1. Answer true or false
DA True or False for the following statements when a Table Person is defined as follow: Create Table PERSON Ssn INT NOT NULL, Dno INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1. Fname VarChar(20), Lname VarChar(20) NOT NULL, Super_ssn INT. PRIMARY KEY (Ssn), Foreign Key (Super_ssn) References Person (Ssn). Foreign Key (Dno) References Department (Dnumber) [ ] 1) When a value of the attribute Fname is missing, if a tuple is inserted with NULL for FName, a RDBMS server always replaces it with the special character for NULL [12) The Foreign Key attribute Super_ssn in the table PERSON can NOT be NULL at any case. [13) (Ssn, Super_ssn) can be a SuperKey of Table PERSON and a KEY of Table PERSON as well []4) In three levels of the architecture of RDBMS, a RDBMS server stores and maintains Database Schema information (meta data) and data instances all the record tuples) of the tables together in the same files in the file system of RDBMS. []5) Any Retrieval (Select) statement could change a valid state of database to an Invalid state. (16) Any DML (Data Manipulation Language) statement could change a valid state of databato an Invalid state. [17) Every tuple in a relation (Base Table) should be unique. (18) Every SQL query result always returns unique tuples only 19) A SQL query with a missing WHERE clause would return an Empty Result 113) (San, Super_san) can be a SuperKey of Table PERSON and a KEY of Table PERSON as well 14) in three levels of the architecture of RDBMS, a RDBMS server stores and maintains Database Schema information (metadata) and data instances (all the record tuples) of the tables together in the same files in the file system of RDBMS. [15) Any Retrieval (Select) statement could change a valid state of database to an invalid state, 16) Any DML. (Data Manipulation Language) statement could change a valid state of database to an Invalid state (17) Every tuple in a relation (Base Table) should be unique 118) Every SQL query result always retums unique tuples only 9) A SQL query with a missing WHERE clause would return an Empty Result 110) The result of a SQL query using a Set Operator like Union, Intersect, an Except always returns unique tuples only