory in explaining contemporary underdevelopment in Asia, Africa, and Latin America? Are revolution and a Soviet-type government essential for removing this
6. How might Marxian economic analysis (like Mao’s or Bettelheim’s) threaten political elites in socialist countries?
5. Are some of today’s LDCs closer to Marx’s feudal stage than his capitalist stage?What might a Marxist recommend for a LDC in the feudal stage? Would a Leninist or Baranist prescription for a
4. Which historical theory – Marx’s or Rostow’s – is more useful in explaining Western economic development? Contemporary LDC development?
3. Choose one developed country (or one LDC that Rostow says has already experienced takeoff). How well does Rostow’s stage theory explain that country’s economic growth?
2. How valid is the assumption that the development of LDCs will parallel the earlier stages of today’s DCs?
1. Is Ricardian classical economic theory applicable to LDCs?
8. What are the major institutional changes that take place with economic development? Are these institutional changes causes or mere correlations of growth? Or is growth a cause of institutional
7. What are the major characteristics of economic and political institutions in lowincome economies?
6. Will the skill composition of the labor force change as rapidly in LDCs as it did in the past in DCs?
5. What is a dual economy? Are all LDCs characterized by economic dualism?
4. How do production and labor force shares in agriculture, industry, and services change as GNP per capita increases? Have production and labor force proportions for low-and high-income economies
3. How might a list of common characteristics of low-income countries vary from that of LDCs as a whole?
2. How might today’s LDCs differ from those of the 1950s?
1. What are some common characteristics of LDCs? Which of these characteristics are causes and which accompaniments of underdevelopment?
10. Has average income in the rich and poor countries converged since 1980? In the past 100 to 150 years? Has the relative income of poor and rich people converged since 1980? In the past 100 to 150
9. Indicate in some detail how sustained economic growth in North America has changed the material level of living from about 100 to 150 years ago to today.
8. Compare the economic growth of today’s LDCs before and after World War II.
7. Evaluate Russia–Soviet Union as a model for today’s LDCs.
6. Which countries outside the West have had the most development success in the last century? Are these non-Western development models useful for today’s LDCs?
5. How does the relative gap between the West and Afro-Asian LDCs today compare to the gap a century and a quarter or half ago? How do we explain this difference?
4. How important were noneconomic factors in contributing to modern capitalist development in the West?
3. What are the characteristics of modern economic growth? Why was modern economic growth largely confined to the West (Western Europe, the United States, and Canada) before the 20th century?
2. Indicate the broad outlines of world leaders in national GDP per capita during the medieval and modern periods. How do we explain the reasons for changes in world leadership?
1. Discuss and assess Diamond’s evolutionary biological approach to development.
12. Choose a country, for example, your own or one you know well. What have been the major costs and benefits of economic growth in this country?
11. Are economic welfare and political freedom complementary or competing goals?
10. In what ways are conventional basic-needs measures inadequate in assessing the material welfare of the poorest 20 percent of a developing country’s population?
9. Compare basic needs attainment, HDI, PQLI, and the International Comparison Project’s Purchasing Power Parity to GNP per capita in U.S. dollars at existing exchange rates as measures of economic
8. Nigeria’s 2001 GNP per capita was $290, more than one and one-half times that of neighboring Niger’s $180. What other assessments of socioeconomic welfare(other than GNP per capita in U.S.
7. According to World Bank’s World Development Indicators, 2003, Canada’s 2001 GNI per capita ($21,930) was about 63 times higher than Kenya (with $350).Can we surmise that the average economic
6. Discuss the price-index problem that LDCs face in measuring economic growth.
5. How useful are generalizations about the third or developing world? Indicate ways of subclassifying the third world.
4. List three or four countries that have moved significantly upward or downward in the GNP per capita rankings in the last several decades. What factors have contributed to their movements?
3. Give an example of a LDC that you think has had an especially good (poor)development record in the past two to three decades. Why did you choose this LDC?
2. What do you consider the most urgent goals for LDCs by 2015? Why are these goals important? What policy changes should LDCs undertake to increase the probability of attaining these goals?
1. Is economic growth possible without economic development? Economic development without economic growth?
7. Give an example of how rigid adherence to Western economic theory or uncritical examination of development statistics may hinder understanding the developing world.
6. Why are economic theories about developing countries different from those based on Western experience? What assumptions are involved in each case?
5. Would you expect the development goal for the Indian poor to be a lifestyle like that of the Smiths?
4. What effect has globalization and outsourcing had on income and employment in North America? In India and China?
3. What impact might rapid economic development have on the lifestyle of Balayya’s family? Kolkata’s marginally employed? Software workers and capitalists?
2. Why is studying economics so central to understanding the problems of developing countries?
1. What do you hope to gain from a course in economic development (other than a good grade)?
19. Do price and exchange-rate decontrol, financial liberalization, deregulation, and privatization improve LDC performance?
18. Should developing countries rely on market decisions or state planning in allocating resources?
17. What trade strategies should developing countries use?
16. What policies can ease the international debt and financial crises in developing countries?
15. How can LDCs export more and import less?
14. What monetary and fiscal policies should a country use to achieve economic development with price stability?
13. Are humankind’s economic policies sustainable over the next few centuries?
12. What factors contribute to successful entrepreneurial activity in developing countries?
How important are information and other technology in economic development?
11. What criteria should be used to allocate capital between alternative projects?
10. What factors affect labor skills in the third world?
9. Why is there so much unemployment in developing countries?
8. What effect does population growth have on economic development?
7. How can poverty be reduced in the rural areas of low-income countries?
6. Has economic growth in the third world improved the living conditions of its poor?
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