The Wine class has a string class object member (see Chapter 4) that holds the name of
The Wine class has a string class object member (see Chapter 4) that holds the name of a wine and a Pair object (as discussed in this chapter) of valarray objects (as discussed in this chapter).The first member of each Pair object holds the vintage years, and the second member holds the numbers of bottles owned for the corresponding particular vintage year. For example, the first valarray object of the Pair object might hold the years 1988, 1992, and 1996, and the second valarray object might hold the bottle counts 24, 48, and 144. It may be convenient for Wine to have an int member that stores the number of years.Also some typedefs might be useful to simplify the coding:
typedef std::valarray ArrayInt;
typedef Pair PairArray;
Thus, the PairArray type represents type Pair,
std::valarray >. Implement the Wine class by using containment.The class
should have a default constructor and at least the following constructors:
// initialize label to l, number of years to y,
// vintage years to yr[], bottles to bot[]
Wine(const char * l, int y, const int yr[], const int bot[]);
// initialize label to l, number of years to y,
// create array objects of length y
Wine(const char * l, int y);
The Wine class should have a method GetBottles() that, given a Wine object with y years, prompts the user to enter the corresponding number of vintage years and bottle counts.A method Label() should return a reference to the wine name. A method sum() should return the total number of bottles in the second
valarray object in the Pair object.
The program should prompt the user to enter a wine name, the number of elements of the array, and the year and bottle count information for each array element.
The program should use this data to construct a Wine object and then display the information stored in the object. For guidance, here’s a sample test program:
// pe14-1.cpp -- using Wine class with containment
#include "winec.h"
int main ( void )
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
cout << "Enter name of wine: ";
char lab[50];
cin.getline(lab, 50);
cout << "Enter number of years: ";
int yrs;
cin >> yrs;
Wine holding(lab, yrs); // store label, years, give arrays yrs elements
holding.GetBottles(); // solicit input for year, bottle count
holding.Show(); // display object contents
const int YRS = 3;
int y[YRS] = {1993, 1995, 1998};
int b[YRS] = { 48, 60, 72};
// create new object, initialize using data in arrays y and b
Wine more("Gushing Grape Red",YRS, y, b);
cout << "Total bottles for " << more.Label() // use Label() method
<< ": " << more.sum() << endl; // use sum() method
cout << "Bye\n";
return 0;
And here’s some sample output:
Enter name of wine: Gully Wash
Enter number of years: 4
Enter Gully Wash data for 4 year(s):
Enter year: 1988
Enter bottles for that year: 42
Enter year: 1994
Enter bottles for that year: 58
Enter year: 1998
Enter bottles for that year: 122
Enter year: 2001
Enter bottles for that year: 144
Wine: Gully Wash
Year Bottles
1988 42
1994 58
1998 122
2001 144
Wine: Gushing Grape Red
Year Bottles
1993 48
1995 60
1998 72
Total bottles for Gushing Grape Red: 180
Step by Step Answer: