Exercise 4.2Virtual Pompeii This exercise aims at exploring the unique urban landscape of Pompeii, through the combined


Exercise 4.2—Virtual Pompeii This exercise aims at exploring the unique urban landscape of Pompeii, through the combined use of software for interactive visualization of maps and satellite images (Google Earth, Bing Maps, and Baidu Maps…), and the website ‘Pompeii’

(http://pompeiisites.org/en/)—open-access material. This should be developed as a homework exercise.

The student should start this virtual exploration of the city through its western entrance, the Marina Gate—see Fig. 4.14, down left corner. Exploration should continue through the Decumanusmaximus—Via Marina/Via dell’Abbondanza, until the forum, conformed by a set of singular buildings. The student should then head north into Via della Fortuna. At north-west, there is the archaeological region 6, where two of the most impressive houses of Pompeii are located, the House of Pansa and the House of Fauno. After visiting the two houses, the student should walk east into the Cardusmaximus—Via Stabiana, and then, move southeast returning to the Decumanusmaximus. From the intersection of the two main axes of the city, the student should move north-east into Sarno Gate. Before leaving the city, the student should visit the amphitheatre (about 125 m from the gate).

Themorphological description of this visit should form a brief PowerPoint presentation

(5–10 min, 10 slides maximum) to be presented in the classroom. The Power-

Point presentation can include text and images (drawings and photographs), or any other means.

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