4. A parti.:ular stakeholder has ,1 reputation for requesting many ch.rnges on projects. You'll be working with
4. A parti.:ular stakeholder has ,1 reputation for requesting many ch.rnges on projects. You'll be working with this stakeholder, as you've just been assigned as project maruger of a project with which he' ll also be 1m•olved. 111e newly approved project will create· a website that has a couple of features the stakeholder's clients will use. However, the clients in this business unit will use the site onlyocc~sionally.
\..Yhat is the best approach you can take at the heginnmg of the project to manage this situation?
A. Say no to the stakeh older a few times to dissuade him from subn11tting more changes.
R. (;et the ~takeholder involved in the proiect as early as possible.
C. Talk to the stakebolder's manager to find ways of directing the stakeholdcr's activities to an D. A~k that the st.ikehol der be changed to one who will better represent those using the core functionality of the new website.
Step by Step Answer: