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fundamentals of database systems
Questions and Answers of
Fundamentals Of Database Systems
How do question answering systems work?
Add the following facts to the sample database in Figure 26.11:SUPERVISE(ahmad, bob), SUPERVISE(franklin, gwen)First modify the supervisory tree in Figure 26.11(b) to reflect this change. Then
What algorithms are popular in ranking or determining the importance of Web pages? Which algorithm was proposed by the founders of Google?
Define relevance feedback.
Describe the three types of Web analyses discussed in this chapter.
Describe the process of constructing the result of a search request using an inverted index.
What are the different types of queries in an IR system? Describe each with an example.
What are the approaches to processing phrase and proximity queries?
Describe the detailed IR process shown in Figure 27.2. Figure 27.2 ULA Document #1 www.sisi aglam சீனாம்சள், www.ins y See Documents EXTRACT W₁ W₂ W³ W₁ W₁ W6 D₁ 1 1
What is stopword removal and stemming? Why are these processes necessary for better information retrieval?
What is a thesaurus? How is it beneficial to IR?
What is information extraction? What are the different types of information extraction from structured text?
What are vocabularies in IR systems? What role do they play in the indexing of documents?
Gather five documents that contain about three sentences each and each contain some related content. Construct an inverted index of all important stems (keywords) from these documents.
Using the DBD system, verify your answers to the following exercises:a. 14.24 (3NF only)b. 14.25c. 14.27d. 14.28Exercise 14.24Consider the universal relation R = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J} and
Give the definition of precision and recall in a ranked list of results at position i.
How is an F-score defined as a metric of information retrieval? In what way does it account for both precision and recall?
What are the main differences between tuple versioning and attribute versioning?
Consider the following set of two-dimensional records:Also consider two different clustering schemes: (1) Where Cluster1 contains records {1, 2, 3} and Cluster2 contains records {4, 5, 6},
Define the following terms: OLAP (online analytical processing), ROLAP (relational OLAP), MOLAP (multidimensional OLAP), and DSS (decisionsupport systems).
Describe the characteristics of a data warehouse. Divide them into the functionality of a warehouse and the advantages users derive from the warehouse.
What is the multidimensional data model? How is it used in data warehousing?
Define the following terms: star schema, snowflake schema, fact constellation, data marts.
What types of indexes are built for a warehouse? Illustrate the uses for each with an example.
Describe the steps of building a warehouse.
What considerations play a major role in the design of a warehouse?
Describe the functions a user can perform on a data warehouse, and illustrate the results of these functions on a sample multidimensional data warehouse.
How is the relational view concept similar to a data warehouse and how are they different?
List the difficulties in implementing a data warehouse.
List the ongoing issues and research problems pertaining to data warehousing.
What is master data management? How is it related to data warehousing?
What are logical data warehouses? Do an online search for the data virtualization platform from Cisco, and disvcuss how it will help in building a logical data warehouse?
Discuss what is meant by each of the following terms: database authorization, access control, data encryption, privileged (system) account, database audit, audit trail.
Which account is designated as the owner of a relation? What privileges does the owner of a relation have?
How is the view mechanism used as an authorization mechanism?
Discuss the types of privileges at the account level and those at the relation level.
What is meant by granting a privilege? What is meant by revoking a privilege?
Discuss the system of propagation of privileges and the restraints imposed by horizontal and vertical propagation limits.
List the types of privileges available in SQL.
What are the typical security classifications? Discuss the simple security property and the *-property, and explain the justification behind these rules for enforcing multilevel security.
Describe the multilevel relational data model. Define the following terms: apparent key, polyinstantiation, filtering.
What are the relative merits of using DAC or MAC?
What is role-based access control? In what ways is it superior to DAC and MAC?
What are the two types of mutual exclusion in role-based access control?
What is meant by row-level access control?
What is label security? How does an administrator enforce it?
What are the different types of SQL injection attacks?
What risks are associated with SQL injection attacks?
What preventive measures are possible against SQL injection attacks?
What is a statistical database? Discuss the problem of statistical database security.
How is privacy related to statistical database security? What measures can be taken to ensure some degree of privacy in statistical databases?
What is flow control as a security measure? What types of flow control exist?
Consider the relation shown in Figure 30.2(d). How would it appear to a user with classification U? Suppose that a classification U user tries to update the salary of ‘Smith’ to $50,000; what
What are covert channels? Give an example of a covert channel.
What is the goal of encryption? What process is involved in encrypting data and then recovering it at the other end?
Give an example of an encryption algorithm and explain how it works.
What is a symmetric key algorithm for key-based security?
What is the public key infrastructure scheme? How does it provide security?
What are digital signatures? How do they work?
What type of information does a digital certificate include?
How can privacy of data be preserved in a database?
What are some of the current outstanding challenges for database security?
List the important tasks mentioned that are involved in analyzing Web content. Describe each in a couple of sentences.
What are the three categories of agent-based Web content analyses?
What is the database-based approach to analyzing Web content? What are Web query systems?
What is the basic idea behind the PageRank algorithm?
What are hubs and authority pages? How does the HITS algorithm use these concepts?
What can you learn from Web usage analysis? What data does it generate?
What mining operations are commonly performed on Web usage data? Give an example of each.
What is a negative association rule in the context of the hierarchy in Figure 28.3?Figure 28.3
What is search relevance? How is it determined?
Define faceted search. Make up a set of facets for a database containing all types of buildings. For example, two facets could be “building value or price” and “building type (residential,
What is social search? What does collaborative social search involve?
Define and explain conversational search.
Define topic modeling.
What are the different phases of the knowledge discovery from databases? Describe a complete application scenario in which new knowledge may be mined from an existing database of transactions.
What are the goals or tasks that data mining attempts to facilitate?
What are the five types of knowledge produced from data mining?
What are association rules as a type of knowledge? Define support and confidence, and use these definitions to define an association rule.
What are the difficulties of mining association rules from large databases?
What is the downward closure property? How does it aid in developing an efficient algorithm for finding association rules; that is, with regard to finding large itemsets?
What was the motivating factor for the development of the FP-tree algorithm for association rule mining?
What are classification rules, and how are decision trees related to them?
Describe an association rule among hierarchies and provide an example.
What is entropy, and how is it used in building decision trees?
How does clustering differ from classification?
Describe neural networks and genetic algorithms as techniques for data mining. What are the main difficulties in using these techniques?
Give an overview of the YARN architecture.
Name some advantages of the MapReduce/Hadoop technology.
List some of the optimizations in Hive and its support of SQL.
What is the SERDE architecture in Hive?
What are the main features of Apache Hive? What is its high-level query language?
What is Apache Pig, and what is Pig Latin? Give an example of a query in Pig Latin.
Describe the MapReduce join procedures for Sort-Merge join, Partition Join, N-way Map-side join, and Simple N-way join.
Describe the architecture of Hadoop in your own words.
What are the different releases of Hadoop?
What is the function of JobTracker?
What are the core properties of a job in MapReduce?
Give some examples of MapReduce applications.
Describe the execution workflow of the MapReduce programming environment.
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