Constantinides (1992) develops the so-called SAINTS model of the nominal term structure of interest rates by specifying
Constantinides (1992) develops the so-called SAINTS model of the nominal term structure of interest rates by specifying exogenously the nominal state-price deflator ζ˜.
In a slightly simplified version, his assumption is that
t = ke−gt+(Xt−α)2
, where k, g, and α are constants, and X = (Xt) follows the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process dXt = −κXt dt + σ dzt, where κ and σ are positive constants with σ 2 < κ and z = (zt) is a standard onedimensional Brownian motion.
(a) Derive the dynamics of the nominal state-price deflator. Express the nominal shortterm interest rate, r˜t, and the nominal market price of risk, λ˜t, in terms of the variable Xt.
(b) Find the dynamics of the nominal short rate.
(c) Find parameter constraints that ensure that the short rate stays positive. Hint: The short rate is a quadratic function of X. Find the minimum value of this function.
(d) What is the distribution of XT given Xt?
(e) Let Y be a normally distributed random variable with mean μ and variance v2. Show that E
−γ Y2
= (1 + 2γ v2)
−1/2 exp!
− γ μ2 1 + 2γ v2
(f) Use the results of the two previous questions to derive the time t price of a nominal zero-coupon bond with maturity T, that is B˜ T t . It will be an exponential-quadratic function of Xt. What is the yield on this bond?
(g) Find the percentage volatility σ T t of the price of the zero-coupon bond maturing at T.
(h) The instantaneous expected excess rate of return on the zero-coupon bond maturing at T is often called the term premium for maturity T. Explain why the term premium is given by σ T t λ˜t and show that the term premium can be written as 4σ 2α2 (1 − F(T − t))
Xt α − 1
Xt α − 1 − F(T − t)eκ(T−t)
1 − F(T − t)
, where F(τ ) = 1 σ 2 κ +
1 − σ 2 κ
e2κτ .
For which values of Xt will the term premium for maturity T be positive/negative?
For a given state Xt, is it possible that the term premium is positive for some maturities and negative for others?
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