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survey of mathematics
A Survey of Mathematics with Applications 10th edition Allen R. Angel, Christine D. Abbott, Dennis Runde - Solutions
Evaluate the expression.-√100
Today, the various groups of people in Papua New Guinea still use a variety of numeration systems. Write a report on the different systems used by these groups.
On page 50, we discussed the ladder of life. Do research and indicate all the different classifications in the Linnaean system, from most general to the most specific, in which a koala belongs.
Determine whether the number is rational or irrational.√49
Evaluate the expression.√0
Evaluate the expression.√1
Evaluate the expression.√25
Evaluate the expression.√36
Give an example of the type of distribution.Bimodal
Give an example of the type of distribution.J-shaped
Give an example of the type of distribution.Skewed.
Give an example of the type of distribution.Rectangle.
Over the years many changes have been made in the U.S. Social Security System.(a) Do research and determine the number of people receiving Social Security benefits for the years 1945, 1950, 1955,
First estimate the following in metric units.The length of new pencil.
First estimate the following in metric units.Your waist
Estimate the mass of the item. If a scale with metric measure is available, find the mass.A watermelon.
Estimate the mass of the item. If a scale with metric measure is available, find the mass.A telephone book.
Estimate the mass of the item. If a scale with metric measure is available, find the mass.A gallon of water.
Estimate the mass of the item. If a scale with metric measure is available, find the mass.Your body
(a) Estimate the area of the item in metric units.(b) Measure its dimensions in metric units and compute its area.The face of a penny.
(a) Estimate the area of the item in metric units. (b) Measure its dimensions in metric units and compute its area.A compact disc.
(a) Estimate the area of the item in metric units.(b) Measure its dimensions in metric units and compute its area.The top of your kitchen table.
(a) Estimate the area of the item in metric units .(b) Measure its dimensions in metric units and compute its area.A $20 bill.
(a) Estimate the area of the item in metric units. (b) Measure its dimensions in metric units and compute its area.A typical photograph.
(a) Estimate the area of the item in metric units. (b) Measure its dimensions in metric units and compute its area.The cover of this book.
Estimate, without a ruler, a distance of 12 in. Measure the distance. How good was your estimate
Construct a Koch snowflake by beginning with an equilateral triangle and replacing each side with a . Repeat this process twice.
Develop a fractal by beginning with a square and replacing each sidewith a . Repeat this process twice.
Determine the ratio of the length to width of various photographs and compare these ratios to Ф.
Determine the ratio of the length to the width of your cell phone screen and compare this ratio to Φ.
Using the Internet, determine the current 10 highest-paid athletes in each of the following sports organizations: Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Basketball
Do research and write a report on the Huntington–Hill method, the current method used to apportion the representatives in the House of Representatives. Include historical background and describe
Research and write a report on how voting is conducted on one of the following events: (a) Academy Awards (b) Grammy Awards (e) Pulitzer Prize (c) Heisman Trophy Award (d) Nobel Prizes Include in
Do research and write a report on the apportionment method used in the House of Representatives in 1872. Include in your report a description of the method used.
Construct a preference table showing 12 votes for 3 candidates, A, B, and C, where candidates A and B both have 5 first-place votes.
Write a research paper on the history of voting methods. Include how the flaws in the voting methods discussed in this section were uncovered.
Choose a country other than the United States and write a research paper on how the president or prime minister is chosen. Describe in detail the voting method used. Include the strengths and
Construct a preference table with four candidates and three rankings of the candidates, similar to the preference table in Exercise 29, such that the pairwise comparison method violates the
Construct a preference table with three candidates and four rankings of the candidates, similar to the preference table in Exercise 10, such that the plurality with elimination method violates the
Construct a preference table with three candidates and three rankings of the candidates, similar to the preference table in Exercise 9, such that the Borda count method violates the majority
Construct a preference table with four candidates and four rankings of the candidates, similar to the preference table in Exercise 11, such that the plurality method violates the head-to-head
Write a paper on which apportionment method you think is the best. Include reasons to support your choice, including the advantages and disadvantages of the method you have selected.
