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pmp® exam practice test and study guide
Questions and Answers of
PMP® Exam Practice Test And Study Guide
14. A control chart shows seven data points m a row on one side of the mean. What should the project manager do?A. Perform a design of experiments.B. Adjust the chart to reflect the new mean.C. Find
13. All the following result from quality audits except:A. Determination ol whether project activi ties comply with organizational policies B. Improved processes to increase productivity C. Creation
12. Standard deviation 1s a mea~ure of:A. How far the estimate is from the highest estimate B. I low far the me
l L Cost ha ~ bel.'n determined to b,, the highest pnNity con:.tramt on a prOJCCt to dt>s1gn and product' .1 new tool that will be used in k.itchem. 'lhe project team has 111cl11dcd
10. Testing the entire pt•pulation would:A. Take too long B. Provide more mformation th.m wanrcd C. Be mutually cxcl11s1ve D. 'how many defects
9. A control chart helps the project m.mager:A. Focus on the most critical issues to improve quality.B. Focus on stimulating thmking.C. Analyze the CJusc of .1 qu.1lity problem.D. Determine if a
8. A project manager is experiencing a gre;it dc
7. All the following arc tools .ind t
6. Qpality is:A. Meeting and exceeding the customer's expectatiom B. Adding extras to make the customer happ)'C. 1he dt'gree to which the project meets requi renwnts D. Conformance to management's
5. A manager notices that a project manager is holding a meeting with some of the team and some stakeholders to discuss the quality of the project. The project schedule has been compressed, and the
4. A pro1ect has faced mOIJOr difficulties m the quality of its deliverables. Management now states that quality is the most important project constraint. If another problem with quality were to
3. Who is ultimately responsible for quality management on the project?A. The project engineer B. The project manager C. The quality manager D. The team member
2. To wh.1t doe~ the following defimtion refer? "A type of analysis focused on finding the point at which the benefits or revenue to be received from improving qualiry equals the incremental cost to
l. When a product or service completely meets a customer's requirements:A. Qpality is achieved.B. The cost of quality is high.C. The cost of quality is low.D. The customer pays the minimum price.
38. A project manager is analyzing the project to find ways to decrease costs. It would be best if the project managerlook.~ at:A. Variable costs and fixed costs.B. Fixed costs and indirect costs C.
37. Cost risk means:A. There are risks that will cost the project money.B. The project is too risk-y from a cost perspective.C. There is a risk that project costs could go higher than planned.D.
36. You provide a project cost cstim~te for the project to the project sponsor. He is unhappy with the estimate, because he thinks the price should be lower. He asks you to cut l S percent off the
35. There is C()llfusion .unong some of the stakeholders about how the o.:ost fon•ca~ts will be calculated on the project. 111cy also have c
34. 'TI1e replacement of the inventory management and portion control system for an international restaurant chain has been prioriti7cd as a key strategic objective for the organization. Stakeholders
. H. In problems that h:l\'e occurred during testing, the team discovered that causc-.rnd-effect diagramming is helpful in identifying the best place to focus their efforts. 111eir
32. Although the stakeholders thought there was enough money in the budget, halfw;iy through the project the cost performance inde..x (CPI) is 0.7. To determine the root cause, several stakeholders
31. A n1.1nufadunng project has a schedule performance index (SPI) of0.89 and a cost performance index(l "P l) of0.91. Generally, wh.1t is the most likely explanation for why this occurred?A. The
30. You're thinking through what approach will make it easiest for the team to take responsibility for providing work performancc data for all aspects of the project. As part of this appro.1ch1 yon b
2\1. i\lon1toring co~t expended to date in order to detect van.mces from the plan occurs during:A. 1hc creation of the cost change control system fl. Recommending corrective actions C. Updating the
28. 1he project manager is working with cost estimates in order to estabhsb a baseline for measuring project performance. What process is this?A. Cost i'v1anagement B. Estimate Costs C. Dcrcrmme
2-: You have just completed the mitiating proces~cs of a small proje
13. Suggest life cycle costing as a compromise.C. Determine why the sponsor wants such an .1ccurate estimate.D. Ti-y to convince the sponsor to allow expert judgment because it is typic;illy more
26. Early in the life of your project, you are h.wing a discussion with the sponsor about what estimating techniques should be used. You want a form of expert judgment, but the sponsor argues for
25. Your cost forcc.:ast ~ h ows you ,,·ill have a cost overrun .\t the end of the project. Which of the following f\should you do? ·A. Elimmatc risks 111 e~t1mat1?s and ree~timatc n. Meet with the
24. You are having difficulty estimating the cost of a project. Which of the following best describes the ,, .most prob
