Steve Jackson (birthdate December 13, 1967) is a single taxpayer living at 3215 Pacific Dr., Apt. B,
Steve Jackson (birthdate December 13, 1967) is a single taxpayer living at 3215 Pacific Dr., Apt. B, Pacific Beach, CA 92109. His Social Security number is 465-88-9415. In 2020, Steve’s earnings and income tax withholding as laundry attendant of a local hotel are:
Steve has a daughter, Janet, from a previous marriage. Janet is 11 years old (Social Security number 654-12-6543). Steve provides all Janet’s support. Also living with Steve is his younger brother, Reggie (Social Security number 667-21-8998). Reggie, age 47, is unable to care for himself due to a disability. On a reasonably regular basis, Steve has a care giver come to the house to help with Reggie. He uses a company called HomeAid, 456 La Jolla Dr., San Diego, CA 92182 (EIN 17-9876543). Steve made payments of $1,000 to HomeAid in 2020. Janet receives free after-school care provided by the local school district.
Steve made a modest cash donation to local charity in the amount of $50. Steve received a $1,700 EIP in 2020.
Complete Steve’s federal tax return for 2020. Use Form 1040, Schedule 3, Form 2441, Child Tax Credit Worksheet, Form 8812, EITC Worksheet A, and Schedule EIC.
Step by Step Answer:
Income Tax Fundamentals 2021
ISBN: 9780357141366
39th Edition
Authors: Gerald E. Whittenburg, Martha Altus-Buller, Steven Gill