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pmp® exam practice test and study guide
Questions and Answers of
PMP® Exam Practice Test And Study Guide
28. Which of the following best describes the Validate Scope process?A. It provides assurances that the del.iverable meets the specifications, is an input to the project management plan, and is an
27. Which of the follm~ing is correct in regard to the Control Scope process?A. Effective scope definition can lead to a more complete project scope statement.B. The Control Scope process must be
26. A highway renewal project you are managing .1ppears lo have some missing scope. Your understanding of the scope was that the highway w.1~ to be resurfaced. Now, one of the construction foremen
25. Validate Scope is closely related to:A. Control Quality B. Sequence Act ivities C. Manage Quality D. Schedule Management
,/ 24. The cost performance index (CPI) on the proj.:ct i~ 1.13, .md the b enefit-1.:ost ralio is 1.2. TI1c pro1ect scope was created by the team and stakeholders. Requirements h;wc been changmg th
23. Which of the following is an output of the Colle.:t ReqL1irernrmts process?A. Requirements traceability matrix D. Project scope statement C. \\Tork breakdown structure D. Change requests
22. Being prepared to do a complete job of de1·elopmg and fina lizing the scope baseline requires you have done a thorough and timely job of identifying and analyzing stakeholders, and of
21. During the completion of project work, the sponsor asks the project manager to report on how the project is going. In order to prepare the report, the project manager asks each of the team
.W. One nf the stakehnld1'rs on tlw pro1ert rnnt.1cts the projl'ct m.11Mger to dhcuss some additional scope they wollld like to add to the project. 'fhc project manager asks for details in writing
19. All of the following are parts of the scope baseline except the:A. Scope management plan B. Project scope statement C. Work breakdown structure() V.'"RS dictionarr
I I). You arc managing a six-month project and have held biweekly meetings with your project stakeholders.After five· and-a-half months of work, the project is on schedule and budg
17. 'Die development phase of a new software product is near completion. A number of quality issues have increased the cost of building the product, but tl1e project manager and team feel these costs
16. On an .1gile software development proiect, the pro)eCt manager asks busmess stakeholder~ to ere.He user stories, which will be used m the development and testing of the new application. 'Jh
15. A project manager may use ____ to make sure the team members clearly know wh,1t is included in each of their work packages.A. 'Ihc project scope statement B. The product scope C. 111e WBS
J 4. To manage ,1 project effectively, work should be broken down into small pieces. Which of the follow111g docs not describe how for to decompose the work?A. Until it has a meaningful conclusion B.
13. A new project manager has asked you for advice on creating a work bre;ikdown structure. After you explain the process to her, she asks yon what software she should use to create the WBS and what
12. You have jnst joined the project management office after live years of working on projects. One of the chings you want to introduce to your company is the value of creacing and utilizing work
11. 11ie project is mostly complete. The project has a schedule variance of 300 and a cost \'ariance of-900.All but one of the quality contrnl inspections have been completed, and all have met the
10. A project has just started the second phase, in which work package~ arc being created. A new team member has completed Jijs work p.1ckagcs for this pha&e and has asked the project m.1nager to
9. Ouring a project team meeting, a team member suggests an enhancement to the scope that is beyond the scope of the project charter. 1l1e project manager points out that the team needs to
8. A new project manager 1s being mentored by a more experienced PMP-certified project manager. The new project manager is having difficulty finding enough time to manage the project becau~c the
7. During a meeting with some of the project stakeholders, the project manager is asked to add work to the project scope. 'Ihe project manager had access to correspondence about the project before
6. 1l1c program was planned years ago, before there was a massive introduction of new technology. \\Thjle planning the next project in this program, the project m.inager has expanded the scope
5. During which part of the project management process is the project scope statement crcakd?A. Initiating B. Planning C. Executmg D. Monitoring and controlling
4. During project executing, a team member comes to the project manager because he 1s not sure what work he needs to accomplish on the project. Which of the following documents contains detailed
3. The product of the project has been completed and delivered to the customer by the team. 1l1ey are informed by the customer that several of the deliverables are not acceptable, as they do nut meet
2 . The work br(·akdown strn..:ture can best be thought of as an effective aid for _____ communi·cations.A. Team B. Project manager C. Customer D. Stakeholder
1. A project has ;1 number of deli verable~ that are complex and have to be assembled. As the project manager, you know the work breakdown structure will help stakeholders to see interim deliverables
Exercise Name the outputs ofValidate Scope. (Remember that "output" means, "\'Vl1at will I have when I am done with ... ?")
Exercise Can you list the inputs ofValidate Scope? (Remember that the word ~input" means,"What do I need before I can ... r)
Exercise 'v\'hat do you do with a WBS once it ha~ been created?If you were going to test someone's WBS lrnowledge, would you ask questions about the basics of crcatmg a vV13S, or would you test their
Exercise Test yourself! What are the benefits of using a WBS?
