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pmp® exam practice test and study guide
Questions and Answers of
PMP® Exam Practice Test And Study Guide
22. Whu:h process group~ must be included 1n every project?A. Planning, ext'cuting, and cl o!>mg B. lnitiJting, planning, and executing C. Planning, exe~"Uting, and monitoring .md contrnlling D.
21. During which process group docs the team measure and analyze the work being done on the project? • -t A. Initiating B. Executing C. Monitoring .rnd controlling D. Ck1-,mg
20. 1hc first phase of your project has come to an end. Y\'hat JS the most important thing to ensure is done before beginning the next phase?A. Verify that the resources are available for the next
19. The software development project has progre~sed according to plan. The team is very enthusiastic about the product they have created. Now they are looking ,\h(·ad to finding new projects to work
18. You are m.maging two projects anJ h,l\'e been a~,1gncd to .1 tlmJ proje.:t thott h;1' JU\! bcc11 .1pprovcJ.You b.:gin th(' new project, and arc able tn man.1ge 1t well along with the others }'Oll
17. Which project management process group generally takes the most project time and resources?A. Planning B. Design C. Lntegr.Hion D. Executing
16. Which of the following is .1 characteristic of project management processes?A. Iterative B. Unique C. Unnecessary D. Standardized
IS. Which of the followmg 1s the most apprnpnatc thing to do during the mitiating proce-;~ group?A. Create a dct.iilcd description of the prn1ect deliverable, B. Cet familiar with the}
14. During a team meeting, a team member asks about the measurements that will be used on the project to assess performance. TI1e team member feels that some of the measures related to activities
13. A te;m1 member notifies the project manager that t11e activities comprising a work package are no longer appropriate. It would be best for the project manager to be in what part of the project
12. A prOJCCt manager gets a ..:all from a team member notifying him that there is ,\variance between the speed of a system on th
11. 111e best time to assign a project manager to a project ts during:t\. Integration B. Project selection C. Initiating D. Plannjng
I 0. A project manager doe~ not have much time to spend on pl.urning before the mandatory start date arrives I-le therefore wants to mow through planning as effectively as possible. \.\That advice
9. The v\ll3S and WBS dictionary have been completed, and the project team has begun working on identifying risks. The sponsor contacts the project manager, requesting that the
8. 111e high-level project schedule constraints have just been determined. What project management proc..:ss group arc you in?A. lnitiatmg B. Planning C. Executing D. Monitoring and controlling
7. The project sponsor bas just signed the project c.h.irter. What is the next thing to do~A. Begin to complete work packages.B. Validate scope.C. Start integr.i.ted change control.0. Start to create
6. Which of the following is not an input to the initiating process group?I\. Company processes B. Company culture C. Historical \VBSs D. Project scope statement
5. 1he person who should be in control of the project during project planning 1s the:A. Project manager B. Team member C. Functional manager 0. Sponsor
4. A detailed project schedule can be created only after cre.iting the:A. Project budget B. Work breakdown structur~C. Project man.i.gement plan D. Detailed risk assessment
3. 1hc project team has just completed the initial project schedule and budget. 11lc next thing to do is to:A. Identify risks.B. Begin iterations.C. Determine conununicat1ons retlllin:mcnts.D.
2. The project charter is crc.ited in which project management process group?A. Executing B. Planning C. Closing D. Initiating
I . A project manager has received some help from the team, and she Meds help from them again so that she can create a detailed project budget. Which project managem
Exercise What arc the specific action~ required to complete the Close Project or Phase process?
Exercise What are the specific .1ctions required as part of project monitoring .md controlling?
Exercise Imagine you about to begh1 project executing. What type of actions must betaken?
Exercise Wh:it :ire the specific actions required to complete project plann ing?
Exercise Let's go beyond inputs. What are the ~pecific actions required to complete project mitiating?
Exercise \Vhat docs a pr1..•jc..:t m.m.1ger need to know or h.wc before initiating .1 project?
24. r\ " makmg .in efTort to 11nprnw its project performance and create· h1storic.1J records of p.1~t projects. Wh.11 i~ thl' h
23. What is a program?A. An initiative set up by man,1gement B. A means to gain benefits and control of related projects C. A group of unrelated projects m.uuged in a coordinated way D. A government
22. Consideration of ongoing operations and m::untenance i5 crucially important to products of projects.Ongoing operations and maintenance should:A. Be inc.luded as activities to be performed during
21. A complex aerospace engineering project is nearing completion. Because the work w.1s highly new to the org.mizat ion, the prod uct of the project was released two months later than
20. Company procedures require the crc.1tion of a lessons learned register. \Vlm:h of the folk1w 111g 1s the best use oflessons learned?A. Historical records for future projects B. Planning record
19. Operational work is different from project work m that operational work is:A. Unique n. Temporary C. Ongving anJ repetitive D. A part of every project activity
18. The tlitforencc bNwl•en a project, program, and portfolio i~:A. A project h ;1 temporary endeavor with a beginning and .rn end, a program may include other nonproject work, and .1 portfolio is
17. One of your team members infonns you that he docs not know which of the many projects he is working on is the most important. Who should determine the priorities between projects in a company?A.