23. You are le.iding a projec.:t to introduce a new health.:are appointment scheduling application. As yon.ire cre.\ting plans detailing how the team will respond to possible events that may impact
22. Your project has a medium amount of risk and is not very well defined. The sponsor hands you .~project charter ,md asks you to confirm that the projel."1: .:;m b.: completed within the project
21. Which of the following are all items included in the cost management plan?/\. "Jhe level of accur,icy needed for estimate;, mies for me.isuring cost performance, and specifications for how
20. To gain a clear incUcation of how the project is progressing, the buyer expects periodic reporting that includes analysis of the work that has been accomplished according to plan, the dollars
19. Which estimating method tends to be most costly for creating,\ project cost estimate?A. Bottom-up B. Analogous C. Parametric D. SO/ SO
18. The quality efforts on the project have gone through some changes during the fir st four months of project work. Two processes in particular have undergone extensive change. The customer is happy
17 Prn1ect setup costs arc an example nf:A. Variable costs B. Fixed costs C. Overhead costs D. Opportunity costs
16. Which type of cost is team training?A. Direct B. NPV C. Indirect D. Fixed
15. D uring which project management process group are budget forecasts created?A. Monitoring and controlling B. Planning C. Initiating D. Executing
14. For each activity on your project, you have worked with designers, engineers, technical experts, and consultants to come up with details on the resources needed to complete the activity. For some
13. A rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate is made during which project management process group?A. Planning B. Closing C. Executing D. initiating
12. Which of the following is .m example of a p.1rametnc e~t1 m•ltc :A. Dollars per module B. Learning bend C. Bottom-up D. CPM
13. A network diagr.1111 C. Risks D. Change requests
11. The project management team is busy breakmg down ddiver.1blcs, and tlw procurement department has started looking for possible sellers to help produce the deliverables. There are departmental
10. ]he team's attitude toward the project is very positive. 'They are ex.cited about the research and development work they arc doing. 'TI1e valt1e of the work completed today is $60 million.1hc
9. A cost performance index (CPI) of0.89 means:A. At this time, we expect the total project to cost 89 percent more than plannl'd.n. Wh(•n the project is completed, we will ha\'C ~pent S9 percent
8. You're managing a project to develop a new mobile applic.ition for the inventory·t racking-and-control system of a restaurant franchise organiz.~tion. Schedule is the highest-priority rnnstraint
7. The product your project team is working on is a replacement of a device the company launched .1 couple of years ago. That device did not meet market projections for sales, even though it ,,·as
6. You h.1w been working with the subject matter experts to estimate the acth'ity durations .md costs on the pro1cct. All the following are outputs of the Estmute Costs process except:A. 1
5. You've recently bl.'en a~Sl),'11Cd to manage a m.1rketmg proieo.:t to brand J ~usta11uble development program. Even though you are just starting your effort~. the ~ponsors .ire concerned .1bout
.13. Add the 30 percent to your cost estimate hy spreading it evenly across all project activities.C. Create one cost ba ·cline fo.r budget allocation and a second one for the actual project
I 4. The customer responsible for overseeing your project asks you to provide a written cost estimate that is 30 percent higher your estimate of the project's cost. He explains tb:it the
3. If earned value (EV) = 3SO, actual cost (AC) - 400, .md planned \ alue ( PV) = 325, what ts the cost\'Jnance (CV)?I • 'A. 350 B. -75 C. 400 D. -SO
2. 1he finance department reqwres that you keep them upd.1ted on the cost~ being >pent on the capital project you .ire leading. You were required to submit a funding plan, .md monthly foreca;ts arc
I. One common way to compute eslim.1tc .it completion (EAC) is to take the budget at completion(BAC) and :A. Divide by S PI.B. Multiply by SP!.C. Multiply by Cl'I.D. Divide by CPI.
37. During project executing, a large number of changes are made to the project. Several of the change requests have come from the customer, significantly changing the functionality of tlie
36. 'Ille team is helping the project man.1ger estimate activities on their project. They are experienced and skilled, and many members have been with the company for some time. 1here are several
35. Rearranging resources so that a number of resources 1s u~cd each month is called:A. Crashing B. Floating C. Leveling D. Fast tracking
34. Senior management is complainmg that they are not able to easily determine the status of ongoing pro1ects in the organization. Which of the following types of reports would help provide summary
33. A project manager for a small construction company has .1 project that was budgeted for S l J0,000 over a six-week period. According to the schedule, the project should have cost S60,000 to date.
