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Write a paper which includes an identification of the major issues both individual and organizational involved, and explain the following. What do you see

Write a paper which includes an identification of the major issues both individual and organizational involved, and explain the following.

• What do you see as the major problems and issues in the case?

• What factors contributed to the problems?

• What effects did these problems have on the individuals involved and on the effectiveness of the team/organization?

• How do some of the individual differences the major characters brought with them into the MGI team help explain what happened? How might concepts such as cultural differences, perception, attribution and personality offer any insight? If so, why and in what ways? Relate what happened to the specific theories and concepts that you use – and give examples to explain your reasoning.

• Using what you know about the MBTI dimensions, are there any that might help to explain the behavior of the members of the MGI team? What behaviors lead you to make those characterizations?

• What problems do you see with the way the team operated? What did they need to do differently? What did individual team members need to do differently?

• How would you assess the leadership style, approaches to handling conflict, and communication styles of the leader(s) of the MGI TEAM?

• Who should have done what – and when - so that the end of the case, as described, could have been avoided?

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Introduction This paper explores various problems and their solutions of creative business plans The paper reveals that issues of MGI Company which wants to launch a music CD game which can help music ... blur-text-image
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