Write a paper on the history and development of the branch of mathematics known as knot theory. Include a discussion on its applications to science and technology.
Choose a continent other than North America or Australia and create a graph showing the common boundaries between countries. Be sure to use a current map.
Use a graph to represent (a) The floor plan of your home. (b) The streets in your neighborhood within 1/2 mile from your home in all directions.
Poll your entire class to determine which students knew each other prior to taking this course. Draw a graph that shows this relationship.
Write a paper on traveling salesman problems. Include a brief history of the problems. Also include advances made toward reducing the computational time of deter-mining the optimal solution as well
Write a research paper on the life and work of Joseph Kruskal, who developed Kruskal’s algorithm.
Create a minimum-cost spanning tree that would serve as the least expensive way to provide sheltered sidewalks between major buildings on your college campus. Assume that the cost per foot is the
Create a tree that shows the administrative structure at your college or university. Start with the highest-ranking officer (that is, president, chancellor, provost) and work down to the department
Come up with a list of five cities you would like to visit. Use the Internet to search for airline prices between these five cities. Make sure to include the city with the airport nearest your home
Create a minimum-cost spanning tree that would serve as the least expensive way to create a computer network among the five largest cities in your state. Assume that the cost per mile is the same
In this project, you actually become the statistician.(a) Select a project of interest to you in which data must be collected.(b) Write a proposal and submit it to your instructor for approval. In
Ask your instructor for the class mean and class standard deviation for one of the exams taken by your class. For that exam, calculate the z-score for your exam grade. How many standard deviations is
Obtain a set of test scores from your instructor.(a) Determine the mean, median, mode, and midrange of the test scores.(b) Determine the range and standard deviation of the set of scores. (You may
List three populations other than those given in the text that may not be normally distributed.
List three populations other than those given in the text that may be normally distributed.
Two other measures of location that we did not mention in this section are stanines and deciles. Use statistics books, books on educational testing and measurements, and Internet websites to write a
(a) Calculate the mean, median, mode, and midrange of your exam grades in your mathematics course.(b) Which measure of central tendency best represents your average grade? (c) Which measure of
Find a scatter diagram in a newspaper or magazine and write a paper on what the diagram indicates. Indicate whether you believe that the bivariate data show a positive correlation, a negative
Use the following list which shows the names of the 43 U.S. presidents and the number of children in their families. Is this set of data representative of the U.S. population? Explain. W. H.
(a) Obtain a set of bivariate data from a newspaper or magazine.(b) Plot the information on a scatter diagram.(c) Indicate whether you believe that the data show a positive correlation, a negative
Use the following list which shows the names of the 43 U.S. presidents and the number of children in their families. Do you think the number of children per family in the United States is a normal
(a) Select a category of bivariate data that you think has a strong positive correlation. Designate the independent variable and the dependent variable. Explain why you believe that the bivariate
Read the book How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff and write a book report on it. Select three illustrations from the book that show how people manipulate statistics.
(a) Do you believe that a correlation exists between a person?s height and the length of a person?s arm? (b) Select 10 people from your class and measure (in inches) their height and the length of
Select one type of sampling technique and write a report on how statisticians obtain that type of sample. Also indicate when that type of sampling technique may be preferred. List two examples of
(a) Select and indicate a topic and population of interest to which a random sampling technique can be applied to obtain data.(b) Explain how you or your group would obtain a random sample for your
Find five advertisements or commercials that may be statistically misleading. Explain why each may be misleading.
Repeat Exercise 37 for the last digit of the students’ Social Security numbers. Include classes for the digits 0–9.Data from Exercise 37:What do you believe a histogram of the months in which the
(a) Birthdays What do you believe a histogram of the months in which the students in your mathematics class were born (January is month 1 and December is month 12) would look like? Explain. (b)
Calculate the range and standard deviation of your exam grades in this mathematics course. Round the mean to the nearest tenth to calculate the standard deviation.
