After working very hard to graduate with a masters degree, you find it difficult to find a


After working very hard to graduate with a master’s degree, you find it difficult to find a position because the market is tight. You had an internship in the corporate office of a prestigious healthcare system and worked directly with their chief strategy officer. You have sent out over a hundred applications and received a handful of interviews, but no offers.

Needless to say, you have become very frustrated.

One day about ten weeks after graduation, you are browsing job sites and find a small listing seeking a director of strategic planning at a hospital in a northwestern state. You apply and almost immediately are invited to interview. One month later you are hired and start your new job. You feel extremely grateful to the CEO for taking a chance on you.

Within six months you have almost completed the hospital’s first strategic plan and have written successful certificate of need applications to expand the hospital. When the assistant administrator is fired six months after you were brought in, you are promoted to be the new assistant administrator.

You enjoy your new job and like working with the CEO. He is also a member of your church, so you see him during the weekdays and most Sundays. Working closely with him, you find out a lot about him that is not public information: He has type 1 diabetes. He hates to fly. He sometimes has panic attacks, especially when his diabetes is poorly controlled or he has to fly. To control his panic attacks, he takes strong sedatives before flying. At one conference you attend with him, the CEO has a severe panic attack and you have to take him to the hospital. The flight home is thankfully uneventful;

he sleeps most of the way.......

Case Questions 1. How did the CEO’s actions influence others’ perceptions of him? How did they influence your perceptions? What management theories could be applied to these perceptions?

2. What was wrong with the CEO’s negotiations?

3. What do you do?

4. What ethical considerations are at play in this case?

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