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strategic management and business policy
Questions and Answers of
Strategic Management And Business Policy
How do the views on the strategy process expressed in this chapter deal with the key questions posed in Chapter 2? These key questions are as follows:1.What theory of human psychology – that is
What does institutional theory add to our understanding of strategic management?
What does it mean to say that the writers reviewed in this chapter double process and why might this be problematic?
How do writers in this chapter use the concept of emergence?
Why is it problematic to think of strategising as a rational activity?
What are the similarities and differences between process- and activity-based views of strategy?
In your own experience, what do you find practical in the writings of the strategy process-and activity-based views?
What traditions of thought and taken-for-granted assumptions are reflected in the notions of process, practice and activity in the process- and activity-based views of strategy?
What do the concepts of process and practice mean in the process- and activitybased views of strategy?
What is the nature of the relationship between the individual and the social in psychoanalysis?
What does it mean to contain anxiety and how does this happen?
How would you think about power from the open systems/psychoanalytic perspective?
How would you think about teams from a psychoanalytic perspective?
How would you understand the move to the mystical in organisational learning theory from a psychoanalytic perspective?
From a psychoanalytic perspective, how would you understand the notion of the charismatic leader?
What are the similarities and differences between psychoanalysis, cognitivism, constructivism and humanistic psychology?
How do open systems differ from cybernetic systems and systems dynamics models?
If double-loop learning is as difficult for people as some writers claim then how do organisations change?
Do you think it is possible for people to change their mental models?
Can organisations learn?
What implications do theories of organisational learning and knowledge creation have for strategy?
What are the basic features of constructivist psychology?
How is the conceptualisation of control different in systems dynamics from that in cybernetics?
What theory of causality is reflected in systems dynamics?
What does it mean to be practical if you subscribe to this theory?
What theories of causality are implied by the theory of strategic choice?
What taken-for-granted assumptions does the theory of strategic choice make about human individuals and the social world they live in?
What theory of communication is central to cognitivist psychology?
What role does the notion of the objective observer play in cybernetic systems and cognitivist psychology?
If you think in the way suggested by the theory of strategic choice how would you explain what an organisation is?
What are the essential features of a cybernetic system and what assumptions does such a theory make about the world it is trying to explain?
Where in your own experience do you see organisational manifestations of the thinking described in this chapter?
How does one explain learning, creativity, spontaneity and choice from a systems perspective?
In what way does systems thinking about organisations reflect a dualist, ‘both ... and’way of thinking and what are the consequences?
How does the development of management thinking reflect changes in ways of thinking in the natural sciences?
What are the distinctions between efficient, formative and rationalist causality?
What are the key elements of a system and what are the consequences of thinking about organisations in this way?
What is your understanding of the concept of system?
How do you think individual and group are related to each other?
How does a particular perspective on reality affect the way we might undertake strategy and organisational change?
How do we make sense of ‘strategy’ and ‘organisational change’ and in what traditions of thought is such sense making located?
What are the phenomena that are being talked about when the terms ‘strategy’ and‘organisational change’ are used?
Why is it so difficult to take up alternative ways of thinking?
Why do those concerned with organisations keep insisting on the provision of tools and techniques despite the lack of evidence that they work?
What roles have business schools and management consultants played in developing notions of strategic management?
How useful do you find the tools and techniques of management? How pervasive are they in your own organisation?
What is your own experience of what seems to work in managing organisations?
Why do you think it might prove to be difficult to provide robust evidence of ‘what works’ in management?
Contrast the biological metaphor of the organization as a uni-minded adaptive organism with the poised model of a multi-minded, purposeful and cocreative system.
Is it not extremely dangerous for any organization to outsource innovation activities? If anything can be outsourced, what remains of distinctive competencies in the organization, or are these not
Inertia, rigidities and ‘path dependencies’ are well-known phenomena for any large organization. How can these be overcome?
Some companies pursue the practice of ‘boundarylessness’. Does this imply that boundaries – be they organizational, geographical, functional, etc. – are necessarily obsolete or ‘bad’? Can
Effective self-organization activities imply ‘managing at the edge of chaos’.Compare Walt Disney Company with Shell in managing the paradox of simultaneous efficiency and renewal.
Can the methods used by Steve Miller at Shell, to destabilize organizational equilibrium, be applied in any organizational context? Why or why not?
Leaders, managers and frontline specialists all have prominent roles in enabling poised strategy, and thus organizational survival through innovation.Discuss these roles in terms of their scope,
What are the major approaches/methods used by Jeffrey Immelt to turn GE’s corporate culture around to one focused on innovation, without sacrificing process-oriented excellence?
Develop particular measurements (evaluation criteria/norms) for each of the four dimensions of the poised strategy scorecard (PSC), and explain how they differ from the measurements of the balanced
Development of new business models inherently involves additional costs and risks. What tool(s) are available for balancing (and reducing) such risks?
Are some industries, and their companies, more amenable to open innovation practices than others? Substantiate your response by comparing a number of industries and prominent companies.
What capabilities are required to create a ‘new value curve’, and thereby a new customer value proposition, as Home Depot did?