l 6. A proJt!Ct team is working on manufacturing a new product, but they are having diffirnlty creating a project charter. Wh.1t is the best description of the real problem?A. They have not
15. As a project manager, you ha\'e had to develop skills to help plan and manage projects successfully.Which skills would best help you encourage project team~ to reach levels of high cooperation
14 Your management team has decided that all orders will be treated as projects and that project managers will be u~ed to update orders d.1ily, to resolve issues, and to ensure the customer formally
13. To obtain support for the project throughout the performing organization, it's best if the project manager:A. Ensures there is a communications management pl.m B. Correlates the need for the
12. A project manager is managing his ~ccond pro1ect. lt started one month after the first one did, and both project> are still in process. 'Though his first project is srn.ill, the new project seems
11. If a project man.1gcr is concerned with gJthcring, integrating, .md disscmmatmg tlie outputs of .ill project management processes, she should concentrate on improving the:A. Work breakdown
10. A project manager's pnmary responsibility is to deliver the product of the project within project constraints. Actions taken .ind changes made to the benefit of one constraint could negatively
9. A framework for keepi ng ;111 organization focused l1n its overall strategy is:A. Organi1,ational project management B. 11)e PM BOK" G1ade C. Projcd governance 0. Portfolio management
8. All the following are characteristics of a p roject except:A. It i~ temporary.B. It has a defi nite beginning and end.C. lt has intcrrdatcd activities.D. Lt repeats itself every month.
7. Who has the most power in a project-01 icntcd organization?A. 'foe project manager B. "Ihc functional man.1ger C. The team D. 1hcy .ill ~ bare power
6. Two project managers have just realized that they arc in a weak m,1trix organization .rnd that their power as project managers is quite limited. One figures uut that he is really a project
5. A project team member is talking to another team member and complaining that many p eople are.1slung him to do things. Ifh.,. works in .1 funcnonal organi1.ation, who has the power to give
4. A project manager has little project experience, but she has been assigned as the project manager of a new project. Because she will be working in a matrix organization to complete her project,
3. A project manager is trying to complete a software development project, but cannot get enough attention for the projc~
2, A projectteam is discussing the benefits and drawbacks of working on projects within their organization now that it has become project onented, 1hey can agree on many advantages for the team and
l. Understanding the culture, policies, and procedures of the organization in which the project is being performed is most challenging in :A. Global organi'tations B, Manufacturing organizations C,
Exercise The Role of the Project Manager Test yourself! Describe the role of the project manager.
Exercise The Role of the Functional or Resource Manager Test yourself! Descnbe the role of the functional or resource manager.
Exercise The Role of the Stakeholders Test yourself! Oescnbethe role ofthcstakeholdm as ,1 group.
Exercise The Role of the Project Team Te\t yoursdf! Dcmihc the role of the team.
Exercise The Role of the Project Sponsor/Initiator Test your~clf! Describe the role of the project sponsor/initiator.
Exercise Test yourself! You can expect questions 0 11 the exam that will test your understanding of the advant.1ges and dis;idvantagcs of the fu nclion al, project-oriented, and matrix organizational
Exercise Test yourself! Read the description oft11c PMO, and determine whether 1t is likely to be supportive, controlling, or directive, or a combmatton of the three.Description Manages .1JI projects
Question When managing a project, which of the following is the best order to deal with problems that arise?A. Go to the team, go to management, go to resource managers B. Go to resource managers, go
7. Questions with more than one item in each choice Let's look at the following example:Q11estwn 'lhe seller on the projt•ct h,15 presented the project manager with a formal notification that the
6. Quc~tions with a new approach to a known topic There will be many mstances where you understand the topic, but have never thought about it in the way the question describes. For example:Q;iestio11
5. Q uestions where und erstand ing is imp ortant Let's look at the following question:Q.ue.1tion 'TI1c process of decomposing deliverable~ into smaller, more mJn,1gcablc components is cc.>mplete
4. Q).iestions u sing made-up term ~ M.111y people tJking the exam expect that all the ter m~ used as choices should somcthmg. Ilut that 's not the c.i~c. The ex.1m often indudes made-up term~.
3. Questions with extraneous information lt is important to realize that not all information included in a question will be relevant. For example, the numbers in the following question are extraneous
2. Questions with two or more r ight answers Questions that appear to have two, three, or even four right answers are a major complaint from many test takers. Many questions will list several choices
I. Situational ques tion s 'Tilese questions demonstrate why having project management experience is critical to passing this exam. Such questions require you to integrate your real-world experience
17.2 Exercise Think about it. As you approach your next project, will you consider an agile approach? What would be the reasons you should consider one? Write your answer in your Exercise Notebook.