Exercise Many people simply make a list of things to do as their method of defining all the deliverables on a project. '!his is a mistake; there are enormous advantages to using a WBS instead.Test
Exercise Test yourself! What is a V\'BS?
Exercise 'lhis exerdi.e outlines some of the key actions involved in balancing requirements from stakeholders. It goes beyond the Collect Requirements process and looks .\l this effort throughout the
45. Knowledge tmmagement is a key responsibility of the project manager. "this responsibility includes managing two kinds ofknowledgt! on a project: tacit and explicit. Which of the following
44. 1he organization is about to begin a series of similar projects. The projects will be managed consecutively . .Each proje.:t involves developing an online rnoking video focused on foods
43. 1he project manager can help to influence the processes that affect change on projects by creating and using the most appropnate planning strategies and tools. Assuming the project manager has
42. All technical work is completed on the project. Which of the following remains to be done?A. Validate Scope B. Plan Risk Responses C. Creatt a staffing management plan D. Complete lessons learned
41. The engineering dep.1rtment lus uncovered a problem with the cost accounting system and has asked the systems department to analyze what is wrong and fix the problem. You are a project manager
40. You have been involved in creating the project charter, but could not get it approved. Your manager and his boss have asked that the project begin immediately. Which of the 1s the best
. W. LmeJr progr.unming is ,111 example of what type of project selection critena?A Comtramed oplm11f.1tion B. Compar.1tiw .1pproad1 C. Benefit mcasur~ment D. Impact analysis
38. A project manager is trying to convince management to use more formal project management p rocedures and has decided to start improving the company's project management by obtaining a project
.r. Which of the following 1s included in a project charter?A. A risk management strategy R. Work package estimates C. Detailed resoum: estimates D. The business case for the project
36. All the following occur during the Close Project or Phase process except:A. Creating lessons learned B. Formal acceptance C. Performance reporting D. Performing cost-benefit analysis
35. A.n output of the Close Proiect or Phase process i~ the creation of:A. Project archives B. A project charter C. A project management plan D. A risk management plan
34. Project A h.1s an internal rate of return (IRR) of 21 percent. Proiect H ha~ an !RR of~ percent. Pro1ect Chas an IRR of 31 percent. Projt?Ct D ha; an JRR uf 19 pen:~nt. v\'h1ch of th~ "e would be
33. A project is chartered to determine new ways to extend the product hfe of o ne of the company's medium-producing products. "11w project manager come:. from the engineering dep.utment, .md the
32. Which of the following sequences represents straight-line depreciation?A. $100, $100, $100 B. $100,$120,$140c. $ 100,$120,$ 160 D. $160, $140, Sl20
31. You arc asked to prepare a budget for complc•ting a proj~ct that wa~ started last rear Jnd then ~hclvt:d for six months. All the follow111g would be included in the project bu,Jget except:A.
30. The project was going well when ,11! of a sudden there were changes to the project coming from multiple stakeholders. After all the changes were determined, the project manager spent time with
29. During executing, the project manager determines that a change is needed to material purchased for the project. The project manager calls a meeting of the te.un to pl:in how to make the change.
28. The client demands changes to the product specificat ion will add only two weeks to the LTillcal path. Which of the followmg is the best thing for the project manager to do?A. Compress the
27. In the middle of the project, the project m.mager is informed by her sch.:duler that the project control lirn1h .ire wcure. Th:it same· mornmg, she r
26. You arl:' assigned as the project manager in the middle of the projcct.1he project is within the baselines, but the customer is not happy with the performance of the project. What is the first
25 You W
24. You are the project manager for an existing year-long project that must be completed. Your company just won a major new project. l t will begin in three months and is ..-. aJued at $2,000,000.
23. 1hc project manager has just received a d iange request from the customer that does not affect the project schedule and is easy to complete. What should the project manager do first?A. Make the
22. The primary customer of .1 proiecl has requested .in application ch.1nge during user testing. As pro1cct manager, how should you address thb is~Ut:?A. Dcv(!lop a risk mitig,1ti cm pl.m.B. Create
21. You are in the middle of leading a major modification project for an existing manufactured product when you learn that the resl)urces promised at the beginning of the project arc not available.