Starbucks ‘discovered’ new market space opportunities and transformed a functional product into an emotional one. Could the same be achieved for other ‘commodity’ products such as tea, milk,
Sense-making of business ecosystem trends and their underlying influences is important for business model reinvention. What sense-making capabilities should an organization such as Shell have, and
Select any company, and apply the wheel of business model reinvention process to (hypothetically) reinvent its business model. Indicate where &how you start the process, and why.
Provide an insightful and concise comparison (e.g. similarities, differences)between the traditional strategy creation process (analysis-formulationimplementation-change), and the holistic (poised)
Why have some traditional large airline passenger companies not been successful in creating and implementing an additional discount, low-cost business model?
Should every company strive to be a ‘keystone’ or ‘prime mover’ company in its business ecosystem? Why or why not?
“The very best sustaining companies systematically ignore disruptive innovation threats until it is almost too late.” Indicate how companies can avoid this by focusing on both ‘new-market’
With the benefit of hindsight, what should the CEO of Encyclopedia Britannica have done in the early 1990’s to avoid its near-demise?
The concept of ‘organizational poise’ should not be confused with the concept of ‘organizational balance’. Contrast the differences in the strategic management approaches of ‘balancing’
“Not every Xerox spin-off venture that attempted a new business model went on to success”. What were the reasons for this, and should this discourage enterprises to experiment with new business
Why is it necessary for organizations to rejuvenate themselves, and what approaches are, or could be used, for this purpose?
Contrast the concepts of ‘industry’ and ‘business ecosystem’, with the use of several (e.g. at least 3) practical examples.
Why does an organization require a portfolio of business models? And does this differ from the traditional practice of conglomerate organizations with a portfolio of separate businesses (or SBUs)?
Provide a concise review of the relationships among the concepts of business model, strategy and value network/chain.
With IBM’s new focus (and mindset) of innovating customers’ businesses, what new organizational capability challenges are posed for IBM to be successful?
Why is the locus of innovation today often migrating beyond the confines of centralized R&D departments?
Views concerning the process of innovation have evolved from simple linear models to open systems innovation. Provide a concise review of the reasons for this evolvement.
Various taxonomies (or views) of innovation exist. What are the reasons for this, and what should be the dominant taxonomy (or taxonomies) for purpose of strategic management?
Virgin Atlantic challenged the traditional assumptions in the international passenger airlines industry. Can any organization use similar approaches to challenge traditional industry assumptions?
In its ‘Top Plus Program’, Siemens makes use of radical approaches to defy old paradigms. Discuss these, and indicate your opinion if these are also relevant for other organizations (in different
The conventional organizational mindset (goods-centered dominant logic)is not seen as mutually exclusive from the value-innovation mindset(value/service-centered dominant logic). What are the
“Mental models (in organizations) manifest themselves in corporate control systems”. Provide a concise discussion of this statement.
Provide an insightful comparison (e.g. similarities, differences), between the concepts of organizational learning, knowledge management, and innovation.
“What’s wrong with strategy?”. This question is increasingly posed by prominent authors, and some contend that strategy cannot be created by a methodological approach. Provide an insightful
What new (or different) organizational capabilities are required for the 21st century business enterprise? Are these really ‘new’, or just a shift in emphasis(or approach) to organizational
The 21st century business model has emerged from a number of trends, and“they are now changing the rules on a broad front”. What ‘rules’ are being changed (or reshaped) and why?
“In the innovation economy, the network will be the value innovation engine”. Provide an insightful review of the meaning of this statement.
The traditional strategic management approaches are often contrasted as dichotomies of ‘prediction’ vs. ‘learning’, or ‘deliberate’ vs. ‘emergent’, or‘outward-in’ vs.
Some observers contend that an organization should not strive for a continuous“fit” with its environment, but a discontinuous or punctuated “misfit”.Provide a logical review of the various
Review the major analytical approaches to understand the external environment of an enterprise, and provide your view on the need for additional/new environmental ‘sense-making’ approaches and
Why has the decade of the 1990’s witnessed an emphasis on BPR (business process reengineering), TQM (total quality management), outsourcing, downsizing and ‘core competencies’ in strategic
Some prominent strategic management authors contend that traditional(20th century) strategic management approaches are adequate in any environment, and do not require any significant changes, renewal
Select 2-3 industries, and review how the ‘driving’ forces in the innovation economy are affecting their traditional characteristics and dynamics (e.g.the steel, pharmaceuticals, banking,
Provide an insightful review of the concepts of creativity, innovation and energy, and the relationships among them.
To what extent is there a relative shift in power and value creation activity –from supply chains to demand chains – in the innovation economy?
To what extent is a major wine producing company such as Gallo, renowned for its ‘terroir’, marketing and production knowledge capabilities, affected by the challenges of the innovation economy?
Select any enterprise known to you and provide a logical review of why the traditional (analytical) strategy dimensions of context, content and process are inadequate to cope with the challenges of
Why are some highly-developed countries (such as Germany) facing major challenges in the innovation economy? Are there more examples of such countries, and what are the challenges for developing
“The core principles that underpin the modern enterprise are all being challenged”. Provide a logical review of this statement, with a concise contrast of the ‘industrial economy enterprise’
Some observers would disagree with the view that there is an “innovation economy” or even a “new economy”. Analyze these views and their counterparts, and provide your own opinion, in view of
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