32. 1he project is calculated to be completed four days after the desired completion date. You do not have acce~s to addHional resources. The project is low risk, the benefit-cost ratio is expected
/ 31. As part of a project manager's due diligence, he reviews the ~chcdule, fo.:using on c?.1ch a
30. A team member from research and dcYclopment tells you that her work is too creative to provide you with a fixed single estimate for the activity. You both decide to use the avcragl• labor lwurs
29. You arc the project manager for a new product dc1•elopment project that has four levels in the work breakdown structure. 111e network diagram and duration estimates have been created, and a
28. A new pmduct devdopment project has four levels in the work breakdown s tructure and has been s.:-quenced using the precedence diagramming mcthoJ. 111e activity duration estimates have been
27. The v\!)35, estimates for each work package, and the network diagram arc completed. TI1e next thing for the project manager to do is:A. Sequence tbe activities.B. Validate that they have the
26 A prorcct manager j, using weighted average dur.1t1on cst1mats to perform schedule network analysis.\\ h1d1 type of m.1tht.>matital analv~1 s 1, being used ~:\. ( nt1cal pdth method B. Bda
25. A project manager is taking over a project from anotht•r project manager during project planning. If the new project manager wants to see what the previous project manager planned for managing
24. A proicct manager ha~ received activity duration estimates from his team. Which of the following does he n,·ed in nrder to compl
23. You have a project with the following activitie>: Act1vit y A t.1kes 40 hours and can start after the project starts. Activity B takes 25 hours and ~hould happen .1ftcr the pro1cct starts.
, / 22. B.1sed on the followmg, if you needed to shorten the duration of the project, which activity would you try to shorten ?Preceding Duration Activity Activity in Weeks Start None 0 A Start 1 B
2 1. You are a project manager on a US $5,000.000 software development project. While working with your project team to develop ,1 network diagram, your data architects suggest that quality could be
20. You arc a project manager on a SS,000,000 software development project. While working with your project team to develop a network diagr.un, you notice a series of a.:tivities that can be worked
19. During project planning, you estimate the time needed for each activity and then total the estimates to create the project estimate. You commit to completing the project by this date. \Vhat b
18. A proj
17. You arc working collaboratively with the team to plan a project. You have obtained estimates from team members on the activities for which they each will be responsible. You are currently
16. Although tbe customer agreed to the original project schedule, they are now asking for an earlier project finish. They are being pressured by their own customers. ·n1e project manager's sponsor
LS. Your team worked hard throughout project planning, thorough!}' defining and e~t1matini; ca.:h ~rnvlt)required to complete the work. 11w resulting n,·twork di.1gr.1m .;uppMted the i?nd date tlut
14. The organi·lation is committed to rolling out a new cell phone accc~sory at an in
13. You have identified a diverse group of ~takc htildcrs, anJ you will need to report information in ,1 variety of w.iys to meet their different communications needs. When will rou use a milestone
13. Fa~ t trock the proiect.C. Perform resource optimization.D. Analyze the life cycle costs.
12. The team is working on .1 project to develop or procure a customized software pa..:k.ige that will b,· u;cd by delivery drivers for a i1ew chain of piz1,a restaurants. There are multiple
.11. To help them determine the schcdule ba~elinc, the team has dralied a network diagram. "The project manager adds the time estimates for each activity to establish the critical path for the
I 0. ·n1e float of an activity is determined by:A. Performing a Monte Carlo analysis B. Determining the waiting time between activities C. Determining lag D. Determining the length oftirnc the
9 "Which of tbe following best dt:'~cnbes the rel.ltionship between standard deviation and risk?A. TI1cre is no rel.1tionship.B. Standard dt•\ iation tells you if the estimate is accurate.C.
8. A new project manager 1s walking you through the schedule she has created for h
- \'\'h i.:h oft he follow mg is correct?/\. 1l1c critic.ii path helps prove how long the project will take.B. 1here can be only one critical path.C. Th(' network diagram will change every time the
6. A project manager is new to the company but has l 0 years of project management experien ce. She is given a medium-sized project and is asked to p lan so it is finished as quickly as p ossible
5. Lag means;A. The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the project finish date B. The amount of time an activity c.m be delayed without delaying the early start dale' of its
4. A heuristic is best described as a;A. Control tool B. Scheduling method C. Plaiming tool D. Generally accepted rule
3. Your sponsor and stakeholders have made it dear they wish to be kept informed on the project status.1here are many aspects of the project on which you will report, and you want to choose the most
2. A design engineer is helping to ensure that the dependencies within her area of expertise .ire properly defined on the project. The design of several deliverables must be complete before
1. A project manager is informed midway through project planning that she was given inaccur.ite data regarding new regulations affecting the required end date of her project. She may need to make a
Under what cir.:umstanccs would you use .1 b.1rd1.1rt?
Under what circumstances would you use a mile~tonc chart?
Exercise Test yourself!Under wlMt circumstances would you USl' a network diagram?
Exercise Describe how the network diagram can help you on the p roject.
31. 11ie project was tasked to develop a new software to be used by three sales cha1111els of an auto parts company. The project was consistently on time and within budget, and the stakeholders
30. Which of the following best describes the difference between the Control Scope process and the Perform Integrated Change Control process?.A. Control Scope focuses on making changes to the product
29. \.Vhich of the following best describes product analysis?A. Working with the customer to determine the product description B. Mathematically anal}"ling the quality desired for the project C.
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