17.1 Exercise Think about these principles. In your own words, describe what each principle means to you. Can you see how some of these might apply to your projects?Principle What does this mean to
16.4 Exercise Many people do not practice the breadth of project management practices described in the ECO and other PMI references on their real-world projects. This exercise is designed to help you
16.3 Exercise Now let’s switch it up for agile. For agile projects, read each scenario and write down what activity you are engaged in for the given scenario, or what tools or methods you would use
16.2 Exercise If you found this exercise helpful, you may want to continue to test yourself on other processes not listed here, and review your answers against the process descriptions in this book.
16.1 Exercise Here is a way to get more familiar with the project management processes from the Process Groups model perspective. In your Exercise Notebook, draw a chart with a header as shown here.
15.3 Exercise Part II: Think again about the graphic in the previous exercise, with some of the external organizations or systems within which the new library will exist. While managing the new
15.2 Exercise Part I: Review the graphic below with some of the external organizations or systems within which the new library will exist. Can you think of one change that might impact the project
15.1 Exercise Delivering value to a large number of stakeholders is difficult. One technique often used is a survey or questionnaire.Imagine the library project team wants to send out a questionnaire
14.5 Exercise Answer the following questions about stakeholders in the library case study. After you have finished answering the questions, look to the next section for a good possible answer to each
14.4 Exercise Read the following scenario and write down an analysis of the information that would be useful in answering an exam question based on this scenario. For example where are we in the
14.3 Exercise The exam will present scenarios for which you will have to choose the best answer. You can practice gathering information from these scenarios by doing this exercise. Read the following
14.2 Exercise If you’ve never planned stakeholder engagement, it can be difficult to imagine how you would go about doing this on an individual stakeholder (or group) level. Think about the various
14.1 Exercise Let’s consider an example. Imagine you are managing a project to replace the online employee application process for your company. Your sponsor wants to streamline the process and
13.7 Exercise Here is another exercise to review what was discussed in this chapter. To pass the exam, you must understand the project managers role in procurements. After reading this chapter,
13.6 Exercise Recreate the procurement management process by making a list in your Exercise Notebook of the key actions and of the artifacts resulting from Plan Procurement Management, Conduct
13.5 Exercise In your Exercise Notebook, describe what work must be done during procurement closure.
13.4 Exercise Select which choice wins in a contract dispute.CHOICE A CHOICE B L Contract language Or A memo drafted by one of the parties describing proposed changes after the contract is signed 2.
13.3 Exercise Hopefully, you have built a strong working relationship with the seller. But what if the seller has financial troubles, changes owners, or did not include pieces of the work in their
13.2 Exercise Answer the following questions for each of the contract types (cost-reimbursable, time and material, and fixedprice).Write the answers in your Exercise Notebook. (This is the most
13.1 Exercise In your Exercise Notebook, write the advantages and disadvantages of each form of contract from the perspective of the buyer. The forms are:• Fixed-price• Time and Material•
12.8 Exercise Now let’s look at the library case study using an adaptive approach. The library software system upgrade also has some risks. Using the adaptive approach, risks will be planned into
12.7 Exercise For each risk and response below, indicate if it is a threat or opportunity and note the type of response being proposed.Type of response Risk Threat or Opportunity Response(mitigate,
12.6 Exercise The Risk Management Process There may be many questions about the process of risk management on the exam. The following exercise tests if you understand what you have read. In your
12.5 Exercise In your Exercise Notebook, create a flowchart of the risk process from Identify Risks through Plan Risk Responses.
12.4 Exercise Imagine you are planning the manufacture of modifications to an existing product. Your analysis has come up with the following information. In your Exercise Notebook, calculate the cost
12.3 Exercise Now let’s see if you can apply what you have learned. Identify the type of risk response strategy (avoid, mitigate the probability, mitigate the impact, transfer, exploit, enhance the
12.2 Exercise A company is trying to determine if prototyping is worthwhile on a project. They have come up with the following impacts (see the diagram) of whether the equipment works or fails. Based
12.1 Exercise In your Exercise Notebook, calculate the expected monetary value for each of these work packages. The math is not difficult but completing this exercise will help you remember this
11.2 Exercise Give examples of the communication challenges the project manager may have with each of the stakeholder or stakeholder groups from our library case study. Suggest ideas for good
11.1 Exercise Test yourself! Write down in your Exercise Notebook what information needs to be communicated on a project.
10.2 Exercise Using our library example, match the work described with the Quality Management process (processes may be used more than once).1. Plan Quality Management 2. Manage Quality 3. Control
10.1 Exercise Take time to research in this book the different methods that are created or used in each of the quality management processes. Then, in your Exercise Notebook, identify whether the
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