People often ask the questions is it like being z female genera: manager? Have you had to
People often ask the questions is it like being z female genera: manager?
Have you had to •auk harder to keep up your male colleagues;
• Hzve you found difficult being a wontgn general manage"
The answer is usually quite simple — hoe,' would know! Ive never been a man? I haven': lud the opportunity to see the world from male :oundcd couid come comparison anci unrorlunately perhaps my one regret could be never had the opportuntry make the com-
parison and therefore, can imagine and never round To Ine IS about What life is like a female — bot just sunpiy as a geraal n'.anagel I'm certainly going to be one Who tels my maie colleagues I have v.orkcd any harda than have to get am today — I',q leave their Er:ter I am lucky to have heen broughl up in an Organ•sauan where I have like a female GM — bul lust sim@y a GM, a pa;t Of team.
colleagues feel that i am any different they-ve made a good job out oi hiding the over the perhaps my shoulders are ' broad I didn't even no[ice — was busy becoming GM.
I've had the benefit of a solid, logicai career the right opparcunjt:es at the right time. I never once considered that my sex may have held me%ack Or interrup:ed goals. At the end Of the day am believe — Say. do and try as you like, from whatoet background or gender you is Only 'petformance that is reality'. It is that space and opporunity to pet-form thal is key though, coupled personal drive, ambioon and experience. is what has led me be the hale' general manager that 17 years ago on leaving Tertian' College dteamed could One Cay be.
Did my Temaleness• provide extra drive and determination* Who knows the answer [o that?
I am not able (o Bivc a woman's perspective Of the of general managers in effective man-
agernent of people. As rve said, i am able to give perspective of a genera} manager in our indust:y [0±1}' _ Just some of the key tncks of the are as People are our single biggest asset, only through them Our SUCccss win come. Simplisticaliy, look after your people and they In turn wilt [cok after our guests and ultimmeiy influence the line Surely thereforc, this asse( Our patience and focus are (Iiings to be very imponan\ to my success: my peaple, my guests and the Of Iny business My peaple, therefore. deserve one Of my fine, focus. energy and commitment — an equal share of efforts. This is how plan nay day, week. month. year. rhrce most Årt%e-; have
#!!# Jolla Adams on duty as member of (he service staff wi:h ABC Hotel After an over:srns ciicked he: fingers and whistled for Adams temper. noi the guest this He then *F.kmed the guest that if did stop her obnoxious Ixiaviour no one would anyone else with service. guesl complained In a morn attendant "darns was reprimanded by the personnel manager of the Intel threalene€! dismissal In his defcm-c healed words were with The guest when she leil the lounge late thttt nigh( to go to room dicl swear her I did allow her rile me She starved causing Trmhle as she came inm the lounge after the hat had day Miff me about when they went off duty. She was clicking her finger: and whistling She the [Jay back me when I took food to room at 3 in the morning- I told her i: was about shc stopped behaving like J had Of et.aything_ lie,- would get any if she treated po-'ple like TASKS (i) Analyse the main issue(s) of managc«nent and organisational behav.our identified in this (ii) Suggest how the issue(s) might iRSt resolved. Assuming you are the general manager of RBC Hotel what would you propose to Oke?
Step by Step Answer:
Hospitality Management And Organizational Behavior
ISBN: 9780582432253
4th Edition
Authors: Laurie J. Mullins