3. A project manager is working with a seller on a project that is time-sensitive due to...
3. A project manager is working with a seller on a project that is time-sensitive due to government regulations requiring it to be completed by a certain date. She learns one of the sellers has bribed a
~ubcontractor to work on this project instead of fulfilling previous commitments to other projects.
What should she do?
A. She should report th.:.> offense to man.1gement and to the project managers of the affected projects.
B. She should nor do anyth111g because this is the seller:~ problem. TI1e project manager herself didn't do anything wrong.
C. She should report this to other subcontractors.
D. Sht~ should resign from the project so as to remove herself from this type of activity, but keep her discovery to herself rather than cause problems.
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