37. During the Identify Risks process, a project manager and ~takeholdcrs used various methods to identify risks
37. During the Identify Risks process, a project manager and ~takeholdcrs used various methods to identify risks and created a long list of those risks. ' lhe project manager then made sure all the risks wen• understood and that triggers had been iden tified. Later, in the Pl.tn Risk Responses process, he took all the risks identified by the stakeholders and detcrminl!d w;1ys lo mitigate them. What has he done wrong~
A. 1hc project man.1ger should h:we waited until the Perform Qpalitative Risk Analysis process to get the st.1keholders involved.
13. More people should have been involved in the Plan Risk Responses proce~s.
, C. The project manager should hnl'l' crc.1tcd workarounds.
1 D. Triggers should not be identified until the Implement Ri ~ k Rc~pomcs process.
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