20. A project manager is appointed to head a highly technical project in an area with which this person has limited familiarity. The project manager delegates the processes of Develop Schedule,
19. All the following are parts of the Direct and Manage Project Work process except:A. Identifying changes B. Using a work breakdown structure C. Implementing corrective actions D. Setting up a
18. The project manager is working to clearly d
17. You have taken over a project during project planning and have discovered that six individuals have signed the project charter. Which of the following should most concern you?A. Who will be a
16. A project management plan should be realistic in order to be used to manage the project. Which of the followmg is the best method to achieve a realistic project management plan?A. The sponsor
15. You have recently joined an orga11i1.atio11 that is just beginning to follow formal project management practices. In a meeting, your manager describes your next assignment, a project to select
14. Which of the following best describes a project management plan?A. A prmtout from project management software H. A bar chart C. Scope, risk, resource, and other management plan~D. The proicct
13. At various pomts dunng project execution, the project manager reviews the project charter. Which of the following best describes \\·hat a project charter may be used for when the work is being
12. Double declining balance is .1 form of:A. Decelerated depreciation B. Straight-line depreciation C. Accelerated depreciation D. Life cycle costing
11. Approved corrective actions arc an input to which o(the foUowing processes?A. Validate Scope B. Direct and Man:ige Project Work C. Develop Project Charter D. Develop Schedule
10. The project manager's m.rny responsibilities include being or service to the team, integrating new team members as the project progresses, and ensuring that the project meets its objective~ withm
9. Integration is done by the:A. Project manager B. Team C. Sponsor D. Stakeholders
8. Effective project integrntion usually requires an emph;isis on:A. The careers of the team members B. Timely updates to the project management plan C. Effective communication at key interface
7. A project is plagued by requested changes to the project charter. Who has the primary responsibility to decide if these changes are necessary?A. The project manager B. The project team C. 1he
6. A work auth ori1~1ti on system can be used to:A. Manage who does each .ictivny.Fl. Manage when and in wh,1t sequence work is done.C. Manage when each activity is done.D. Manage who does each
'1._ :. !\ll 1he following .1r.• p.irts 0f,rn cffect1v
4. The customer on a project tells the project manager they have run out of money to pay for the project.What should the project manager do first~A. Shift more of the work to later in the ochedule to
3. Your well-planned project is likely to encounter a number of change requests and approved changes durmg its life cycle. Jn the change m.111agcment plan, you h.we outlined the processes that you
2. 1he customer has accepted the completed project scope. However, the le~sons learned required by the project management office have not been completed. What is the status of the project?A. 111e
l. You are planning communications on,\ new service development project. Your stakeholder list is large, hut not te1T.ibly complicated. Not all stakeholders will understand the need for developing an
Exercise Test yourself! Describe common changes on proiects, and determine what you would do to handle each. An example is proYidcd. Bccau~
Ques tio11 Someone wants to make a change to the project scope. What is the best thing to do first?
Questio11 A functional manager wants to make a change to the project. What is the first thing a project manager should do?
Exercise In the following scenarios, which process would generate requests for corrective action?When·when meeting with the customer to obtain acceptance of interim deliverables\Vhcn measuring pro
Exercise Test yourself! Lessons learned include what type of information!
Exercise Test yourself! a list of the specific actions required to create a project manage.rnenl plan that is bought intn, ;:ipproved, realistic, .ind formal.
Exercise Make a list of what is different about managing the large project described in this charter versus managing the small project described in the earlier charter example.What Would Be Different
Exercise Test yourself!What Does the Project Charter Do for the Project Manager?
What Is Included in a Project Charter?
Q11t·sticm An or~'llnization has a project with an initial budget of$ l ,OOO,OOO. The project is half complete, and it has spent 52,000,000. Should the organization consider the fact that it is
Exercise Remember, you do not have to be an accountant to pas the exam. You do not have to use accounting formulas (aside, pos~ihly, from a couple of present value questions). But you do need to have
QJ1estion What docs a benefit-cost ratio of 1.7 mean?A. The costs are greater than the benefits.B. Revenue is 1.7 times the costs.C. Profit is 1.7 times the costs.D. Costs are 1.7 times the profit.
Question There are two projects from which to choose: Project A with a payback period of six months and Project .B with a payback period of 18 months. Which one should the organization select?
Que.;tion An organization has two projects from which to choose: Project A with an TRR of21 percent and Project n with an IRR of l.5 percent. \Nhkh one 1s a better option?
Question An organization has two projects from which to choose. Project A will take three years to complete and has an NPVof$4S,OOO. Project B will take six years to has an :t\PV of
Question Is the present value of$300,000 to be received three years from now, with an expected interest rate of 10 percent, mor or less than $300,000~
26. A market demand, a business need, and a legal requirement are examples of:A. Reasons to hire a project manager B. Reasons projects arc irutiatcd C. Reasons people or businesses become s
25. All the following 'occur dunng the planning process group except:A. Develop Project Charter B. Create \.\-'BS C. Estimate Costs D. Sequence Activities
2·t Which process group focuses on completing the requirements of the project?A. ln1t1ating B. PIJ1mmg C. Exc,uting D. Clo~ ing . ,..l . u·,.- ·I),. -:>• ,J -,,, I,,,
23. Which of the following is the most appropriate thing to do in project closing?A. Work with the customer to determine acceptance criteria.B. Confirm all the requirements in the project have been
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