Stieltjes measure (2). Stieltjes integrals. This continues Problem 6.1. Let (mu) and (u) be two measures on


Stieltjes measure (2). Stieltjes integrals. This continues Problem 6.1. Let \(\mu\) and \(u\) be two measures on \((\mathbb{R}, \mathscr{B}(\mathbb{R}))\) such that \(\mu((-n, n]), u((-n, n])

if x > 0, if x = 0, -(x, 0], if x <0, (0, x], F(x):= 0, and G(x):= if x > 0, if x=0, -v(x, 0], if x <0, v(0,

the associated right-continuous distribution functions (in Problem 6.1 we considered leftcontinuous distribution functions). Moreover, set \(\Delta F(x)=F(x)-F(x-)\) and \(\Delta G(x)=\) \(G(x)-G(x-)\).

(i) Show that \(F, G\) are increasing and right-continuous, and that \(\Delta F(x)=0\) if, and only if, \(\mu\{x\}=0\). Moreover, \(F\) and \(\mu\) are in one-to-one correspondence.

(ii) Since measures and distribution functions are in one-to-one correspondence, it is customary to write \(\int u d \mu=\int u d F\), etc.

If \(a

\[\mu \times u(B)=\int_{(a, b]} F(s) d G(s)-F(a)(G(b)-G(a)) .\]

(iii) Integration by parts. Show that
& F(b) G(b)-F(a) G(a) \\
& \quad=\int_{(a, b]} F(s) d G(s)+\int_{(a, b]} G(s-) d F(s) \\
& \quad=\int_{(a, b]} F(s-) d G(s)+\int_{(a, b]} G(s-) d F(s)+\sum_{a\end{aligned}
[expand \(\mu \times u\left((a, b]^{2}ight)\) in two different ways, using (ii). Note that the series appearing in the formula is at most countable because of Lemma 14.14 .]

(iv) Change of variable formula. Let \(\phi\) be a \(C^{1}\)-function. Then

o(F(b)) (F(a)) = ['(F(s-))dF(s) +  [(F(s))  (F(s-))  6'(F(s))AF(s)]. - a

 [ use (iii) to show the change-of-variable formula for polynomials and then use the fact that continuous functions can be uniformly approximated by a sequence of polynomials - see Weierstraß' approximation theorem, Theorem 28.6 .]

Data from problem 6.1

Stieltjes measure (1).
(i) Let \(\mu\) be a measure on \((\mathbb{R}, \mathscr{B}(\mathbb{R}))\) such that \(\mu[-n, n)
F_{\mu}(x):= \begin{cases}\mu[0, x) & \text { if } x>0 \\ 0 & \text { if } x=0 \\ -\mu[x, 0) & \text { if } x\]
is a monotonically increasing and left-continuous function \(F_{\mu}: \mathbb{R} ightarrow \mathbb{R}\).
Remark. Increasing and left-continuous functions are called Stieltjes functions.
(ii) Let \(F: \mathbb{R} ightarrow \mathbb{R}\) be a Stieltjes function (see part (i)). Show that
u_{F}([a, b)):=F(b)-F(a), \quad \forall a, b \in \mathbb{R}, a\]
has a unique extension to a measure on \(\mathscr{B}(\mathbb{R})\).
[ check the assumptions of Theorem 6.1 with \(\mathcal{S}=\{[a, b): a \leqslant b\}\).]
(iii) Conclude that for every measure \(\mu\) on \((\mathbb{R}, \mathscr{B}(\mathbb{R})\) ) satisfying \(\mu[-r, r)0\), there is some Stieltjes function \(F=F_{\mu}\) such that \(\mu=u_{F}\) (as in part (ii)).
(iv) Which Stieltjes function \(F\) corresponds to \(\lambda\) (one-dimensional Lebesgue measure)?
(v) Which Stieltjes function \(F\) corresponds to \(\delta_{0}\) (Dirac measure on \(\mathbb{R}\) )?
(vi) Show that \(F_{\mu}\) as in part (i) is continuous at \(x \in \mathbb{R}\) if, and only if, \(\mu\{x\}=0\).

Data from lemma 14.14

Lemma 14.14 A monotone function :R R has at most countably many discontinuities and is, in particular,

Data from theorem 28.6

Theorem 28.6 (Weierstra) Polynomials are dense in C[0, 1] w.rt. uniform convergence. Proof (S. N. Bernstein)

which shows that k [u( -S(x) dx = u () (1) p (1 k=0 : (ap), where B, (u; p) stands for the nth Bernsteinsince the function p-p(1-p) attains its maximum at p= 1/2. As ue C[0, 1] is uniformly continuous, u(x)-u(y) |

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