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pmp® exam practice test and study guide
Questions and Answers of
PMP® Exam Practice Test And Study Guide
27. You are finalizing the monthly project status report due now to your manager when you discover that several project team members arc not reporting actual hours spent on project activities. 1his
26. Three students from another country are working as interns on a project. '!he project manager has arranged for some games to be played as team-bwlding activities to help develop a stronger sense
25. Your company wants to open a plant 111 a country where the law ~tipulates that women can c.irn only 50 percent of what men t:Jrn. Under these c1rcurn~tance;, what shoulJ you recommend to your
24. A project manager discovers a defect in a deliverable that is due to the customer under contract today.1he project manager knows the cu~tomer does not have the technical understanding to notice
23. A PMP-certified project manager is contacted by PMl and asked to provide information regarding a team member, who is also a personal friend. 1he !'MP-certified project m.·mager cannot think of a
22. You arc negotiating with .a seller for .1 pi('ce of equipment on a project with a tight budget. 1l1e seller has told you the equipment pnce 1s fixed. Your manager has toltl you to negotiate the
21. You are the project manager for a new international project, and yonr project team includes people from four countries. Most of the team members have not worked on similar projects before, but
20. While t e~ting the ~trength of concrete poured on your proiect, you dhcover that over 35 percent of the concrete docs not meet your company's quality standards. You are certain, however, that the
19. You just discovered an error in the implementation plan that will prevent you from meeting a milestone date. Up to this point, your project has been running true to its baselines, and you will be
18. You arc the pro1ect manager for 011e part of a new program in your organization. Four months into a three-year project, your project team has already made some significant discoveries that have
17. Although your company is not the lowest bidder for a project, the client has come to expect good performance from your company and wants to award the contract to you. To be awarded the contract,
16. You have been assigned a second project with your new company. "Ihis project is a construction project.You have received positive feedback on your performance so far, but are unfamiliar with
15. You are in the middle of" project when you discover that a software seller for your project is havmg major difficulty keeping employees due to ,1 labor dispute. Many other projects in your
14. You have always been asked by your management to cut your project cost estimates by 10 percent after you have submitted them. 111e scope ofyour new project is unclear, and there are over 30
13. You are a project manager for one of man)' proiect~ 111 a large and important program. At .1 high-level status meeting, you note another proiect manager has reported her pro1ect on
12. You are halfway through a major nerwork rollout. 1here are 300 locations in the United States, with another 20 in England. A software seller has just re.leased a major software upgrade for some
11. You've been assigned to take over managing a project that should be half complete ac.:ording to the schedule. After an extensive evaluation, you discover the project is running far behind
10. You are responsible for negotiations with all potential government subcontractors, of which there arc many, on a.n important highway project. A major negotiation with a potential subcontractor is
9. A large. complex construction project in a foreign country requires the movement of heavy equipment through crowded city streets. ll1c officials in the city know that you have a large, complicated
8. A manager has responsibility for a project that has the support of senior leadership as it will fulfill a strategic organizational objective. From the beginning, you (the project manager) have
7. Your team member is three days late with a report. Five minut
6. When checking the calendar of a te;un member to schedule a meeting, you see she has scheduled a meeting with a key stakeholder that you were not mformed of. 1l11S stakeholder has b.:-en vocal in
5. You arc staffing a project in another country, and the project leader from that country has recommended a project team that consists of members of the project leader's family. Your first course of
4. You are in the middle of a new product development pro ject that has an NPV of $10.5 million. The schedule perfom1ance index (SPI) is 0.99. There arc strict rules in your publicly traded company
3. A project manager is working with a seller on a project that is time-sensitive due to government regulations requiring it to be completed by a certain date. She learns one of the sellers has
2. A project manager gathered data to perform earned ,·alue calculations on his project. He used the results to report to management that the project is under budget and on schedule. After reporting
l . A proicct manager 1s bemg consic.ll:'rccl for .1 particular project that will deal exclusively with global virtual te.ims. He only h.1s experience with local teams. What should he do when
20. A project manager on a multinational website implementation project is at a party and talks to friends who will be heavy users of this new website when the project is complete and the sik is
19. ln an effort to identify stakeholders who may be .iffected by your project, you're looking over the organiutional structure of your client's company. As you identify stakeholders on the
18. 1he deg1ee to which a particular stakeholder may be able to positively or negatively affect a project is their:A. Level of engagement B. Level of interest C. Level of commitment D. Level of
17. A stakeholders belief about or mental picture of the future is a(n):A. Requirement B. Heuristic C. Expectation D. Constraint
16. As project manager, you are unable to allocate as much time as you would like to interact with your stakeholders. Which of the following stakeholders w·ill you make it a priority to get to
15. The key objective of stakeholder management is:A. Commumcation B. Coordination C. Satisfaction D. Relationships
14. You are planning a project to develop a website for a large medical center. The site will be used by patients, medical professionals, support staff, and insurance company representatives. Which
13. The project manager is trying to recall J ~ l.ikcholder 's preferred communication method. \Vhere can she find that infom1ation?A. RACI chart B. Stakeholder engagement assessment matri..'C C.