Can you think of any situations in which a small standard deviation may be desirable?
Can you think of any situations in which a large standard deviation may be desirable?
Consider the following illustrations of two bank-customer waiting systems. (a) How would you expect the mean waiting time in Bank A to compare with the mean waiting time in Bank B? (b) How would
Girolamo Cardano (1501–1576) wrote Liber de Ludo Aleae, which is considered to be the first book on probability. Cardano had a number of different vocations. Do research and write a paper on the
We briefly discuss Jacob Bernoulli. The Bernoulli family produced several prominent mathematicians, including Jacob I, Johann I, and Daniel. Write a paper on the Bernoulli family, indicating some of
Write a paper on how insurance companies use empirical probabilities in determining insurance premiums. An insurance agent may be able to direct you to a source of information.
Can people selected at random distinguish Coke from Pepsi? Which do they prefer?(a) Design an experiment to determine the empirical prob-ability that a person selected at random can select Coke when
When a book is published, it is assigned a 10-digit code number called the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). Do research and write a report on how this coding system works.
There are many types of games of chance to choose from at casinos. The house has the advantage in each game, but the advantages differ according to the game. Do research and write a paper
Determine whether your state has a lottery. If so, do research and write a paper indicating(a) The probability of winning the grand prize.(b) The odds against winning the grand prize.(c) Explain,
The area of mathematics called combinatorics is the science of counting. Do research and write a paper on combinatorics and its many applications.
Flip two coins 50 times and record the number of times exactly one head was obtained. Determine the empirical probability of flipping exactly one head.
Roll a die 50 times and record the results. Determine the empirical probability of rolling(a) a 1. (b) a 4.(c) Does the probability of rolling a 1 appear to be the same as the probability of
Roll a pair of dice 60 times and record the sums. Determine the empirical probability of rolling a sum of(a) 2. (b) 7. (c) Does the probability of rolling a sum of 2 appear to be the same
Flip a coin 50 times and record the results. Determine the empirical probability of flipping(a) A head. (b) A tail. (c) Does the probability of flipping a head appear to be the same as
Select a card from a deck of cards 40 times with replacement and compute the empirical probability of selecting a heart.
Find two circle graphs in newspapers, in magazines, or on the Internet whose data are not given in percents. Redraw the graphs and label them with percents.
Consider the following places where a loan may be obtained: banks, savings and loans, credit unions, and pawnshops. Write a report that includes the following information:(a) Describe the ownership
Write a paper on the history of simple interest and com-pound interest. Answer the questions: When was simple interest first charged on loans? When was compound interest first given on investments?
Imagine you have $4000 to invest and you need this money to grow to $5000 by investing in a CD. Contact a local bank or credit union to obtain the following CD information: the interest rate, the
Suppose your family currently does not own a washer and dryer and you do not have the money needed to purchase the appliances. Do research to determine if it would be less expensive to borrow money
Write a brief report giving the advantages and disadvantages of leasing a car. Determine all the individual costs involved with leasing a car. Indicate why you would prefer to lease or purchase a car
Suppose you purchase a new wardrobe for $1000 with a credit card. You decide to pay for your new wardrobe by making the minimum monthly payment each month. You do not charge anything else to this
The closing of a house involves many additional costs for the both the buyer and the seller. Select a home that is for sale and note the asking price. Do research and use this asking price to
Search in your area to find your “dream home” that is for sale and note the asking price. Next, search the websites of local lenders to find the best interest rates for both a 15-year fixed
Annuities, IRAs, 401k plans, 403b plans, SEP accounts, and Keogh accounts are all types of investments that can be used to save for retirement. Inter-view a financial advisor to discuss each of these
Write a paper on investing in mutual funds. Include in your paper a description of the following terms: net asset value (NAV),portfolio manager,and expense ratios.
Write a paper on investing in bonds. Include in your paper a description of the following terms: Treasury bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds.
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