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Programming World Wide
Add pictures of yourself and at least one other image (of your friend, spouse, or pet) to the document created for Exercise 2.1.Data from exercises 2.1Add pictures of yourself and at least one other
Add a second document to the document created for Exercise 2.1 that describes part of your background, using background as the link content. This document should have a few paragraphs of your
Use a document style sheet to modify the HTML document, nested_lists.html in Section 2.7.2 to make the different levels of lists different colors.
Modify the XSLT style sheet of Exercise 7.9 so that it formats all the patient elements in the XML document of Exercise 7.7, and use the style sheet to create a display of the whole document.Data
Modify the sample script in Section 9.9, word_table.php, to place the output table in an HTML table.Write, test, and debug (if necessary) PHP scripts for the specifications that above. For Exercise,
Modify the example application of Section 10.2 to have it validate the zip code when it is entered, to ensure that it is a valid zip code for the given city and state. The response document can be a
Modify the example application of Section 10.2 to use Prototype.
Modify the example application of Section 10.4 to use Prototype.
Modify the example application of Section 10.4 to allow the user to select a make and model of used cars. The make must be in a menu. When a make is chosen, a menu of models must be displayed. This
Explain what the each method does.
For what is MVC an acronym?
Describe briefly an MVC application.
Create and test an HTML document for yourself, including your name,address, and electronic mail address. If you are a student, you must includeyour major and your grade level. If you work, you must
In what directory are style sheets stored?
Describe the command that is used to add a column to a table of a database.
Explain in detail the use of validate_presence_of.
What is described in a schema file?
What Rails command actually builds a database?
What is the basis for the acronym CRUD?
What kinds of operations are provided by the action methods generated by scaffold?
In what directory are database files stored?
How can a template access the instance variables defined in an action method?
How are form control data gotten by an action method?
Why does a template’s file name have the .html.erb extension?
In what directory are templates placed?
What must be placed in an application’s controller class?
Build a Rails application that constructs a database with a single table listing well-known players from some specific team sport with which you or someone you know is familiar. The table must have
What is generated by the generate controller script?
Build a Rails application that accepts two integer values, produces the product of the two values, and returns the product to the client.
Explain the principle of convention-over-configuration.
Build a simple Rails application that returns a static document to a requesting browser, where the static document is a brief description of you.
Explain the DRY principle of software development.
Explain how migration files help a developer manage a database.
What is the intent of MVC development?
How are blocks delimited?
What is the effect of including a module in a class?
When are access control violations for methods detected?
In what sense are Ruby classes dynamic?
What is an attribute in Ruby?
What is the form of an instance variable’s name?
What is an asterisk parameter?
Do method headers require parentheses?
What is the form of a hash literal?
What does the include? method do?
Describe how the catenation operator for arrays works.
Describe what the for-in statement does.
In what two ways can an Array object be created?
What are the syntactic differences between the JavaScript if statement and that of Ruby?
What values of a variable are considered true?
How can a String value be converted to a Float value?
What is the difference between the puts and print methods?
What exactly is the operation of the spaceship operator?
How can the substring consisting of the second and third characters of the string str be referenced?
What is the difference between the downcase and downcase! methods?
What does the String method replace do?
What is the name of Ruby’s interactive interpreter?
What numeric operators in C and Java are not included in Ruby?
Write, test, and debug (if necessary) a Ruby program with the following specification:Input: A list of numbers from the keyboard.Output: The median of the input numbers.
How can the value of a variable be embedded in a String literal?
What is the difference between the two kinds of string literals?
Write, test, and debug (if necessary) a Ruby program with the following specification:Input: A list of lines of text from the keyboard.Output: Every input line that has more than 10 characters (not
Is 10. a legal Float constant in Ruby?
What is the length limit of a Bignum object?
Write, test, and debug (if necessary) a Ruby program with the following specification:Input: A list of numbers from the keyboard.Output: The second-smallest number in the list, along with its
What are the two integer classes of Ruby?
What is one of the most common uses of Ruby?
How do you set a breakpoint on a statement in a code file in the debugger?
While running an application in the debugger, how can you display the value of a variable?
In what method is placed the code to retrieve shared preferences data?
What is the primary constraint on using shared preferences approach to saving data between uses of an application?
What is the purpose of an ArrayAdapter object?
What is the purpose of a ListView element?
A radio button element must be nested inside what element?
Why must a checkbox element have an id attribute?
What is the purpose of the textOff attribute of a ToggleButton element?
What method of the Intent class is used to fetch a message in a called activity?
What method of the Intent class is used to attach a message to a call to an activity?
What method is used to call another activity and what parameter does it take?
Describe the parameters to the Intent constructor when it is used to call another activity.
Explain what a density-independent pixel is in terms of a normal pixel.
What is the class of the object returned by the getText method of an EditText object?
What method is used with what parameter to get a reference to the Java object associated with an EditText element named et?
Why would one refer to the R class in a Java file?
What is the difference between the keyboard displayed when the inputType attribute of an EditText element is set to textEmailAddress and the display of a standard keyboard?
What is the purpose of an EditText element?
How does the value of a text attribute of a TextView element reference a string literal in the strings.xml file in the res/values directory that has the name label1?
In a TextView element, what does the value wrap_content specify for the layout_width attribute?
What is the purpose of a TextView element?
What is the purpose of a view group?
The onRestart method moves an activity from what state to what state?
Build an application that produces a simple non-personalized greeting to the user. The application must count the number of times it is run and display that number with each execution. This number
In what state or states of an activity can a user interact with it?
Modify the groceryList application to add an operation for deleting a list item, given its text content in an EditText box from the user. An error message must be produced if the given text is not in
On what operating system kernel is Android built?
Modify the application of Exercise 14.1 to use a second activity for the arithmetic and result display processes.Data from exercise 14.1Build an application that invites the user to enter an integer
Describe briefly the three fundamental components of an Android application.
Build an application that invites the user to enter an integer number into each of two EditText boxes. The application must have four buttons, one for each of the arithmetic operators: addition,
What does the DataBind method of the GridView control class do?
What information is in a connection string?
What is an ASP.NET data-bound control?
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