12. The team is working on the development of a new product that is designed to appeal to individuals of all ages throughout the world. Bccau~e of the diversity of the stakeholder base, the team has
11. You arc managing a project to update an existing payroll application. You have id
I 0. A primary goal of your project is to decrease the amount of tune it takes for service techntcians to help customers resolve issues via an onJine chat function. The current process includes
9. You are working on a project that requires tl1e use of a stakeholder engagement assessment matrix. This tool can be used to identify:A. Additional stakeholders B. Variances from anticipated
8. A project m.rnagcrw.ints to more extensively iJivolve the stakeholders on the project.111e project team is colocated, so face-to-face communication with these stakeholders is usually possible,
7. You are managing a project to develop an organization's new website. 1he site will be highly complex and mteractive, and neither your project team nor the client has much experience with this type
6. You know that some groups within your organization are gomg to provide input to requirements that may impact your ability to develop a realistic schedule. Managing stakeholder expectations is
5. Which nf the fo!Jowmg statement~ best describe\ how st.1keholdcrs .ire involved on a project?A. They help to determine the project '>chedule, deliverables, and requirements.B. 1l1ey help to
4. A parti.:ular stakeholder has ,1 reputation for requesting many ch.rnges on projects. You'll be working with this stakeholder, as you've just been assigned as project maruger of a project with
3. You have bt:'en tent.ltiwly assigned to .1 project that h,1s not yet received final .1pproval. Several stakeholders who will likely be involved or impacted by the project have already been identi
2. l11e proje.:t h as been going well, except for the number of c h ange~ being mack The product of the project is being inst.ailed into seven different departments within the company and will
J. l11e product of your project is a human resource application that will help the company with hiring and onboarding new The team will be working on requirements affecting the needs of
37. A new project manager is about to begin creating the procurement statement of work. One st.ikeholder wants to add many items to the procurement statement of work. Another stakeholder only wants
36. Your organizatton has recently been informed that sever.11 of the regulations related to how your products are manufactured will change in six months. ln planning for work to change certain
35. You are the project manager at a software development company, leading a project to dcvl"lop an innovative application for a client. 1hc project has followed a strict software engineering
34. 'TI1e $800,000 contract specifies that the seller will bill the buyer at $10,000 per month. However, the seller is able to complete the project work faster than planned. TI1ercforc, they bill the
33. 1be project team is considering the prospective sellers who have submitted proposals. One team member supports a certain seller while another team member wants the project to be awarded to a
32. You have just started work on a procurement when management decides to terminate the contract.What should you do?A. Go back to the Plan Procurement Management process.B. Go back to the Conduct
/ 31. Procurement closure is different from the Close Project or Phase process in that procun•ment closure:/)/A. Occurs before Close Project or Phase D. ls the only one to involve the customer C.
30. A seller is aw.irded a contract to build a pipeline. 1he contract terms and conditions require a work plan to be issued for the buyer's approval prior to commencing work, but the seller fails to
29. After much hard work, the procurement statement of work for the project is completed. However, even alter g.un1ng agreement that the procurement statement of work is complete, the project manager
/ 28. TI1e project manager .• the procu.rement manager, and the project sponsor are discussing the project costs and whether it is better to have their own company do some of the project work or
27. Your project has just been fast tracked, and you arc looking to quickly bring in a subcontractor to complet
26. Negotiations betwee11 two parties are becoming complex, so Party A makes some notes that both parties sign. However, when the work is being done, Party B claims they are not required to provide
25. Your program manager has advised that you need to protect the organization from financial risk. In/ planning a new project, you realize t_h!re is limited scope definition related to the work
24. A project manager is m the middle of creating a request for proposal (RFP). What part of the procurement process is he in?A. Conduct Procurements B. P lan Procurement Management C. Admrnister
'23. 'lhe project team is assessing the responses of p rospecuve sellers who have submitted proposals. One team member argues for a certain seller while another team member wants the project to be
22. You are the project manager of a rcl.1 tively small project to build out improvements to a small shop in a pedestrian mall. The project is using a time and material contract, and you know you
2 1. Your company has an emergency .md needs contracted work done as soon as possible. Under these circumstances, which of the following would be the most helpful to add to the contract?A. A clear
20. \ Vith which type of contract is the ~eller most concerned .1bout project scope?A. Fixed-price B. Cost plus fixed fee C. Time and material D. Purchase order
19. \Vhich of the following is an advantage o~ centralized contracting?A. increased expertise n. Easier access C. 'Ihe proicct manager doesn't have to be uwolved D. More loyalty to the pro1ect
18. A project has a tight budget when you begin negotiating with a seller for a piece of equipment. The seller has told you the equipment price is fixed. Your manager has tol
17. You are trying to make sure all records from the procurement are documented and indexed. \Vhich of the following do you not have to worry about?A. Proposal B. Procurement statement of work C.
