2. Modify the SAS code in Section 8.2.1 to create (a) A randomized list for a split-plot...
2. Modify the SAS code in Section 8.2.1 to create
(a) A randomized list for a split-plot experiment with a completely random-
ized whole plots where there is one whole-plot factor A with 3 levels and two replicate whole plots for each level, and one split-plot factor B with three levels. Label the levels with the nvals=(1 2 3) rather than the cvals=( ) shown in Section 8.2.1.
(b) Write the model for the design you created in (a).
(c) A randomized list for a split-plot experiment with a completely random-
ized whole plots where there are two whole-plot factors A and B each with two levels and two replicate whole plots per treatment combination and two split-plot treatments C and D each with three levels.
(d) Write the model for the design you created in (c).
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