The following are some desired effects. Indicate whether each can be accomplished with default arguments, function overloading,
The following are some desired effects. Indicate whether each can be accomplished with default arguments, function overloading, both, or neither. Provide appropriate prototypes.
a. mass(density, volume) returns the mass of an object having a density of density and a volume of volume, whereas mass(density) returns the mass having a density of density and a volume of 1.0 cubic meters. All quantities are type double.
b. repeat(10, "I'm OK") displays the indicated string 10 times, and repeat("But you're kind of stupid") displays the indicated string 5 times.
c. average(3,6) returns the int average of two int arguments, and average(3.0, 6.0) returns the double average of two double values.
d. mangle("I'm glad to meet you") returns the character I or a pointer to the string "I'm mad to gleet you", depending on whether you assign the return value to a char variable or to a char* variable.
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