16. 'Jhc sponsor and the project manager are discussing what type of contract the project manager plans to use on the project. The sponsor points out that the performing organization paid a design
15. As part of closing a co~t-reimbursablc contraf t on a proiect, what must the buyer remember to do?A. Dccr;ascthe risk rating of the project.B. Audit seller's cost submittah.C. Evaluate the fee
14. You arc considering using a fixed-price (FP) contract, because you have well-defined requirements for your construction project. With your requirements and your understanding of the seller's
13. 1he sponsor is woO"ied about the seller deriving extra profit on the cost plus fu:ed fee (CPFF) contract.Eat·h month he requires the project manager to submit CPI calculations and an aniilysts
~- Which of the following is thebestthingfora projectmanagerto do in the Conduct Procurements process?A. Evaluate risks.B. Select a contract type.C. Perform market resean:h.D. Answer sellers'
11. You are working to plan procurements for a project that will develop a prototype cruise ship. The prototype will be tested, perfected, and then used to create .i small fleet. In addition to
l 0. You are the project manager working on a complex structural rngmcering proiect. Not an engineer yourself, you will reqmre the assistance of sc,·eral subject m,ltter experts durmg the
9. You have narrowed down the prospective sellers, and conducted a bidder conference. You are prepared to enter into a contract with the desired seller, and are checking that everything is in order
8. A seller is working on a cost-reimbursable (CR) contract when the buyer decides he would like to expand the scope of services and change to a fixed-p rice (FP) contract. All the following arc the
7. Buyers and sellers have many common goals, but some goals of the b uyer will not benefit the seller.Likewise, the seller will ~omctimes have go.1ls that conflict with those of the buyer. These
A 6. A routine audit of a cost-reimbursable (CR) contract determines overcharges are being made. If the contract does not specify corrective action, the buyer should:A. Continue to make
Js. All the following statements about change control are incorrect except:A. A fixed-price contract will minimize the need for change control.B. Changes seldom provide real benefits to the
y' 4. A project m.rnager for the seller is told by her management that the project team should do whatever possible to be awarded incentive money. TI1e primary objective of incentive clauses in a
V3. You are preparing procurement documents for the- building of a community center. TI1cre will be government standards, guid
')( 2. With a dear procurement statement of work, a seller completes work as specified, but the buyer is not pleased with the results. The contract is considered to be:A. Null and void B. Incomplete
\./""!. Once signed, a contract is legally binding unless:A. One party is unable to perform.B. One party is unable to finance its part of the work.C. It is in violation of applicable law.D. It is
38. Since a template for tc.un meetrngs docs not appear to be .wa1lablc, you MC cr.:,1tmg om•. You th ink 1t could also be used for futu re projc
37. During the Identify Risks process, a project manager and ~takeholdcrs used various methods to identify risks and created a long list of those risks. ' lhe project manager then made sure all the
36. A watch list is an output of which ri~k man.1gcmcnt procc~s?A. Plan Risk Rcspomes B. Pe rfom1 Quantitative Risk Analysis C. Perform Quali tative Risk Analysis D. lmplement Risk Responses
35. ;\ project manager 1s creating a risk response plan. However, every time a ri~k response is suggested,.mother risk is identified that is caused by the response. Which of the following is the best
34. A project team is creating a project management plan when management asb them to identify projcd risks and provide some form of gu.1litative output as soon .ls possible. Wh.1t should the proicct
33. Monte Carlo analysis is used to:A. Get an indication of the risk involved in the project. "/B. Estimate an activity's length. 'I C. Simulate possible quality issues on the project.D. Prove to
32. A pro1ect ha:. had ~ome problem:., but now seems under control. In the last few months, almo~t all the reserve ha ~ been used, and mo~t of the negative impacts of events that had been predicted
31. Which of the following is the primary responsibility of a risk owner?A. Identify new risks and create workarounds.B. Respond to risk triggers and 1111plemcnt the pl.urned risk responses.C. Report
30. During pro1ect cAecuting, the t.:am member who is most experienced in the programming work required for the project mforms you that he has accepted a new position at another company, and has
29. During project executing, a team member is coordinating with a supplier, and identifies a risk that 1s not in the risk register. It appears that the pieces ofheaq equipment you have ordered from
28. You believe that the project you have undertaken is relativclystraightfonvard, with less risk than most other projects you have worked on. 111erefore1 you do not spend a long time on risk
27. The cost performance index (CPI) of a project is 0.6, .rnd the schedule pe1formance index (SPI) is 0.71. "l11e project has 625 work packages and is being completed over ,1 four-year period. The
26. A system development project is nearing proiccl closing when a previously unidentified risk i~discovered. 1his could potentially affect the project';, (lvcraJI ability to deliver. Whal should be
25. You were in the middle of a two-year project to deploy new tedmology to field office.~ across the country. A hurricane ..:aused power out,1gcs just when thl' upgrade was near completion. V..'hen
24. You have been appointed .1~ the man,1gcr of a new, large, .md complex project. Because this project is business-critical and highly visible, senior management has told you to ;malyze the
23. Havmg just been hired to manage a project to improve the efficiency of data proceso;ing 111 the accounting department, the proj('ct manager 1s most concerned about managmg risk on the
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